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the fourth year begins, big wednesday, Top qualiy pet scan report, vegf and

screw this illness, life is just to good, i am not going down without a hell of fight, and i have not even really started, whats happened so far, well i consider it foreplay! but we all know how important foreplay is.

doing  a colonosopy tomorrow, been fasting today, joy of joys and the bowel preps. I wonder if the hernia could cause the stomach inflamation, that may have caused the sugar uptake in the pet scan, see the report below. I am acting on the the advice in the reports.

the stomach is roaring , the picoprep is working, its late , i am tired, but sleep aint an option, I am sick of sleeping in shit, once in a life time is more than enough. the reality of colorectal is often lost, I am sure many would lead healthier lives, if they new what a pain in the arse it really is! alas, ignorance is bliss. I was very ignorant about health and cancer risks, now look at me, I am a dam genius , still with my ass in the fire, every day.  the struggle to survive is relentless. Leaving the family behind, actually gives them some respite from my obsessive will and efforts to live. I do just love being around them all.

Many of conservatives warn newly diagnosed colorectals of the danger of extremes ( diets, lifestyles, supplements, therapies etc ) well hello, I can equally warm them how dangerous it is to listen to and follow conservative thinkers. Alas the conservatives greatly outnumber the extreme, but the extremists are very very loud. so we balance each other out nicely. In the end each patient decides, but I wonder if the conservatives will take ownership for all the lives lost due to their beliefs. its a heavy accusation, but from my perspective I am on solid ground.

whats morally indefesible is telling newly diagnosed patients to follow their oncologists care plan, which robs them of the window to do immunotherapies and complementary medicine. Often by the time patients wakeup to the missed opportunities for complementary and alternative therapies the illness has progressed to the point of no return. All I say is do your own homework and think for yourself and take active ownership of your fate, and keep on trying. If I listened to my first oncologist I would be dead or very very sick at this point. sorry but the conservatives, who back the oncologists in the fullness of time will be judged, they will have alot of blood on their hands because they encourage attitudes that stiffle hope and initative. How can mwe make progress as a patient community when all we can do is console each other. active support and encouragement is what I get from my very small but closely knit group of super cancer survivors. if our ships have to sink we are going down swinging, not the peace of mind that comes from following the standard of care which is pretty much instructions on suicide! yes I am a bit extreme tonight, its the emotions of surviving this illness for three years. I have to many dead friends, even though I love them, I can wait till we meet again, no matter how beautiful heaven will be. The longer I wait to see that beauty and the love of my friends , well the better it gets!

I say, this is a terminal illness, being conservative gets you more than likely dead! going to extremes, well its fun and we might just live. we can dream anyway. I have reengaged with CSN and other patient communities, time will tell.

the fourth year begins, how time flies when you are having fun!

so on the 29th 2010, in the morning i saw alot of blood in the toilet bowel. the they say is history, alot of it covered on the blog.

I got all the german reports recently done re recurrence 2 translated, thankyou carolina from hallwang. godbless hallwang, that covers the staff, the doctors, the nurses, the cooks and all the patients new old, alive and dead, diagnosed and undiagnosed. it is a beacon of hope in a very desolate sea, and I know about being lost at sea.

I emailed all the german translated german pet, vogel, bloods re recurrence 2 to prof morris. he will smile when he gets them, the butchers are sharpening the knives, god bless, them. I use the term butchers with no disrepect, these gifted, skilled , brave surgeons, well they go into troublespots, they go where others fear to go, they take risks to save lives. I can see the smiles on the surgeons and hear the knife blades being sharpened. but not just yet! maybe never, time will tell.

the surgery option is just that, an option, but its timing and planning, well I dont wont to screw that up. and my dearest friend who loves her privacy has taught me the risks of surgery, the complications, the unexpected, the horrific which becomes your new normal. maybe i will be spared. that being spared depends on how well I can get the team and cimt to work.

talk about being a juggler, I have so many balls in the air, alas if I drop them I die, I have die anyway, I have top keep juggling to stay alive.

Big Wednesday - getting the aussie doctors onboard

survival is just like poker, you got to play all the cards at the right time, and yes bluffing is apart of winning, i make no apologies for being overconfident. so many friends give up before the fight begins. I am thinking of of toughest mum in the world i know silvia. she has the heart of a lion, and god help her, she needs it.

when hopefully all of us stage 4 colorectal battlers and other ringins, rise from our death beds, well we can smile and say I had a go! 

its a favourite surfing movie "big wednesday" , its also a good description for today, 4 appointments 2 surgeons, 2 oncologists. so much help from the wife, I will miss her when I go back in 2 1/2 weeks.
what did the aussie doctors say and my thoughts. these doctors are very highly regarded, some of them have already saved my life
  1. you look much better than i thought you would at this point.
  2. you have had an amazing repsonse to removab
  3. I cannot help with your replacement chemo port, see your new oncologist. My feeling, Time is of the essence, I at least asked saint vincents for help, the nurses tried, godbless them. the doctors well they are not interested in my miracle just yet! I gave them the option to help.
  4. what are you doing back here
  5. its a shame you have to keep on going with this
  6. you wont get a cent out of the government, they refused a 16 year old boy who died of colorectal, it takes alot of time. I will still try this, if not me then who.
  7. i will see you monday afternoon after reviewing pet cts in radiological review meeting, lets consider surgery, lets consider angio ct. ( my answer one day you can cut, but lets work the strategy, lets let the germans keep the magic happening, you are my get out of goal free card )
  8. aussie nurses wont do german treatment protocol becuase its not tga approved
  9. aussie doctors wont do german treatment protocol
  10. the dose thalidomide is to low, we do 500mg not 100mg and avastin is supperior
  11. we will checkout if you can take avastin os with you for treatment, it depends on how long its stable, i will check
  12. i will treat in with the german treatment in my private hospital if you can get an oncologists letter. I cannot get the letter from an aussie onc. closed shop, not even 3 weeks of infusions. 
  13. i did the cimetidine studies 10 years ago, see my research papers
  14. google albendazole and vegf, it may have advantages over avastin. I am prepared to write a script.
  15. lets just cut you open and have a good ol poke around, give ya  dash of hipec, chop out some liver for lunch and see what else needs a prune. after all its spring somewhere on the planet. ok i am using some poetic license here. that thats the thrust of the surgical plan.

My current thought resurgery is to keep on testing hallwang and nesslehut and vogel, its worked well once, . who says lighting never strikes twice in the same spot. if recurrence 2 cannot be managed, well, then I will fly to my skilled and eager hipec surgeons, like a lamb to the slaughter. Except I will be flying business or first  class and the lambs are in trucks.

it would really be much easier to take heroin.

I would get more support from our health system if I was a herion adictic then I am getting at the moment as a palliative terminal stage 4 colorectal cancer patient. I don't use the description lightly, thats my fate , if I don't innovate and find a way through this illness. in the process I will save many friends I pray, especially me. Its ok to be self aware when you got cancer. First things first! my dear friend dave visited tonight, I was tired and said see ya. we did have a good far infared sauna together. 

Great friends

I am so blessed to have wonderful friends dane, dave, graham, greg and andrew. where would I be without them, well likely not hear! Possibly my other dear friend is my lord, Jesus. Yes the more challenging the road, the spiritual I become, not strange, quiet a wise move I think. 

i will treat in with the german treatment in my privte hospital if you can get an oncologists letter. so far no onc i know is willing. So I will ask all 6 oncologists publicly, there inability to support my effective treatments alas a reflection of our medical and legal environment. and the reason i have to go back to germany. so in this bloody lucky country i will have to dig around to find my own viens, to admister the german therapies myself, because nurses have to follow union rules, and doctors dont want to get sued and struck off boards. it would be easier to take heroin. its a get welcome home.

Top qualiy pet scan report- the best $2700 aud I ever spent, sorry but the aussie radiologists never spent an hour with me showing me all the bits and pieces. another 5% survival bonus. they all add up.

Kreiskliniken Esslingen
Paracelsus-Krankenhaus Ruit
Klinik für Nuklearmedizin
Dr. med. Univ. Szeged Attlig Sakazai
Dr. med. Kopic
Silberwaldstr. 34
72280 Dornstetten-Hallwangen
Ref.-No.: RHANIN
Date. 21. May, 2013
Trayhurn, Peter, DOB: 26. June, 1966, Promenaden Str. 11, 72280 Dornstetten
Case-No.: 43023693
PET-CT !Condensed Report!
Dear Colleague,
Thank you for the referral of your patient.
Requested medical history: Rectal carcinoma, first diagnosed March 2010,
Chemo-radiotherapy October, 2010,
Liver metastases known since 2012
Subject Matter: Comparison to external pre-examinations on
September 2012 and January 2013
PET-CT Onco-PET + inflammation, Total-Body-PET with quantizing
analysis with non-contrast CT, completed on 21. May, 2013 at 12:35
After a sufficient rest period, 248 MBq FDG with blood glucose of 94 mg/ml including
2 ml Buscopan were injected i.v. One hour later a whole body PET scan was
performed from the head to the proximal upper thigh (mCT, Siemens TOF).
Attenuation corrected as well as uncorrected slices and MIP images were computed
and documented. A non-contrast low dose CT (LDCT) was applied for attenuation
correction in the imaged PET positions, including a specific liver image in HDtechnology.
Normal activity in the efferent urinary tract. The bottom of the bladder is slightly
raised because of a relatively large prostate.
The rectum appears somewhat wide, anastomosis suture material.
Inside the anal duct is a slightly increased activity with SUV5.
The rest of the colon area shows no abnormalities.
In the segment-IVa sub-capsular at the periphery to segment-II a lesion 1 cm in size
is found with SUV 4.4 (6.5 on 07. September, 2012).Patient: Peter Trayhurn Page 2
No abnormalities in the spleen area.
Stomach activity is slightly increased with SUV 4.6
No localized findings.
Globular reposition in the segments IX, / VIII. Segment on the right 5 mm in diameter
with SUV 1.6. Due to respiration an exact fusion is impossible.
The findings are identical in size to the previous findings in January 2013 and
September 2012; the SUV in 2012 was with 1.1 positioned lower.
No relevant findings.
1. Status post rectal carcinoma with normal anastomosis. No local lymph node
2. Slightly increased anal activity, this is interpreted as physiological, but can also
be due to inflammation. An endoscopic follow-up is recommended.
3. A detectable specific liver metastasis in the left lobe is unchanged compared
to the exam in September 2012, these findings were in January 2013 however
not traceable.
4. Increased stomach activity, probably due to inflammation.
5. Small lung metastasis in the right lower lobe, unchanged in size compared to
previous exams. Possibly discrete increased activity compared to the previous
examinations in 2012.
This document was created electronically and is valid without signature.
Kind regards,
Dr. Bernhard Horr


I should have done additional  vogels to the same area, that was vogels point. The 1cm spot was gone january. Extra treatment to stay well, hindesight is a good teacher!
The march vogel, I defered to see if removab course 2 would give me disease control was an error, clearly now.

lets consider the benefits and limits of immunotherapy and where its got me, and whats its limitations. 

well whats me real immunecompetance. none of my doctors here or germany can answer that, they have not even looked at the reports, all except kopic. his only weakness is he is not a surgeon. his preferred  weapons, tools to save lives are antibodies, whiteblood cells and chemo and natural agents. prof morris well its his very big knife. these combants favour there tools, what they have solid experience with. really in a sense they are miraculous tools, but neither of them can really assess the other capabilities, I think in a manner they are in awe of each, but when push comes to shove, when its cut or infusion it comes down to my choice.

if i make good choices I live, bad choices well , oops and ouch! 
can I get the balance between german and australia medicine just right.

Albendazole and vegf


The angiogenic process begins with the cell proliferation and migration into the primary vascular network, and leads to vascularization of previously avascular tissues and organs as well to growth and remodeling of the initially homogeneous capillary plexus to form a new microcirculation. Additionally, an increase in microvascular permeability is a crucial step in angiogenesis. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a central role in angiogenesis. We have previously reported that albendazole suppresses VEGF levels and inhibits malignant ascites formation, suggesting a possible effect on angiogenesis. This study was therefore designed to investigate the antiangiogenic effect of albendazole in non-cancerous models of angiogenesis. In vitro, treatment of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) with albendazole led to inhibition of tube formation, migration, permeability and down-regulation of the VEGF type 2 receptor (VEGFR-2). In vivo albendazole profoundly inhibited hyperoxia-induced retinal angiogenesis in mice. These results provide new insights into the antiangiogenic effects of albendazole.
6.4. Microtubule Disrupting Agents
Drugs that target tubulin are one of the most effective classes of anticancer agents and are thus a mainstay in the treatment of ovarian cancer [111]. Although the underlying mechanisms for the inhibition of angiogenesis by microtubule disrupting agents (MDAs) are not yet well defined, interference with the HIF-1α/VEGF axis seems to account for at least part, if not all, of the effects observed [112]. While the taxanes are defined as microtubule polymerizing agents, benzimidazole carbamates such as albendazole are known to conversely interfere with the polymerization process. We have recently described how albendazole inhibits VEGF and angiogenesis under in vitro, in vivo, and clinical conditions [113115]. Follow-up research revealed that the drug interferes with HIF-1α, leading to the suppression of tumoral VEGF mRNA, and VEGF protein [116]. Thus, irrespective of whether a polymerizing or a depolymerising agent, the MDAs interfere with angiogenesis and suppress VEGF production. Treatment of mice bearing advanced intraperitoneal human OVCAR-3 tumors with albendazole, led to suppression of both plasma and ascites VEGF levels, as a consequence of which highly VEGF-dependant malignant ascites formation was completely aborted, leading to extended animal survival [115117].

Its late, 2am, I have to be up in 3 hours for 3rd picoprep or i will not be ready fro 10.30am doctors appointment an 11.30am colonoscopy with prof brodie, one of sydneys best!
ALBENDAZOLE it looks cheap, comes recommended, its got me interested. Another day comes to an end, thank you god. Life is good, if I can find a way, I will help so many.
I met an amazing father with cancer, he is inspiring and amazing, he is thinking of germany. He came over to ask me whats it like to go overseas to war. I said expensive and enjoyable. The people fighting besides you will quickly become your best friends, they have for me.


happy birthday tumour, rest in pieces, its my third anniversary today

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yes 3 years ago to the day, I saw the blood in the toilet bowel.
still alive, still here and still fighting. and possibly causing trouble!
another great day ends, I wonder what tomorrow will bring!
if your interested in my extreme therapies, ideas, newest research well have a have, if your conservative well I would not click on the link, you have been warned.

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