A girl needs a gbm miracle, and our prayers.
My pharmacy friends said you look great, so healthy and smiling. Get your cancer drugs from Bob Harrison my friend for years. I think but I have liver tumors, that thought i question its true , but I focus on the compliment, the honesty. I thank God I'm healing, I look healthy. I cherish these positives here, I share the bliss here. I hope you feel it. My delusion or illusion maybe the bliss, to me god and this bliss are real, almost indistinguishable. When I see or feel God, bliss soon follows. And when I feel bliss, I look around. I see God, I here him in the bird song. I smell him in the burnt brownies.
I sense god everywhere and when. I am so grateful for this breathe. Some advanced meditation, try third eye breathe awareness and add the concept of gratitude. We become what we think. I see myself healed, no cancer and helping others. This thought vision imagine is 3d
I had to pickup drugs, been off cimitidine for 2 weeks, no more supply downunder. Now another very little miracle, my sexual function has bounced back which may explain my peaceful glow which the side effect of cimetidine. I joyfully constantly rethink assess cost benefit of all drugs, supplements foods lifestyle therapies and medical therapies,
So today basal temp, zeolite, water, made progurt non gcmaf yogurts. Yes I am making 3 different yogurts cultures. One day I'll get bacterial dna of the strains , but now I get clear yogurts benefits.
Everyday is full of science of love and joy.
I have more than enough and really let go of my past. I guess we retrain traumas until we have learnt the lesson.
Have a great day, I am.
I mentally train for surgery, the op is fantastic the pain wonderfully non existent. I do a mental twist pain is joy. Trying to program the mind. Neurons that fire together wire together.