So Florian Schilling donated this book to the worlds first ketogenic cafe. I have dinner there 5 nights a week in Frankfurt, drop in for a meal and a free consult about life, the universe and treatments.
All these recipes, trying to get the fat , carb , protien of standard meals, but for now the HIGH FAT, LOW PROTIEN, VERY LOW CARB is the general goal. If you are good all day, all week this might the the taste treat. The KETOGENIC REWARD you need. Nurture yourself, make this lifestyle fun and enjoyable. It can be. My dearest friends said, "pete what you used to eat was fuel, now I have food from the Gods. I offered Phillippe the use of my 4WD to travel australia , I am just that grateful to have yummy tasting gourmet ketogenic food. Life without suger , without carbs can be fantastic!!!!!!
So more intense than ever, I tried to get my ketogenic mentors florian and heinz free food in recognition for there pioneering leadership in this field. Today I have largely been fasting using MAP pills and mct oil. As a special treat I had my super organic bone broth soup with extra organic fats. Going for a walk now 2 hours, and then I measure ketones. Smashing these tumours from every concievable angle. WE HAVE NO STRESS, JUST JOY. ALAS OUR TUMOURS STARVE AND ARE STRESSED. Poor little tumours , as soon as you show any signs of weakness my activated macrophages and super charged natural killer cells will let you rest and recycle you into something useful, like muscle .
Who is Pete ?
My introduction on colonchat along time ago! For all my clients and friends, please register on colonchat and post your questions. I am driven to share and not opposed to differences of opinion that arise on the forums. I have my experience and opinion, so do you, so do our doctors.
What I offer in unique, its my dream to live well and long with this illness and to help my friends and clients.
Until i have my own forum running, I hope posting our experiences on colonchat is ok, i will ask the members and the operators. Completely transparent.
Current strategy and gene testing
I hope I respond to current treatments and therefore the mets dissolve but surgery, which has happended in the previous 7 german treatment cycles.
I hope diversity of opinion continues to be welcome here. its in our diverse experiences we have the most to offer each other. the stories coming over the coming months will be nothing short of unbelievable. if god is kind, much success and good news.
Rest in Peace Sonya
So one of my closest and respected german cancer friends is at piece, I heard from her husband last night while I was meditating at midnight. Her tumour laden liver failed ( breast cancer mets ) She was small in statue and a giant of a lady warrior, a heroin of epic proportions. Her courage, her love, her vision, her drive and her special warmth.
I dropped her to the airport October, she gave me the longest, most loving hug. One that only the closest friends can give. We both new what was ahead for her, but we never said, but I new in my heart as she did. As I knew she was pasing by her silence and the name on the phone, Sonya husband, I started crying before i ever answered the call. the funeral was yesterday.
She shared it all, she inspired me, she taught me. I carry on her legacy. TRAYHURN.COM services includes an emergency SOS number and service for all international cancer patients in Germany now. Either Martin or myself ( when I am in the clear ) will be available to help. Sonya had some very difficult experiences, she endured on her own, as the brave and couragous sole she is. Her love and vision will never dye, not in my heart, not in anyone whom she loved. And they are privileged.
How her husband and beautiful kids go on, I know her love will cushion them through this. Her husband said she deserves the VICTORIA CROSS, she does, and so does he. His story of love and support defines whats best in marriage and if you ONLY knew the depth of his love and care for his beloved wife Sonya. I beleive he will cope so well with the loss, because he loved so well and completely.
So our Angel Sonya is at peace, this glorious struggle ended, so had so little chemo and such an extended quality and quanity of life. Her brave kids had the time to get to know there brave mother and feel the love that kept her here for those precious extra years. Was the millions dollars worth it ? I think so, but I leave that to eac h patient and family to decidesalominomycin ( ) . She came so close to success, her 80% tumour reduction in her liver with 3bp and not correct spelling only failed due to a faulty PORT.
I walk tonight for hours, searching for my cure, pushing my brain and soul to its limits. God I want to live so that the stories of my bravest friends can inspire and warm the hearts of the needy. We never promised cures, but by god thats what I pray for every second of my life, for me and for you.
Rest in peace Sonya, my most sweet beautiful friend. When I had no money, she let me sleep on the floor in her little apartment, when her kids and husband came to help take her home for the last time. She had no money for dc vaccines, I asked on her behalf and it was not possible. Dr Siebenhueners compassion and vogls was mentioned . they did there best, as she did, as her family and friends. And other doctors. Some kind friend, a german gave up there apartment for her and her family. THAT real love! Its these stories of love and support that I hope to share, to inspire you, to give you hope.
Is not a second, a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, a decade, a century of extra life not worth a dollar, or a million or a billion. The time and cost equation I leave to each client and family. Sonja enjoyed real success at many times. I would award her the order of Australia, but she has far greater riches ahead of her, she is with her God, the quality and depth of her love and strength lost in these words, but I try here, now I dry here my eyes and I WALK. Shutting down my glucose, heavy ketosis was on sonya todo list , we got her on a mildly ketogenic diet sometimes. The price of failure in our endevour is eternity.
When someone lives in your heart, you are never parted.
SOS Sonya Her spirit will guide this service offering.
In popular usage, SOS became associated with such phrases as "Save Our Ship" or "Save Our Souls" or "Send Out Succour ". These may be regarded asmnemonics, but SOS does not actually stand for anything and is not an abbreviation.
just the day before sonya passing.
PS so this link is fromsonya i am sure, i was looking for her obituary, and found this. now i have hepa , a very recent infection, and I am sure its related to these new mets. I will run hep a treatment ideas past my doctors ASAP, alas I seem to drive these ideas, and the reminders come from my friends in this life and the hereafter! Thanks sonja , enjoy heaven dearest friend, you have earned your peace!!! Sleep and rest, keep an eye on us that follow in your path!
PS so this link is from
While I focus on remission my business partner Martin builds the site and is born. For all enquiries use that email address.
I will live and have the most amazing business helping save the cancer world, me first! just for fun, the clash of science, business, ethics and the desire to live. the potential is clear
Efranat has developed cancer immunotherapy based on Macrophage Activating Factor produced from natural Gc protein extracted from FDA approved healthy human plasma. just for fun, the clash of science, business, ethics and the desire to live. the potential is clear
Activated macrophages, present in excess during natural inflammatory responses, bear the potential to kill and eradicate cancer cells. Macrophage activation has been demonstrated to require the serum-borne vitamin D binding protein (known as Gc protein), as well as B and T lymphocytes. However, in various cancer patients the Gc protein is deglycosylated by serum α-N-acetyl galactosaminidase (Nagalase) secreted from cancer cells. This deglycosylated Gc protein, lacking the N-acetylgalactosamine monosaccharide , cannot be converted to its form of Macrophage Activating Factor, leading to immunosuppression rather than Macrophage activation against cancer cells.
In this phase I study, the treatment is given as Intramuscular, once-weekly injection of GcMAF, for two courses, while each course is comprised of 4 injections.
The investigational treatment is expected to enhance immune response, thereby, improve patient's well being, quality of life and disease control.
Primary objectives:
- To determine the safety and tolerability of GcMAF and to define the Maximal Tolerated Dose (MTD)
- To identify the Dose Limiting Toxicity (DLT) of GcMAF
Secondary objectives:
- To determine the 'Recommended Phase 2 Dose' (RP2D) based on MTD data, immunological and
pharmacodynamic markers. - To explore the preliminary efficacy of GcMAF in advanced solid tumors, considering the 'Immune-related Response Criteria' (
irRC ), the 'Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors' (RECIST) and blood levels of tumor-related markers known to reflecttumor burden .
Exploratory objectives:
- To assess levels of immune-related factors in peripheral blood, reflecting induced immunological activities.
- To
immunohistochemically assess and compare tumor derived tissue samples Pre and post treatment. To analyze the infiltration of different population of cells into the tumor bed.