So some good news about cea and also 199 marker and bloods.
Today i drove 6 hours duderstadt to planegg. I joyfully gently rub my dc vaccine lump that dr nesslehut gavr me yesterday. 10 million cells.
The berlin immune profiles indicate very high plasma treg, this issue addressed by 500 mg xeloda 3 weeks on one week off.
Also today florian, dr schilling did met vitalwave to address liver inflamation due to rfa, treg issues and nerve damage due to dca.
Following markers like a hawk, getting back all treatments to barest minimum.
The role of the cost effective ketogenic diet and exercise may well play a role in saving my life.
See from the study
Altogether, these findings indicate that the intracellular metabolic and energy status controlled by leptin-mTOR may control the choice between anergy and growth in Treg cells. This aspect can have influences in modulating immune responses in autoimmunity and transplantation.
I think of wife, kids and friends often, but its to leave them in peace, they know my heart bursts with love for them, but this part of the journey is mine alone. With the exceptional companionship of my god.
I have a serene sense of peace, of acceptance and faith that whatever transpires is good , and gods will for me.
I see and feel so much love and kindness around me, another day of healing hugs from doctors, nurses.
The role of the ketogenic diet and the immune response i will continue to study, i hear that the gcmaf clinic now recommends ketogenic rather than paleo.
Dealing with the aftermarth of gcmaf goleic failure, on my part, and that of 2 close friends, and similar reported gcmaf failures well puts the claims as a gcmaf mono therapy on shaky grounds.
The only focus i can see if profiteering on vulnerable cancer patients, with no interest or followup on gcmaf clinic failures. So of course i did something wrong to destroy there wonderful product.
I trusted the gcmaf conference advice re goleic monotherapy december january , this failed me.
Many still benefit from gcmaf therapies, i heard of more today. I have more faith in the gcmaf clinicians than the promoters but accept without greed these products would not exist, and then maybe i would not.
Surviving the immunotherapy revolution is alot trickier than i imagined.
If every breathe breathed is full of joy, maybe the god within my cells will hear my prayers and heal me.
Another day, thank you lord
Guidance re ketogenic and dc vaccination, well help me if you can, its not elucidated, but this study a guide.
Finally, caloric intake and mitochondrial activity are important determinants of organismal as well as cellular lifespan (72, 73). Therefore targeting DCs metabolism can also be used to manipulate DC longevity to affect their immunostimulatory potential. For example, mTOR inhibition has shown to increase the lifespan of TLR-activated DCs and enhance their capacity to induce protective tumor immunity (38).