Channel: Peter Trayhurn Blog
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Another dream. Ill never stop working for co-OPERATION between BIG PHARMA and BIG ALTERNATIVE 


I hope you can see there is quite a powerful spiritual Dimension to my ongoing healing and there is a good measure of solid science that I get from the conferences.

So I really like or the equation


for healing and that could be a more complex version of it coming soon.

In this amazing survival battle that all of us stage 4 cancer patients go through the question has to be asked what is the most important thing to do with each precious and irreplaceable second. Or with just each beat of our heart.

Indeed if every bit of energy, all the highs and the lows. Thats delivered to our body and mind what can we do to really live. How do we access and use this abun-dance in our lives. Steve stresses the dance in abundance.  I liked that.

What can we do to really give more to live mooore too love more.

you see that giving the smallest gift is like unkocking gods treasure palace. He says give away my treasurers and he that gives the most will receive my most special treasure.

So for some reason God is keeping me alive not the not the medicine not the scientific wisdom from conferences and it's not even the mixture of the two and you can throw in extra special alternative healing like the fruit diet that was explained to me by this wonderfully intelligent and kind survival coach Steve Factor Google him I'm sure you'll find him.

The other conversation with Steve was so good for my soul I let him do most of the talking after all he was giving me his wisdom straight out of the goodness of his heart and who am I not to listen.

the only person who has all the answers is God but I do believe he is giving each of us and our answers every second into our heart and soul. It is these answers I seek from my subconscious mind from deep within my heart when I meditate it's that special time of the day to find answers.

And miraculously when you get these answers from God when you need another ingredient that you're probably lacking in which is courage courage to implement what's been revealed to you.

Often that courage can be found it might be like my question 4 years ago drop everything and fly immediately to Germany or you'll be dead it was kind of easy for me to get on the plane I was after all escaping a failing relationship that was generally intolerable except I developed a relatively large beating heart and capacity to absorb anger.

I still thank God for the courage I had to fly each time. to not die and for the end of suffering at home. for these ongoing miracles i continually praise God.

and taking all of his experience wisdom and love and apply it thoughtfully tomorrow online

Abscopal effect from a friend often I congratulate myself my intelligence but I'm going to bow to you my friends my readers because you are intelligent if you read and persist with my blog my story. Yeah I've touched on this occasionally but often some of my stage 4 friends just visit for a few days or a few weeks or a few months.

Whether you stay with me on my journey for one second or a million seconds I can but wish you the sincerest happiness and love I know what that means in this life. hey I'm glad we all have eternal happiness in abundance.

Before I roll out of bed I'll pick up one of my 10 kilogram weights extension of my head. My exwife dumped me due to lack of muscles not impotence or unfaithfulness. Just muscles.

I smile at my bigger muscles and decreasing fat.

Full body hyperthermia tomorrow and infusions and BLOOD RESULTS.


Im speechless lost for words at the largest donation.  Godbless you 

Dominic Ziliotto donated $1,000 to
"Save German Rat"

Id just withdrawn 1000euros to pay my doctor. Tomorrow i pay 4000euro for ctl4a antibodies.
 Im trying to not let my desperation show but we all know the success of these treatments in the next few weeks will be pivotal on whether I continue with tried-and-tested routines or if I really have to go lost it and think beyond my current Square

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