So straight after my blog yesterday, I went to goto bed and no bed, all the lights are out and somelese is sleeping in my bed and snoring. I left them alone, I went to my old dorm room and its full of women and full. So I headed down the big yoga room and slept like a yogi on a couple of yoga mats and meditation sheets.
I thought a great opportunity to meditate the entire night, I did get some sleep and lots meditation. I was woken about 5.30am by the yoga teachers training course, that I joined in on.
A little bit of a medical update and some thoughts.
today in chakra healing we studied energy leaks and prana
For every sentence yogi said, I could tie our cancer success with our prana levels in many regards, from the emotional energy needed to implement lifestyle changes re diet, stress, exercise. to the physical energy needed to heal from heavy immune responses like removab or dc vaccines or RFA for that matter. I am far more aware of my energy, I do like to talk ( too much ) but the advantage being in germany is I am forced to be quiet and conserve energy. I also look back on all the research and see the massive energy used, the good intentions. I suspect the saving grace for me is that I have shared what I learned believed and that in the sharing I have gained access universal prana that helped stay energised.
so the energy leaks talking, moving, thinking, emotions. I will be more ruthless with my energy, I commend that approach to you all also. Our immune system when activated is one huge energy consumer. The simple test is if you jump out of bed, after great dreams your going pretty well. If you dont have energy, well I would focus on that before supplements and therapies.
without energy, where is the joy and love, without these in abundance whats the point of a depressing energyless survival. One tip from a brilliant doctor was glactose, a cheap oral sugar. I need to check if its ketogenic, but once a month is all that was suggested as a considerable wellbeing boost. of course do you own homework on this. they did offer it at hallwang clinic also.
I have offset lack of sleep with lots of extra meditation today, its kind of blissful.
My maf 314 is ready to mix and have I am so blessed and grateful to my friend for providing it.
No matter what, turning nowhere to sleep into a growth opportunity, a healing opportunity is something I am proud of. Maybe last night my immune system got rid of all the cancer cells. thats a very sustaining thought.
I will survive , godbless. Its saturday night, my friend and I are skipping prayers and singing and heading off to the sauna 50km away.
I thought a great opportunity to meditate the entire night, I did get some sleep and lots meditation. I was woken about 5.30am by the yoga teachers training course, that I joined in on.
A little bit of a medical update and some thoughts.
today in chakra healing we studied energy leaks and prana
For every sentence yogi said, I could tie our cancer success with our prana levels in many regards, from the emotional energy needed to implement lifestyle changes re diet, stress, exercise. to the physical energy needed to heal from heavy immune responses like removab or dc vaccines or RFA for that matter. I am far more aware of my energy, I do like to talk ( too much ) but the advantage being in germany is I am forced to be quiet and conserve energy. I also look back on all the research and see the massive energy used, the good intentions. I suspect the saving grace for me is that I have shared what I learned believed and that in the sharing I have gained access universal prana that helped stay energised.
so the energy leaks talking, moving, thinking, emotions. I will be more ruthless with my energy, I commend that approach to you all also. Our immune system when activated is one huge energy consumer. The simple test is if you jump out of bed, after great dreams your going pretty well. If you dont have energy, well I would focus on that before supplements and therapies.
without energy, where is the joy and love, without these in abundance whats the point of a depressing energyless survival. One tip from a brilliant doctor was glactose, a cheap oral sugar. I need to check if its ketogenic, but once a month is all that was suggested as a considerable wellbeing boost. of course do you own homework on this. they did offer it at hallwang clinic also.
I have offset lack of sleep with lots of extra meditation today, its kind of blissful.
My maf 314 is ready to mix and have I am so blessed and grateful to my friend for providing it.
No matter what, turning nowhere to sleep into a growth opportunity, a healing opportunity is something I am proud of. Maybe last night my immune system got rid of all the cancer cells. thats a very sustaining thought.
I will survive , godbless. Its saturday night, my friend and I are skipping prayers and singing and heading off to the sauna 50km away.