So I just started a new culture, compound 1, failed to set, it appeared to curdle straightaway. The organic, non homogenized milk was boiled vigoriously. Not sure if over boiling caused this. I hope I can get a replacement culture. The joys of making life saving yogurt. This is my personal belief. It possibly more an act of faith. But I am tumour free and thank god for each extra day, and the many joys I have in my existence.
I gave a set of cultures to a friend ren in hallwang. These serve as a valuable backup.
I said it before, but you would think my terminal friends at hallwang. We are miracle seekers, well some won't suck down a teaspoon of maf314, while others cannot wait. Just observations, I have plans for yogurts, my personal mission is survival, but verifying ketogenic and mag314 will be a good contribution to humanity, they might be key parts in many peoples escape from cancers clutches.
I have a steady stream of brave stage 4 reaching me from my non commercial blog. No endorsements or kick backs. But I am treated with kindness and care at hallwang. In a way I consider myself there example patient. Maybe like a farmers prize bull. I am grateful for the extra care.
I am pushing mag314 and hardcore ketogenic at hallwang. I have also invited the doctors to the cmit conference.
Beside a great long life, I seek to be 100% cancer free, using pet, cea, ca199 , tktl1, ctcs and a few other very cool German tumour tests.
What will prof R, say about my yogurt disaster. Interesting times we live in. If you are reading thanks.
I took the family to the Mercedes museum and tonight dinner at the local beer hall and icecreams and cakes for all but ketogenic dad. I will miss my family, but this last wonderful month had made the last 6 months of therapy worth it. I am so well, with energy, this is truly my greatest blessing.
If my results are good, I am off diving via sydney where I plan a pet and a quick hernia repair.