Big healing day, chat with Dr Greg and kopic leaving hallwang for iptseibenhuner. Introduced grace to doc s, this may help many.
Chatted with family, first time since back Germany, god there voices sounded good, like a flowers smell.
No ipt today, or vitc 100gr, need 3 day window before tace. Healing infusions and local hyperthermia.
Found another Thai massage aged goddess with magical hands and a laugh. I am back there tomorrow for 2 hours if possible.
While entering Thai massage joint, this guy was walking towards me, I smiled and said "pretty good". He looked at me and said "what the dentist?" He saw the Thai sign on the door and we both laughed. There goes another few cells.
Look for the joy, either beauty or humour or love. The joy today was this stunning topless girl walking down the mainstream. My silver lining is the family have a great life without dad. I am redundant, its a big relief come what may.
Smile friends, tomorrow public fund raising by teaching meditation.
Then a Thai dinner as recommended, and a good pray and meditate by a waterfall in Chinese gardens.
Chatted with family, first time since back Germany, god there voices sounded good, like a flowers smell.
No ipt today, or vitc 100gr, need 3 day window before tace. Healing infusions and local hyperthermia.
Found another Thai massage aged goddess with magical hands and a laugh. I am back there tomorrow for 2 hours if possible.
While entering Thai massage joint, this guy was walking towards me, I smiled and said "pretty good". He looked at me and said "what the dentist?" He saw the Thai sign on the door and we both laughed. There goes another few cells.
Look for the joy, either beauty or humour or love. The joy today was this stunning topless girl walking down the mainstream. My silver lining is the family have a great life without dad. I am redundant, its a big relief come what may.
Smile friends, tomorrow public fund raising by teaching meditation.
Then a Thai dinner as recommended, and a good pray and meditate by a waterfall in Chinese gardens.