I could have used stress instead of joy in the title as this morning i witnessed an amazing site. At the old hoarding home my wife frantically is opening the 80 big garbage bags, one by one pulling out her treasures. The bags were filled by friends.
So now i rent a new clean home where kids, dogs and i live peacefully, the hoarder lives in the house of garvage, her choice. I am resigned to pay double rent as if we are living separate lives, which in fact we have for the last week.
i needed the 15 meditation lunchtime as the seriousness of my wifes ocd hoarding was clearly manifest on the front laen of our old home.
i called the acute care team and briefly discussed options for the hoarder. A wonderful new friend has helped everyday moving, cleaning and organising. So 12 years of hoarding and associated chaos, well the shear volume of work to have some order is vast.
i dont want too just move chaos from old to new address. My home now is a place of order and peace and the only screaming this week was wife screaming at kids which woke ne from my evening nap.
what to do to help wife and kids in case cancer gets me is balanced with divorcing and having a very peaceful life. My envirinnent is jey to healing. On that subject i attend a days healing workshop tomorrow.
today b17, dmso, goleic 2.2, alpha lipoic acid iv and 24 urine test.
i have faith in gods love and wisdom.