The present for daughter, her dad, a party and ugg boots.
up 5am for drive duderstadt.
got nivo,
got dc vaccine 17
got signed job offer praxis nesslehut.
this real job for best immunotherapy practice in the world, is the achievement of my life.
thank god for the gift of life.
my job to support kiwi and aussies coming or interested in immunotherapies.
the corpse gets a job, who said meta static is a death sentence.
not me.
returned hire car, checked in, resting on floor.
got a big arm bandage, punctured artery, my new friend torkel was great support, he met dr siebenhuener, nesslehut and vogl. he knows the procedures I do, that may help him, now to fund raise.
lots of love,
ps vogl called me a miracle and said lungs clear.
little bag of lavender a birthday gift from friends, size does not matter, love does, I am blessed.
oh I met claire at vogl 70% lung reduction, another pioneer, brave, beautiful and successful.