I am starting to wonder.
is it the bliss of life that drives my survival.
I intend to seek bliss with every breathe, every thought
is the bliss, the energy behind the 10,000 pages of research, all aimed at life.
the irony of my way, my being , is it angered many of my cancer friends, until life helped find my blog.
still I have my truth, my life, I share it here, I do wonder why I exist, I always get more spiritual with intense yoga.
it helped me cope with todays unexpected operation destroying 5 little tumours.
I drove 40 minutes to my drug dealer, who no shower, I was expecting 30k euro worth of chlorine e6 for 10 sessions pdt, my cost 500 euro, now I know how to find bargains, one gift. do you see the markup.
cancer patients get screwed by drug companies with government approval and then by the alternatives with e6 and the lies of david noakes and gcmaf.
now gcmaf with save the cancer worldx but its like my wife, lots of potential but bloody difficult. over promising and under delivering is an easy trap, when you try to save lives.
I seek to avoid the pitfall.
vogl is happy, me too, so is florian.
good chat on drive to dudetstadt for 8am dc blood draw and serology.
skipping nivo, ipi. going cheap effective ndv.
given new mets and half lives nivo ipi don't address treg issues. hence new mets, its anti gens and stemmmness per my guru, we embark on aggressive hbot retonic acid therapy.
got a few weeks to recover and plan I am riding over the alps. to cofu with god and pascal.
the pilgrimage starts
But whose counting, what counts is success, what's been learned.
well the last 1000 pages gives you a glimpse.
cancer kills in our society due too greed.
we want capitalism, while our fellow man dies of starvation either spiritual or physical many die of cancer..
that its treat able, curable not fashionable.
two new small targets in the peritoneum.
the lymphatics enlarged
my dc vaccine is booked for tomorrow
I sleep in car, by seeburg see near duderstadt, the dc capital of the world. all the greedy arrogant fools chasing anti gens when they ignore proven, effective techniques that would have kept all my dead colorectal friends alive, or given them a chance.
one day ill prove it, but first sleep while the chemo gcmaf target ted cocktail builds a new lymphatic organ where my tumours used to be.
now that's the sweetest dream this boys needs.
but yoga on the alps, muscles on muscles
maybe god gives us life to make our dreams real.
the alps?
can a rat with cancer climb those magestic mountains on a bike and pick apples on curfu
who says metabolic immunotherapy has to be boring, why not challenging, envigorating, impossible.
Another glorious day, with magic clinical messages
the colorectal bilion dollar secret,
antigens, I suspect oncothermia essential for peritoneal mets
I wonder if the bilionare has the balls to ride the alps.