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Its my birthday, 48 and still going

http://www.viewzone.com/mebendazole.html thanks adam, I have been on albendazole for a long time, I am so grateful to professor morris for suggesting it.

So more life would be a nice present!!!

I feel great, my thoughts have drifted to this thursdays possible results, when I see professor vogl to tace the lung met.

I ask myself the questions is this relaxed healing environment helping the vaccine, the gcmaf. Is the other alternative therapies like PDT photo dynamic therapy going to deliver results.

These thoughts cross my awareness, not often, but when they do I am sincerely curious. My survival as always hangings on the success of these therapies. Of course the therapies means the lifestyle and all the medical.

Its strange having a birthday in the ashram, its very quiet here today and I got called into the office because someone said I was cooking eggs in the staff kitchen. I explained i only boiled milk for my yogurt ie maf314 .

I did not mention it before, but the yogurt was thrown out by accident I was told. So I lost my culture 2 and had to drive to frankfurt for my backup cultures. How lucky was I.

So I have had some healing session with tibetan healing bowls, and then yesterday a another type of healing session aimed at clearing past hurts and focusing awareness on my inner child. So its fair to say I am getting pretty alternative here in the ashram.

I feel so good, I believe this feeling reflects my liver and lung status. I have so much faith in the power of the mind to direct our healing, and to support our therapies ie dc vaccines etc etc etc.

Today yoga was the best yet, a better headstand, very very hard planks, and the crow position.

I got a nice sms from my mum,

Maybe today is the best day of my life. I take so much peace knowing that my son, daughter and wife are well and enjoying life, as much as they can. They are freed from the cancer nightmare in a sense. My failure to die as ordinained has introduced so much uncertainty into so many lives, but in that uncertainty I get my hope. My daughters birthday party a few days ago was great, the new home delivering benefits. the massive efforts I and so many invested to move from the old to the new rewarded. my daughters joy fills my heart with joy. I spoke breifly to my wife and I said I love her and thanked her for loving the kids so well.

My mum asked if I feel lonely. not really is the answer, I have my god, and I do focus on him alot, and there are very kind people at the ashram.

I woke up fresh at 6.15am and went for a forest walk, did a few hours meditation, prayer and then 2 hours yoga and then lunch. and now this blogging.

Dr nesslehut said 4 months until the next dc vaccine, my immune system has to deliver results. I am doing my best to provide what I can spiritually, physically and medically to heal.

To be alive today is enough of a miracle, but I pray for clear scan results and good treatment on thursday tace. maybe the tace is my present.

the line in the lords prayer FORGIVE US OUR TRESSPASSES, well its easier said than done, taking time to heal in all respects gives this journey many blessed twists.

The characters I meet in the ashram, well simply amazing fits. No I am not lonely, but I do so miss my family and friends. I remember you all in my prayers most days.

I still have lots of hope, I hope we all make it, love Pete
here comes 49.

And what do I really want ? to be with the family and friends in sydney, maybe a peaceful sunny scuba diving holiday.

Thanks for the kind wishes and thoughts and prayers.

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