Did markers today, watching for trend reversal or continued falls.
also did b17, and 1.1ml goleic. Stretching dmso out to 3 days, note my dr did dmso research and advised zink needed for transport efficacy dmso. Popping zinc again when florian said get off it.
at infusion a wife shared that her teenage daughter wants her to walk her down the isle. My daughter said the same. The mum was very anxious rising markers, i said use the info to treat effectively and to view everything in life as a gift from god.
i have my treatment loan approved, to cover 3 years treatments, but wife not agreeable. The joys of life, but i did find a good source of funds to avoid or defer selling any of my property, but this just god directing me. I maybe in remission soon and not need the cash, so many unpaid medical bills. But i am alive and thinking of strategies and praying.
still unboxing and settling into joyful house with kids, dogs and no wife at present. Its so calm, life is absolute bliss, my son rode bike to and from school. All the boxes almost unpacked.
my far infared sauna is hot, the coffee enemas wonderful and my simple healing family life great. I have been so blessed to have some much support from friends.
today a dear friend did her hla low resolution subtype a and b to see if good candidate german dc vaccine, another friend is agonising over this.
a dc vaccine equals 6 months effective budget german alternative treatments.
the money wasted conventional cancer treatment is tragic. I could also say criminal but times are changing, its just many of my dearest friends have massive challenges, as i do.
the bigger the challenge the more i feel gods deep love for me. Feel free to accept all challenges jofully, not a precious second is to be lost to depression or anxiety.
the witness principle applies to my life, i witness my wifes refusal as gods will.
i have big decisions to make, so i will sleep.
i need to make some serious cash to fund treatments, i will pray for cash.
i want to go to germany with family and business well organised.
tomorrow maybe another joyous day. I hope yours is.
after my sons nightly massage, he said i love you. Thats the best and most powerful medicine, of course for me rfa, b17, dmso, goleic eta is going pretty well.