Cea dropped from 70s to 49, similar ca199, this was first decrease since Vogel, 1 week apart. Next wed might have trend continuing, so much to write about but energy reserves low, family life more taxing than cancer, I cannot wait for Germany.
Talked with wife about boardinghouses, was threatened divorce etc etc. My poor kids, poor me, what a mess to be in. If a new about adrenal exhaustion and health, I would have made different choices. Everyday here is negative for healing, I can beat this illness, alas I cannot beat the wife.
Peace is so alusive in the home, the kitchen a war zone. I don't have the energy or the will to clean dishes and pts from 3 days ago, I needed it done so I can make my new maf314.
Had some issues culturing maf314, left compound 2, out for extra day per ruggerio email, all set. So gave daughter maf314 lesson and enjoyed some yogurt as dessert.
I need some activated tumour eating macrophages, as I sleep I heal. I have high hopes.
I can beat recurrence 2,I just needed a little hope, this fall is enough, the trend should continue as I did chemo and hyperthermia after the marker.
Cea zero, joy high, health excellent.
My gcmaf eu shots arrive next week, I will email dagmar re strategy.