photo is me getting oncothermia to lungs, with dmso and b17 iv, then liver. After goliec gcmaf nebulizer. Oh this morning enema, yoga, three step breathing, alkaline bath and meditation. With a hearty ketogenic breakfast, berries and maf 314 yogurt and walking to dr siebenhueners clinic.
So i am pushing the alternatives as i maybe leaving 22nd august, praying and asking dr opinions. To stay here and watch the markets fall seems easier and safer then trying to achieve this sydney. Which i never have. Lots to consider, clinical, financial, personal.
My focus is survival and my health, if i miss my daughters 13th birthday, well hey i might live to enjoy all the rest. My dear mum said stay and fix your cancer as her cancer brings her closer to jesus day by day. But the need for a last hug and kiss second to my survival. She said the kids need you and you have a long life left. God i hope so. Thats a mothers love and not being pressured by her a huge relief, i will come home when its the right time for me.
So the markers are beyond good, they are bloody magnificent, in case your a cancer virgin.
Progressive disease equals death, exploding liver tumours doubling each week means death, no more movies, icecream or sex, or love and fun, its all over. If you are into yoga, no more blissful meditations or headstands or yummy vegan salads.
So i do appreciate my blessings and gods success, yes its my very mortal body.
Its clear another tace benefical, the cat mri to line up with markers. It also serves as a tumour marking exercise for my photo dynamic therapy next week. The red dye works to 6cm, so if any mets reachable i will try.
I am trying to squeeze in dc vaccine before i fly, i so believe in the synergy of my cocktail. But unlikely, if possible i drive duderstadt, for blood draw friday.
I have flight home friday booked, to very stressful domestic but my daughters 13th and to see dieing mother, i also can get pet scan and possibly rfa again. I can come home with b17, dmso, iv curcumin to address post rfa inflamation. So again i have a decisions decisions decisions.
And yes they are life and death.
For the record, my latest dc vaccine, tace has worked again, with so many other supporting therapies. See the last months blogs for details. I had the best thai massage last night and slept so well, early to bed, and early to rise.
A wonderful cancer friend is trying photo dynamic therapy today, please pray it works.
I have so many people to thank.
If prof vogl says miracle well, who am i to argue. Its simple get on my knees and pray, if you want to know why i say thanks read these abstracts. I hope he says it tomorrow.
The gcmaf goleic will be targeted at the liver met prof vogl decides, screw cancer and liver mets to hell. A big thank you to the macrophage king for support.
I want life, i want success and with your prayers and thoughts, my doctors help and my open prayers and will to live, i will do just that.
Got to sleep tace in 8 hours.