I want to thank the worlds best holistic doctor for offering to treat my mother probono. She is not coming at the moment, maybe this kind offer will help. But I wanted to share it with the world, that German Holistic Medicine has a heart and a soul and that heart beats very loudly. How do you ever thank a doctor for giving my mother the chance. Alas, its a chance she already declined, if her conventional oncologist said go for maybe a different story. The point I was highlighting was Gods power, the power of love, the power of kindness.
In this world of suffering, well, such clear acts of love have to be shared, else the darkness is overwhelming, certainly in terms of cancer suffering and greed.
Up at 5am, 2 hours meditations, "Gods love is real" this simple, undeniable fact is enshrined in my heart, I could not deny it if I wanted to. Then an hours singing. then a sleep. Then 2 hours hard, but wonderful yoga. My old body, is healing, its flexibility is increasing, so is its strength.
The world should come to yoga vidya and stay. The world would be a better place, dare I suggest it, heaven on earth, at least in respect to the current challenging opportunities that surrounds us all.
I had a wonderful little farewell from yoga vidya, from my new friend, call her yoga goddess and the other ancient and wise yoga guru, I call him. To simple hugs goodbye. For 18 months, the best I could get as a farewell from hotel receptionists was a smile, and that was after the credit card cleared. I have a family with love at yoga yidya. Where there is real kindness, concern and friendship, there is love. Not romantic love, but a deeper love built on the best aspects of the human spirit. Of course I am back at the ashram next weekend.
Busy with treatments, after leaving yoga vidya, I flew on the autobahns to frankfurt 3 hours and go oncothermia to my liver, gcmafiv, b17, dmso. I great talk with Dr Siebenhuener about Ashvagrada and the vitamin c berry, see the blog from a few days ago. I told him about the surprising recovery of my sexual function after only two days of supplementation. I have to my Dr informed, he smiled at his bottles. Only 18 euros for 3 months for both bottles, makes viagra look expensive, and when you think of the side effects.
Then I drove a few more hours listening to my favourite songs, chantting OM in the car, yes meditating at 220km/h, its an interesting experience to be flying fast and peacefully. I pulled into the farmhouse, brewed up my coffee, a bit strong and had another mind blowing pair of enemas and meditations. The trick is to role your tongue so it touches the back of your mouth and cover your wind pipe. Then you get the oxygen deprivation that facilitates the transendental experiences, very close to the near death experiences I expect when people say they meet God, indeed, I feel like I have and gained wonderful insights. All this is based on what I have learned at yoga vidya.
For me whats been missing is getting my body in the correct relaxed position, I have away of floating in the bath, while holding the enema that allows extreme relation and all the chakras to be open. I effectively stop breathing for 30 minutes each enema. Of course I thank Jesus for my life, I contemplate. One crystal clear inssight I has was I already have the most beautiful wife and mother who needs my help, at the same time I am surrounded by capivating women. Alas my place is a home and they say sexual energy shoudl be channeled for higher purposes. I regretfully subscibe to this view being witness to the exceptional bodies that only yoga can produce. Spiritual enlightenment is easily worth the sacrifice. I did call my wife tonight to tell that i love her, that a Dr offer to treat my mother for free. I cannot wait to get home, but she knows as well as I , I really have one shot at a full remission.
I am so determined to being the full power of yoga vidya's teachings and resources, all that i have access to. All the medical expertese, and all the resources I have to get me into remission. I doubt any other colorectal cancer patient in history, has access to the combination of holistic and medical therapies I am blessed to recieving. Of course this has not been a fluke, read the blog to see I how I climbed "My Everest" Almost at the summit.
The nicest reality, is even if I trip and fall. IE I die from cancer, my lord will catch and I go to heaven with all my friends. I however can clearly see the summit, its where I am cancer free. Of course I still have to get down, thats staying in remission. But one step at a time.
I commend spiritual yoga to you, and a close union with your God, especially if you have cancer. After is cancer not an appointment in god diary for a meeting in the not to distant future. My plan is you jump in fast and meet God in your heart today, well you might be pleasantly surprised at the healing power of his love. Then that appointment with God might be deferred, along long time. And thats really good, as life is bliss.
My friend Grace, told me to follow my bliss. It lead me to yoga vidya and to healing. thankyou Grace. This Thursday with Prof Vogl will be interesting, Dr Siebenhuener is coming along, I have a vile of GCMAF to inject into the liver and lungs. I have hammered the GCMAF therapy to prove the power of the immune system over cancer, the anti pdl1 DC vaccine wednesday my insurance policy. I will do cancer markers and crp before vaccine.
Without any doubt I am the most blessed metastatic cancer patient on the planet, I thank God every breathe for my existence and I plan not to waste it, when I get full remission. I have amazing vivid dreams, that occur while awake while meditating. They are for me alone, sorry, but you see I have a purpose and if its Gods will I will live. I will be at the Ashram as much as possible learning and developing myself in many areas. As sooon as I am in remission I will go home, I pray my mother lives long enough for me to see her, but I will not risk my life to see her prematurely. One death to lung cancer or metastatis is enough, she knows I love her. I know she wants me to stay and be completely healed. That said I may already be cancer free, if so I will be on the plane 11 april. If thats the case its another blessed miracle. Alas God does seem to challenge us all so we grow, I will let those challenges reveal themselves in the fullness of time. I have a warm bed, for that I am grateful and for your company on my journey.
God was always in my heart, it just took meditation to show me he was there. I commend it to you, as its a pleasanrt, dare I say it, blissful way to live.
In this world of suffering, well, such clear acts of love have to be shared, else the darkness is overwhelming, certainly in terms of cancer suffering and greed.
Up at 5am, 2 hours meditations, "Gods love is real" this simple, undeniable fact is enshrined in my heart, I could not deny it if I wanted to. Then an hours singing. then a sleep. Then 2 hours hard, but wonderful yoga. My old body, is healing, its flexibility is increasing, so is its strength.
The world should come to yoga vidya and stay. The world would be a better place, dare I suggest it, heaven on earth, at least in respect to the current challenging opportunities that surrounds us all.
I had a wonderful little farewell from yoga vidya, from my new friend, call her yoga goddess and the other ancient and wise yoga guru, I call him. To simple hugs goodbye. For 18 months, the best I could get as a farewell from hotel receptionists was a smile, and that was after the credit card cleared. I have a family with love at yoga yidya. Where there is real kindness, concern and friendship, there is love. Not romantic love, but a deeper love built on the best aspects of the human spirit. Of course I am back at the ashram next weekend.
Busy with treatments, after leaving yoga vidya, I flew on the autobahns to frankfurt 3 hours and go oncothermia to my liver, gcmafiv, b17, dmso. I great talk with Dr Siebenhuener about Ashvagrada and the vitamin c berry, see the blog from a few days ago. I told him about the surprising recovery of my sexual function after only two days of supplementation. I have to my Dr informed, he smiled at his bottles. Only 18 euros for 3 months for both bottles, makes viagra look expensive, and when you think of the side effects.
Then I drove a few more hours listening to my favourite songs, chantting OM in the car, yes meditating at 220km/h, its an interesting experience to be flying fast and peacefully. I pulled into the farmhouse, brewed up my coffee, a bit strong and had another mind blowing pair of enemas and meditations. The trick is to role your tongue so it touches the back of your mouth and cover your wind pipe. Then you get the oxygen deprivation that facilitates the transendental experiences, very close to the near death experiences I expect when people say they meet God, indeed, I feel like I have and gained wonderful insights. All this is based on what I have learned at yoga vidya.
For me whats been missing is getting my body in the correct relaxed position, I have away of floating in the bath, while holding the enema that allows extreme relation and all the chakras to be open. I effectively stop breathing for 30 minutes each enema. Of course I thank Jesus for my life, I contemplate. One crystal clear inssight I has was I already have the most beautiful wife and mother who needs my help, at the same time I am surrounded by capivating women. Alas my place is a home and they say sexual energy shoudl be channeled for higher purposes. I regretfully subscibe to this view being witness to the exceptional bodies that only yoga can produce. Spiritual enlightenment is easily worth the sacrifice. I did call my wife tonight to tell that i love her, that a Dr offer to treat my mother for free. I cannot wait to get home, but she knows as well as I , I really have one shot at a full remission.
I am so determined to being the full power of yoga vidya's teachings and resources, all that i have access to. All the medical expertese, and all the resources I have to get me into remission. I doubt any other colorectal cancer patient in history, has access to the combination of holistic and medical therapies I am blessed to recieving. Of course this has not been a fluke, read the blog to see I how I climbed "My Everest" Almost at the summit.
The nicest reality, is even if I trip and fall. IE I die from cancer, my lord will catch and I go to heaven with all my friends. I however can clearly see the summit, its where I am cancer free. Of course I still have to get down, thats staying in remission. But one step at a time.
I commend spiritual yoga to you, and a close union with your God, especially if you have cancer. After is cancer not an appointment in god diary for a meeting in the not to distant future. My plan is you jump in fast and meet God in your heart today, well you might be pleasantly surprised at the healing power of his love. Then that appointment with God might be deferred, along long time. And thats really good, as life is bliss.
My friend Grace, told me to follow my bliss. It lead me to yoga vidya and to healing. thankyou Grace. This Thursday with Prof Vogl will be interesting, Dr Siebenhuener is coming along, I have a vile of GCMAF to inject into the liver and lungs. I have hammered the GCMAF therapy to prove the power of the immune system over cancer, the anti pdl1 DC vaccine wednesday my insurance policy. I will do cancer markers and crp before vaccine.
Without any doubt I am the most blessed metastatic cancer patient on the planet, I thank God every breathe for my existence and I plan not to waste it, when I get full remission. I have amazing vivid dreams, that occur while awake while meditating. They are for me alone, sorry, but you see I have a purpose and if its Gods will I will live. I will be at the Ashram as much as possible learning and developing myself in many areas. As sooon as I am in remission I will go home, I pray my mother lives long enough for me to see her, but I will not risk my life to see her prematurely. One death to lung cancer or metastatis is enough, she knows I love her. I know she wants me to stay and be completely healed. That said I may already be cancer free, if so I will be on the plane 11 april. If thats the case its another blessed miracle. Alas God does seem to challenge us all so we grow, I will let those challenges reveal themselves in the fullness of time. I have a warm bed, for that I am grateful and for your company on my journey.
God was always in my heart, it just took meditation to show me he was there. I commend it to you, as its a pleasanrt, dare I say it, blissful way to live.