in the morning, the mri lady inside the scanner says, continue breathing, so I smile, I think I will, not just for mri but for each and everyday god grants me.
so based mri peritoneum liver prof vogl sees shrink age peritoneal mets, still lymphatic activity, nothing in liver.
today he targeted peritoneam, lymph nodes and basal lungs.
I have been blessed to get fastest treatment ever here, so I can arrive at dr siebenhuener for 12 noon pdt, ipt.
the secret of my survival is I push myself and my doctors harder than you can imagine.
then the impossible becomes possible.
ask me about secret techniques to boost tace, pdt, ipt. out of respect for confidentiality of my phd researcher and newest friends I don't publicly divulge these therapy concepts.
I test them first, so far today I am fine. Yesterday so super high dose 2dg eta, caused dizziness and tremours, it was very scary loosing control of body.
I decided against camping as risks to great, instead I booked a few more nights at the cheapest secret 4 star in frankfurt. but its not a secret, as I can tell by the rating, location and price, I still pretend its a secret, I book it each time on last and save money. these treatments so hard, I need all the care, comfort and convenience I can get to help me.
I must have a fridge for gcmaf yogurt, suppositories and vials of active goleic. god bless prof ruggiero the pioneer of gcmaf innovations.
I collapsed asleep at 10pm after yesterday so treatments, I woke fresh 4am, did enema, meditation and gcmaf nebulizer before leaving hotel 7am for 7.15am appointment vogls.
its 11.10am, in recovery still, with hot flushes, I called siebenhueners an hour ago begging for pdt, ipt.
pushing these dr every second, every way possible. they want too share my healing system with many patients, and market my innovations. its the ultimate compliment, but I wonder where is the fairness that I invested at least a million dollars proving these concepts.
No one has pioneered these innovative combination therapies, I share them here for free, maybe its silly me.
the cash savings gone, the loans again approaching limits, its nice to see others profit from my innovations, but I have grave fears, I will be in the grave when my credit exhausted.
all these doctors insist on payment, despite all the patients I inspire, I refer.
I have to capitalise on my success or ill be dead before you know it, and this blog will end just like all the other cancer blogs
god I wish I could find someone to help me market , to spell check, make this blog the success these results deserve. I add it to my list of prayers. all my ideas get used to benefit others, but not me in a material manner.
my concerns about finances stem from the recent disease progression, every rising marker costs me money, I don't have. my sydney business suffering serious financial set backs.
so I fight to the last cent, to the last breathe.
I have not even started in this war on my illness, I will out smart it, out fight it, out live it.
its 11.26am, I have to pee, get dressed, discharged, speed across town, to dr siebenhuener to start pdt 5 and ipt 46.
as I said, I have not even started.
I am just getting started.
stick around and watch the fight of the century.
I am betting on pete
VOGL SAYS, Mr Trayhurn I see you first, I see you last.
I laughed, if not me, then my patients as soon as I am in remission.
Vogl reviews ct, he says everything stable. I say when, he says depends markers, I say 2pm next friday is possible before I fly. Prof adds me to calendar.
I wanted better, but stable better than visible progression. I have had big falls markers, sometimes imaging lags markers with immune treatments. I am content and grateful. The rapidly escalating disease stopped, now I refine plan.
I sit in the hotel room, just 4 walls, 4 stars, ac, the bath meditation and enema await. I ask myself is this a life? my wife has no husband. my kids no father. all this for over 5 years.
I pray a little, listening to london orchestra classics, I think of my mother ans and her music in my heart now faint echoes through eternity, I thought of my mum eileens smile and her laugh. I have some tears remembering. I messaged love to family, I get no reply.
I pray for courage, strength and wisdom. I thank my God for this day and my blessings, I have tried the most innovative therapies. When I thank God, I thank him for you my readers and friends, the doctors and nurses, my fellow patients.
a special thanks to daniel 3bp genius.
god is not just good, he is great.
my miracle is I fly pain free, full of hope, to hug my daughter on her 14th, my son and my most beautiful wife that god has given me.
I will find a way!
ps got to sleep well, up 5am, drive duderstadt dc blood draw, then return siebenhuener pdt ipt, no rest until remission.
your a good son, these are my doctors below, gerhard is in frankfurt and has excellent innovative therapies. I copied him, tell him about your dad, he can explain his concepts. I have very good rwsults ipt and pdt, but we are all unique.
Good luck and god bless you and your dad.
lots of love.
day by day my journey of 5 years is covered