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Trip 7 day 2 ends, exhausted but joyful


So its the end of day 3, in the bath, enema and lots of prayers and thoughts about my clinical success re this trip, about mto application.

I have preliminary mto reports praxis nesslehut and siebenhuener. The urgency is so great I decided to drive duderstadt back to prof vogl and deliver hardcopy of these reports under his door. The midnight hospital information services gentlemen photocopied these reports. I will not sleep or rest until I have met the mto 21 day deadline.

Today I spoke with the world famous kopic medical family, to whom I owe my life and whatever chance I have of changing the world through these synergistic therapies.

I have an amazing plan that will allow my survival story, the cancer one to be the domino effect to change oncology around the world, I have the grandest dreams and I will succeed in saving my life and millions of others in the coming decades or I can die joyfully delusional that I meet my god with a pure and humble and grateful heart.

To lay down ones life for his fellowman, is easy when you are starting a term in ally focused business in immunotherapies.

What I say and do, may appear egotistical, but I seek humility, I desire peace and tranquility of the ashram, of god. But this life demands action, gods will is the challenges before me, before us all, we must serve and act with joyful grace.

I see prof vogl 7am, to get mri to deliver kopic to review, seeing florian 2pm planegg, I do 1000s of kms flying on the autobahns, its effortless and I think and drive. Meditating at over 200km dangerous.

You will not believe what's, coming,  and as god is my greatest ally and friend this xmass with family will be special.

I have agreed to divorce even though I love my wife and have been faithful to her, however in the equitable settlement where she gets 4.5 million in unencumbered assets I seek controls to protect kids. I am heading into very risky business ventures, will be highlighly geared and will risk everything, my life, my small business empire worth 12 million to build the most aggressive medical services business doing exactly what I have done for myself.

I can sell these therapy concepts, I will bring the cancer world to germany, personal clinical success is all I aim for, for you.

Its not the trayhurn protocol, but maybe the reny protocol for REALLY TRY EVERYTHING NOW YOURSELF in honor of ren, ted, david, stephen, phil and the cat with 9 lives, oh stacey, katherine and so so many other brave wonderful friends at peace.

Edison kept on trying for the light, so must I for the ultimate prize. The answer to cancer is here now, for many its the aggressive combination of what we already have and know, the science is compelling, the medical establishment hamstrung by red tape and legal issues.

My story and the political focus, and the media will bring about medical deregulation in Australia, terminal patients will have freedom of choice, at least a shot at life, like I have, without leaving our shores. These medical services are coming downunder, delivered by my company, if gods willing. Else I die and goto heaven.

Eitherway I win, death is our ultimate victory, and I have already won so much.

But this heavily borrowed time will yield the greatest return, I need your prayers and support.

Oh and the spleen mets, so rare, very recent per vogl, only seen 10 out of 10,000 patients, so why?

Easy, no exposure oncothermia, no heat shock protiens, no immune response in spleen. The existence of these new mets, proof , manifest of treg activity even if dr nesslehut says no. I talk kopic, I go with ipilumimab.

So the worlds smartest immunotherapy patient overrides the worlds greatest immunotherapist, as the cost of a mistake is death. I will see if the amazing stuggart praxis kopic s, will really save my ass again.

Of course the latest mets are gods ultimate gift, so we will have resolution tumours, liver, lungs, peritoneum, spllen, epigastrom.

Is this not some reasonable evidence of clinical efficacy of RENY PROTOCOL.

I Don't have cadh ipilumimab, 5k euro, I owe so many dr so much, but I spend as fast as I have clinical ideas, its all science based and reasonable.

Pray that my loan application is approver, that my mto is approved my doctors and friends need to be paid.

I owe my life to greg, mark, phil, rick, james and glenn. They are the loan project, they are some of my oldest and newest friends, and if my miracle continues well I love them and thank them.

I I achieve greatest, its on the shoulders of my friends, and that also includes you.

Oh cea 18 on arrival, the miracle continues with gods glorious grace, his immune system his greatest gift, our biggest mistake is we ignore it.


soon the blog will have 10,000,000 hits pet week, share the story, share the love.

Trip 7 is progressing well, oh avastin dropped tace on monday due to bleeding risk spleen.

And dc vaccine going with soluable cd80 and p2x7. The new mets proof of effective failure, last dc vaccine. Its only a failure if you don't learn, and we learn, don't we.

By the watch the immunotherapy university if you want to live.

You life in your hands, ad the gcmaf is in mine. One new met targeted gcmaf, the next mri results will be compelling.

This medicine is exciting, the blend of money and business really extending my reaches.

I will commercialise my success, its the only effective way to share it, I will live or die trying.

Its corny, but the company might be called TRYHARD, close enough to trayhurn.

I must sleep, god bless us all, I wonder where the unlimited energy I possess comes from, and indeed the direction and visions?

Oh I know, and so do you!

Thank you GOD for this life and your greatest gifts, our challenges,  in them you reveal the beauty of man.


Just got call from manager office of state revenue, my boarding exemptions approved, they have reversed the 102k debt, stopped legal action and should refund 7k, so i may have cash for ipilumimab. Still no sleep, but taking these calls. You see i commit to therapy and god delivers the money. This call an absolute miracle but reflects the ceaseless work when back in sydney. Thank you mitch.

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