This is a great cause that I beg you to support.
First time I've asked for money. Not for me, but for an inspirational human who is a doctor of outstanding compassion and integrity.
Her name ? Doctor Dana Flavin!
An amazing conference program.
The scientists and doctors at Amsterdam cancer vaccine 2015 conference who I met , who i gently harassed and talked with. Well I hope they sensed in my smile, in the intensity, in my questions and my faith that together we can find answers and Fast. I say hang on, as long as you can. The calvary is coming, hidden behind the storm clouds, the tears. The fears. There is so much that fuels my impossible miracle. Buts it's possible for us all.
It's starts with completely irrational hope! Where it ends I leave to god.
The conference audio is permitted to be shared. The organizers gracious in the extreme. If you fail to understand the science that's okay. Grasp just one fact these scientists work for our salvation. Maybe today with more intensity. The hope is real.
I feel more Dutch than Australian.
Years ago the tga banned me from a genetics conference. It's for doctors only they ruled. To be excluded from learning and offered only lethal palliative chemotherapy by my government, seems like nazi Germany in some ways. That was years ago they stopped me. We think we are free, are we? Really? What's important is we ask the question. That we are free to ask the question are we free?
The Australian government suspects the dieing have no voice, but we really do. Alas no one listens. It gives me peace that God's listening.
I really must fight the establishment. I will let my ignorant cancer friends die in peace. But that's so difficult, the metastatic torture that my friends endure drives me relentlessly. They suffer so much needless pain while the cancer industry gets rich.
I'd take my scientist friends to the palliative cancer care unit anywhere and after an hours prayer we will brain storm translational therapy options. Maybe Obama will organize it for me. Maybe can target brain cancer.
We cannot have patients understand that we kill them. We may have civil unrest.
Now i have just enough credibility to get into these fine establishments, these life saving conferences.
But by God I weep for the suffering while my fine scientific friends play with mice, rats and monkeys. And we die!
I asked a few sensible questions with a joyfully heavy heart. That I ask intelligent questions recorded. I was welcome to record the meeting. The fine words of these brilliant scientists give me understanding and hope.
My heart beats with more understanding, more friends and more hope.
My brain has exploded, how we fit so much inside our head the greatest miracle, especially mine.
Simply amazing passionate scientists. I am blessed. A few new friends. They did not realize I am the greatest metabolic interventional immunotherapist to live. It's easy, I'm the first. I smiled when they said where planning to inject yervoy into tumors of rats, I said too late I did it weeks ago.
To the authorities, I have informed consent, I teach the scientists who teach the professors who teach the doctors who tell the patients you must die so our society can crumble gradually like our fragile environment.
Well is not enough enough?
When is enough enough?
I got some autographed posters from the conference. A gifted colorectal scientist signed my innate immune regulation book. She is a kind genius.
I treasure this day, the moments and the incredible opportunity I have.
Kikki is a new doctor. He asked me for the abstracts. My kind of doctor.
I enjoyed 2 cakes at morning and afternoon teas.
I felt strangely safe amongst the scientists and immunotherapists .
Goodbye Amsterdam hello Rheine, Schumannstraße 48
The address of my newest friend.
The search for complete remission continues with a heart full of hope, a brain bigger than most, a these precious recordings.
Lord grant us our miracles, the need is vast!
Love Pete
P's thank you j, a little glue may save a life or two or a million. At least I live with real hope breathe to breathe.
I introduced myself as an immunotherapist at the conference, that's what doctor nesslehut called me. I am certainly the smartest rat, surely I can find my way out of the colorectal maize and get some blonde cheesecake on the way home! I miss normal life, wife and kids. But I do what's needed and follow my heart.
A very very big day tomorrow