I have hope
I walked up and down the stairs strong and safe. I raced the older man to the traffic lights and won! My strength and energy is back like a long lost lover. And so is my appetite. Im famished the fasting of the last few days is finished!
A brave couple who read my blog are at the apartment. Pray for us!
God grant us our miracles! Protect us from the evil drugs made by greed and there lies that causes such death and suffering.
DR kilarski is away but dr trayhurn is here. Oh sugar! Countless risks everyday is why i survive.
Some sit back and read your studies and wait your fate. NOT I.
Success is in implementing not dieing....
After science comes action and not meaningless chatter on facebook about counting bodies. So many say incurable.
What a load of crap! Alas it maybe true if you try chemotherapy. Even at the immunotherapy conferences they get best responses in untreated people. Those stats i trust.
On balance the odds are ill survive. We are slowing the drip of artemisinin. Its been going 15 minutes and no adverse events. The risks are real therefore so are the benefits. I like ferinject company they called back my colleague dr trayhurn. He exists in the future but i relayed the email message.
Desperate illness demands desperate measures and most stage 4 cannot even sacrifice sugar to try to save there life or get some extra days.
Dear anna
Regarding your comment. DO YOUR BEST. ITS ENOUGH. CASE BY CASE. Send me your report if you want. Lets compare and contrast.
Anna has left a new comment on your post "Metavectum tumour biology report":
Thanks Peter for sharing important message about metavectum. I have also received today metavectum report but from CTC. Means useless.... ?
Dearest it depends on the nature and location as metastasises so in my case the liver biopsy sample cultured by medavakkam means a result that highly targets the tumor cells that are remaining in the liver as 1 part of the Resection had a dirty margin. They left active tumour behind microscopic!
So now my earlier blood tests and I've done 2 of them had inconclusive results due to the low quality of CTC.
The reason for the low CTC count could have been far infrared nasal laser therapy it could be the result of numerous viral and immunotherapy it's impossible to say except I know some differences between the results which underlies the ever-evolving epigenetic nature about tumour genetics
I have a good degree of confidence in medavakkam and it's the basis of my ongoing clinical plans I feel it's important to use all of these tests in an immunological context and also in the context of your metabolism and the cancers metabolic characteristics only yesterday I was writing about my detailed hormonal analysis.
This is the absolute stupidity of current oncological thinking and immunological thinking where the complex inter-relationships of the entire organism are disregarded but again this is just my opinion and I am not in complete remission yet but that is absolutely my goal. But i made my gcmaf yogurt last night after driving 7 hours.
some people say that stage four Colorectal cancer is not curable that is only because they lack knowledge wisdom and courage.
I wanted to rush this answer to you as I'm just about to do my artemisinin infusion and I'm quite nervous about the potential side effect of the one gram of iron in a product called ferinject. I had this yesterday and it had a remarkable Bounce in my energy and the outstanding questions I've got for the company are
Regarding Cancer interactions and related Therapies
1 does the product cause insomnia
2 Can there be a positive or negative interaction with artemisinin related in fusions as the iron based Fenton reaction is the key method of cytotoxicity
3 Do you have any research material with your product with regard to immunotherapy induced anaemia to do with the Induction of il6 and inability of the red blood cell to transport iron across the cell membrane.
This was asked by my esteemed colleague dr.trayhurn@gmail.com
Dear ferinject
Its dr trayhurn here. Our patient had remarkable improvement in energy and walking after 1gram ferinject yesterday. He has severe anemia induced by immunotherapy not chemotherapy. See questions below.
Regarding Cancer interactions and related Therapies
1 does the product cause insomnia
2 Can there be a positive or negative interaction with artemisinin related in fusions as the iron based Fenton reaction is the key method of cytotoxicity
3 Do you have any research material with your product with regard to immunotherapy induced anaemia to do with the Induction of il6 and inability of the red blood cell to transport iron across the cell membrane.
My favourite movie The good lie
Now i survived preloaded iron based artemisinin so now based on cell die of ill do newcastle disease nebuliser and coffee enema.
Tonight rerum gcmaf systemic immune activation!
Breathe gentle during oncothermia to maximise thermal effect
From one day weakness anemia diarrhea to the next strength and confidence for which im grateful. But gods timing leaves me breathless as i truth when the couragous couple meet me i look strong energetic and confident. They need a symbol of hope when the world says INCURABLE i smile and say lets go for a walk.
dear lord, your timing is unbelievable. So may those with eyes see. Those with ears hear. Those with noses smell not death but life.
I have faith healing is gods will using all he created and not just chemo and i protect myself from those with little faith.
My energy is precious and i savour and save it for those who seek miracles not those intelligent ignorant skeptical fools. I leave them in there fda drug based misery and lies!