My german business partner, hislovelly yoga partner, our clients bic2 brent and pip and me enjoyed a great dinner. Now I have invested 700k euro, my pip 350K euro, that over 1M euro of combined wisdom and experience. Where can you get access to that investment in health.
we talked treatments, foods, places, people, personalities and dreams. Having another yoga lover on the table was fun, in a way OMtastic. We touched on the deeper aspects of yoga, of mortality and its relationship to life and healing. A wonderful discussion, we did not talk about football or the weather, but wants of interest, our kids, wives, and dreams.
I again shared my dream of theketogenic house in frankfurt , the healing half way home, where clients can rest pre and post treatments. ITs essential to delivering the lifestyle component of the program. Like a super clinic at a fraction of the price.
Basically I plan to spend very big upfront on bic3, get her markers, her tumours shrinking, all the way to remission. Then we wrap her up in cotton wool for a few months, do the diet and lifestyle and minimum maintenance therapies. Basically exactly the same as I am doing for myself, except I dont really have a visible tumour burden anymore YIPEE!!!!!
for the ketogenic cancer patients and martin turnip soup with wild smoked ham, and an amazing super green salad with delicious goodies. Martin is doing the ketogenic diet so he can share and relate to our clients. Thats the dedication I expect and invite. Now florian schilling the worlds leading ketogenic naturopath also did the map based heavy ketogenic diet. I have the utmost respect for me clients and friends doing the ketogenic diet. either soft or hard core .
The recent focus on addingmap to the diet, its ability to lower glucose by reducing gluconeogenisis , by enhancing stem cell function by reducing acidity. This certainly boosts healing and detox.
Of course you need an excellent supply of amino acids for detox, are you onchemo ? or recently done a chemo tace like me, well I am having my oral hepamerz and 5 ma p pil ls now.
Are you having issues implementing the ketogenic diet ? bic2 pip has some cramping in the leg, its possi ble she needs pink sea salt as an addon to the ketogenic diet, this is a common experiencee . I am disappointed these issues are not covered by the medical team. Its these major details that can derail our 25K euro investment in immunotherapies. FLORIAN and HEINZ, can we please have the fool proof detailed implementation plan for super KD, for TRAYHURN clients. We need this yesterday!
Now this is a pr ofessionin al looking bl og, lik e mine w ill be one day
now I liked the professional style of this blog, the social media, the shop front etc.
I have always been more focused on research and sharing success and hope with my very small group of friends and readers. But as I approach remission, as the private client business expands,its time for the little blog to have a face lift. yes of course its long over due.
Even my strategicpartner dr siebenhuener staffer says, but how many hits, how many people can you get into our clinic. But the only thing in my mind is saving bic3, on her therapy plans, on her well being. I know that the success that follows miracles, that follows metastatic success, is the most powerful social media focus on the net. I have no doubt of a million readers in a few years, of successful internet businesses, of countless lives saved using the best breakthrough german medicine and there established holistic offerings.
The challenge to deliver another miracle, so compelling. I have seen her success in my prayers, in my meditations, I have no doubts, butGods will is tricky, and delivering metastatic miracles is soley the clients responsibility and there ultimate achievement. To share in the success, to watch closely God healing power very satisfying.
so the use of immunolife , ahcc to get super enhanced nk cell function is a fundamental strategy for all clients and potential clients, as well as bravo probiotic or maf314 if your able to access these yogurt strains with colostrum. GO HARD ON THE COLOSTRUM, for GCMAF production benefits and IGX enhancing features that boost your NK CELL activity levels. these are anecdotal comments from immunotherapists at top labs. my excellent NK cell activity i suspect a feature of my ongoing response and survival. Now clearly I have to zoom in on the cuase of recurrences, hence the obsession with post DC cytokine analysis, and aggressive anti inflamatory protocols. 16 and colorectal, hello of course, I reviewed these issues years ago, but now in the context of sowhats the relevance, just again the link between viral load and lung mets, that my protocols to enhance nk cell function, reduce viral load, reduce cancer, metastatisis risk. so focusing on long term immune strength, reducing viral load, cell copy numbers etc all play apart in the remission maintenance strategies.
note that Fred, one of my immunotherapy gurus, hypothosised that inflamation in the local tisseu environments, increases acidity, and sets the stage for carcinogenisis . Could these instances of viral infections, in tissue structures with restricted blood blood , or access to immune cells. Or other competing immunological events, drive the formation of new mets . just thinking out loud. OF COURSE.
CONCLUSION: Based on our results, HPV is unlikely involved in colorectal carcinogenesis.
SO NOW THIS IS INTERESTING, BUT I HAVE HPV16 and ENHANCING THE IMMUNE SYSTEM TO GET RID OF THE VIRAL LOAD INTERESTING. to the rescue, anti viral, helps with HPV, HBV with everything. Doing IV curcumin 414g, i am considering the wisdom of adding xeloda and IPT to the fight over the next few weeks, aggressively pushing the cytotoxic synergy of low dose xeloda, its immunological beenfits , re enhancing antigen presentation on tumour cells, inthe context of targetted dc vaccine, and pdl1 and ctl4 strategies.
the focus on post dc strategies a key area of difference, between my clients and the basic dc users. my eDC conscept , ie enhanced DC, is in my opinion, shear bloody genius. But how to get this right. For now we just use the expensive kitchen sink approach. Every practical therapy thrown at the tumours to get my markers down to ZERO. sipping some right now, see how many wonderful things I try, no wonder I am alive,alot of these are so cheap.
THIS IS FOR ELIZABETH WITH THE LUNG FUNGUS, I BET YOU HALLWANG DID NOT PUT YOU ONTO THIS, HAVE A READ, GIVE IT A TRY!goodluck , love Pete looks like a reasonable price and product,its cheap in the reformhaus organic shops in germany ie 15euro per bottle per 100ml, still if your home and need it, these guys look pretty good. this was from shaker oncolonchat , the point is for clients doing the ketogenic diet, these foods may address some of the placque fat issues. why
My german business partner, his
I again shared my dream of the
The recent focus on adding
Of course you need an excellent supply of amino acids for detox, are you on
Are you having issues implementing the ketogenic diet
Now this is
I have always been more focused on research and sharing success and hope with my very small group of friends and readers. But as I approach remission, as the private client business expands,
Even my strategic
The challenge to deliver another miracle, so compelling. I have seen her success in my prayers, in my meditations, I have no doubts, but
CONCLUSION: Based on our results, HPV is unlikely involved in colorectal carcinogenesis.
SO NOW THIS IS INTERESTING, BUT I HAVE HPV16 and ENHANCING THE IMMUNE SYSTEM TO GET RID OF THE VIRAL LOAD INTERESTING. sipping some right now, see how many wonderful things I try, no wonder I am alive,
- Colon Cancer: Cell studies have found that
compares favorably to theblack seed extract 5-chemoagent in the suppression of colon cancer growth, but with a far higher safety profilefluoruracil [x] Animal research has found that black seed oil has significant inhibitory effects against colon cancer in rats, without observable side effects. [xi] AND I AM A RAT!. this was from shaker on
I am pushing into unchartered territories
Do you believe shar bic3 has the immune capacity to heal her swollen, painful liver ?
To reduce her massive 1000+ cea ?
I SAY YES, we have to get the balance just right, with the detox protocols, the immune boosting strategies. This will be the TEAMS greatest challenge, and there finest hour.
God delivers the miracles, the clients ask and seek there miracles, I am blessed to be a witness to our miraculous healing capacity.
I feel each of us has one miracle up our sleeves, I have used mine on me. GOT IT!
I cannot every save you, or organise a miracle for you!!! GOT IT!
But what I can do ever so gently and firmly is encourage you to seek your miracle with every ounce of desire in your soul! Anbd that my dearest client, is all you can do. The rest is up to God.
Please , Please, Please COME SOONER THAN LATER, dont test your immune system to its limits. For gods sake, come now. Dont grow bigger tumours , dont make them aggressive with systemic chemo and weaken your immune function. Its so counter productive. Of course my opinion is the exact opposite of conventional medicine. tough shit! thats exactly the way it is, from my experience. The immunotherapists and scientists are shit scared of pissing off the powerful oncologists and drug companies so they play games with bullshit clinical trials while we die!!!!!!!!!
Just my honest opinion, from my perspective in the colorectal world.
BMW Audii Mercedes ==== BAM
I have written about the excellence of german innovation in all areas of life, and the sensible regulation of medicine and other aspects of life. Like the autobahn here have no speed limits, just like the medicine here has unlimited potential. Not limit by the greed of the USA stock market or the FDA or even our pathetic TGA in australia . We die while all these institutions play games. Its criminal, its sad, its the way it is.
This medicine is BAM, the best of BMW, Audii and Mercedes combined into the ultimate super car. This super car is what I pray to build for shar . She has to heal so fast, if someone at Audii, BMW or Mercedes wants to sponsor this website, well give me the fastest car you got. We need it tomorrow.
Yes shar bic3 starts tace tomorrow, not even off the plane 24 hours and her tumours are getting destroyed ruthlessly by vogl . I call him my hitman, my assassin. Then we follow up very closely with every immune stimulating strategy published and unpublished. then we kick back in the sauna and pray our hearts out that God is feeling charitable. That he sees the COURAGE, THE FAITH in SHARS heart. Just like whats been in mine.
I have no healing powers, I am simply Pete, but when you HUG ME, and I HUG YOU, well you are touching a real miracle. That does not happen every day of the week. In the touch, in the HUG is the power of love, the power of belief, that HEALING is possible. Without this faith, this firm belief, I really doubt miracles can be achieved.
Our beloved Doctors, can never say these things, but I can, when you become a miracle like ME, you will inspire the metastatic world. THAT A GOOD THING, A VERY GOOD THING. WE CAN BE PROUD AND CHEERISH OUR SUCCESS, WHATEVER IT IS. WE CAN SHARE IT. THE CANCER WORLD IS COMING TO FRANKFURT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe that no matter the outcome, these therapies deliver the best quality and quantity of life. I just wish they were not so EXPENSIVE, but thats beyond my control.
Please keep on hold if possible, but guess whosehave disappeared again. tumours I will be back as soon as possible for a clear pet.These wonderful effective combined immunotherapies continue to save my life I love that you guys are always the first to see my miracles in Australia.Love. pete I haveAustralian s coming home to you in complete remission also. One day our government and doctors will listen. other Your pet scans essential. Off the plane and straight to. rpa us all. Godbless Cheers,
The KETOGENIC House in paradise
When I have another 4 committed clients , the healing home becomes a reality, until then its a dream!!!!