Super mum
For those WITH Liver disease
You are not patients, you are not friends. ALL I SEE AND CARE ABOUT IS YOUR LIVER.I have joked about the liver and live so often, its what killed sonya and so many of my dearest friends.
Now one of the frustrating things when I loose a really close friend likesonya is my inability to really influence there treatments and lifestyle. Sonya did alot of coffee, the enema type, so I know she had good blow flow , some good detox there, but it was not enough. We never did gcmaf , we never did focused DC cellular therapy, we never did the diet KETOGENIC properly with MAP. I completely failed to explain about the acid/alkali basis for stem cell function and healing.
We never really looked at why the first fewdc vaccines a few years earlier never worked as well as they could. Its horrible to say, that my friends who have passed have taught me the critical lessons on this journey. That I have learned, that I continue to learn and implement, is the reason I am alive, I am succeeding and that I will get COMPLETE REMISSION soon, when its my time.
Every challenge for me is a glorious learning opportunity, we each will have different, biological issues, Iaint met one doctor alone who can manage all these factors, but my team CAN, my NETWORK is exceptional. My friends, my doctors and therapists serve the richest and most famous clients on the planet. I have earned my place, not for wealth, not for fame but for EXTREMENESS and my vision to save the world, makes these amazing doctors smile .
Now one of the frustrating things when I loose a really close friend like
We never really looked at why the first few
Every challenge for me is a glorious learning opportunity, we each will have different, biological issues, I
I AM OBSESSED with clearing livers immunilogically using targetted tace , and so help me GOD, AND HE WILL. I WILL, WE WILL.
Lucky BIC3, she gets coffee up the butt, ketones orally, MAP and minerals and vitamins. She will not see another food based protien until her liver clear or see goes home.
How fast can a we clear a tumour filled liver, well you just sit back and watch and see. I will push my friends liver to beyond her healing limits.
The BIC, the BEST INDIVIVUAL CARE, the most extreme CARE ever delivered in the universe, ONLY to extremely willing clients.
And YES, Gods directs me every second of my life, while praying, yes meditating I get these ideas, these treatment concepts. I run them past the doctors, YES, YES, YES
BIC3 gets offered T8 they the most aggressive, the most expensive, the most excessive. The for personalised focus is very iv hepamerz liver detox, everyday dr siebenhuener post tace and gcmaf and anti inflamatory therapies.
I view us as one humanity, I see no distinction between you and me, I see my clients having faith, having courage, seeking cure where none exists. I simply offer education and inspiration and let my clients select from a range of services. Maybe I GENTLY guide ( thanks to my sisters influence ) So I will gently guide, but in a firm and confident way. All the DOCTORS, and THERAPISTS, no I am UNFORGIVING if they let me down or my clients. I WILL COME DOWN on anyone that lets the team DOWN. Thats my PROMISE to you my clients.
You get my ongoing research, attendance at the best conferences, where I will discuss your cases, your needs, our synergist approach to metabolic translational oncology. The oncologists are ignorant fools, they have been side tracked into bullshit clinical trials, down blind alleys going know where.
I say whats my clients liver doing this day, this second, we heal or die minute by minute, second by second. I use the immune system and the best holistic, alternative, compentary and conventional offerings. Doing your markers every three months a recipe for death, its what your governments want, its the rules they impose. Conventional cancer treatment is defacto euthenasia for most metastatic patients.
The immunotherapy revolution, my concept, my dream, from years ago on this blog. yes the messiest blog on the net, but in my opinion the most valuable. you just wait and see how much success I achieve, using Gods power and insight and direction.
Oh, and why did I get the latest recurrences? Post the last rushed treatment cycle, a complete failure to manage postdc excessive inflamatory response , my crp /esr went through the roof. A lesson for us all.
Oh, and why did I get the latest recurrences? Post the last rushed treatment cycle, a complete failure to manage post