Please please please dear God send me to jail for such a long time let them sodomize me and do whatever they want to me because it will be far far far easier than what I have endured so far.
Please gofundme I'll save myself.
Its not if but when I succeed. I will help save you or someone you love and our kids kids kids.
I have the business the science the patients and doctors understood like noone else. The massive advantage of time in the game.
I'll bring big ALT to the negotiations. We need patient action NOW! but opps I got a liver full of tumours.
Our souls are everlasting and strong but simultaneously fragile. I protect mine and my friends if I can.
Enjoy my favourite story the happy prince
Fasting ALL DAY for tomorrow massive hifu to liver to save my life.
English speaking mass and morning tea they are praying for me. A treat only in frankfurt.
I really enjoyed bike riding today and I also enjoyed going to the zoo
About gofundme fraud
I got this fantastic comment the name does not matter and I smiled bigger. My gofundme is my way save my life and many others. I have already offered funds over 50k to my friend here who has only 3 liver mets and i have 20. Ive given so much help to so many. Yeap almost all dead but at the time they were alive. Why my $700 ecct blanket was given to a desperate pancreat cancer patient who could not stop smoking. Its not been returned. May they rest in peace as they ripped me and the doctors here off.
So I consider my time effort and energy absolutely priceless. Every second I give to another fellow stage 4 cancer patient struggling for their life is a second I do not have in my life in case I die. Yes my kids have a father still.
And yes in many respects I'm pissed because a lot of people contacting me have not done that homework have not put the hard yards of research they want everything on a bloody platter just because they've got a terminal diagnosis and they are scared to die. And the clocks ticking very very loudly for them.
When I survive and I'm a billionaire I'm going to get someone to go over this blog and every single post on the cancer survivors network and we can count how many research articles and PubMed articles I've referred to fellow cancer patients to for their informed consideration.
This idiot below has absolutely no clue how hard I've worked to stay alive what risks I've taken and how much I've shared I have shared everything. The best mushrooms to best liver supplements the best protein pills the best sources of vitamin C the different types of vitamin C what to watch out for what to do when to do it how to do it when to pray when to meditate.
It's so simple the platform for survival of stage 4 is lifestyle.
And they turn up here asking me what's the ketogenic diet god I could almost cremate them on the spot. I remember this tragic father dying at a very expensive cancer clinic guzzling down his Coca Cola and then everyone said the clinics medicine doesn't work. But alas it was the ignorance and weakness of the man himself he did his best and may he rest in peace but I can share that story can't I I don't think I have before.
So I came home after midnight to this amazing message below. I thanked God immediately for my blissful state but it's taught me much much more I have to be absolutely focused on my mission my remission and that everyone is welcome to their opinion and that heaps of people have different opinions about everything.
Ill ask god for a Teflon coating protecting my heart and soul and to remain absolutely steadfast in fact this lovely gentleman has made me more determined than ever so thank you. Scratch that Teflon is carcinogenic I'll try and find a nonstick non cancerous protective coating maybe my smile and my ever present mortality.
it does take a special kind of person to attack a stage 4 cancer patient who was supposed to been dead and my only goal is to save myself and others but that's the world we really do live in.
I'm very very proud does my innovative streak my commercial success so far and a billion-dollar Empire that awaits me as I'm definitely going to live long enough to reach my gofundme Target . And this Critic cringe at every donation and if he needs help I will still help him because Jesus said turn the other cheek.
I guess he would prefer the money to go to established charities in established foundations so that we can just maintain the status quo where we just all die of stage 4 cancer patients.
I object to this individual seeking gofundme monies that could go to other individuals who are actually in need of money. This individual has publically boasted for years on cancer message boards and his own blog about his vast wealth. While each individual may certainly provide money to whom they wish ... There is something rather disgraceful about an individual who has their own private wealth requesting money from others. Just a word of caution here ... This seems fraudulent.
(1) Delete the comment if you can - best tactic. And keep silence.
(2) Explain the nature of cancer - you have spent a lot of money and the longer you live, the less money you have and the more money you spend. You have exhausted treatment options in Oz, hence you are in Germany. Most people with Stage 4 Colo-rectal are dead within 1 year - you must be doing something right to survive 3 YEARS . ACTUALLY 4 YEARS. IM COUNTING THE SECONDS.
(3) Your money is tied up in properties and mortaged heavily, and you have little liquidity. Your wife has equal GREATER claim on your properties, as do your children. Is he suggesting you bankrupt your wife and children? And die for the sake of satisfying his moral stance? This is not just helping you, it's helping your children who want to see their father live.
(4) There are many individuals who have properties and assets who also ask for funding. Who gets to determine the level of neediness?
(5) Ask the person what he would do if he were in your position? Live, or throw himself at people's mercy? If he can honestly say he would prefer not to ask for people's charity, then ask him to say it publicly.
(6) It is none of his business who wants to donate. Friends often want to help but don't know how. This is one way. If he can't help someone with cancer, then duck off and get cancer and see what it's like to live with a death sentence.
(7) Invite him over to Frankfurt for a beer, to see how you live, what you are doing,
All the antibody developers are chasing their tails wasting their money wasting their time they have no clue I do
Americans are working on the moon shot project now the competitive project is the Starfire rim project it's much more sexier .
It's written in the sparkle in a special man's eyes what's just been seen has never been seen before and no one else but me knows what's been seen or why or when or how and that's the intellectual property it's worth at least a hundred million dollars.
You'll never never know what the desperately creative educated mind of a genius can achieve but you can watch the blog in amazement I am that confident.
I'll give those of you with a clue a clue it's always been about focus hehehehehe
I love my sunburnt country but we are so very very backward and we smash the pieces every ounce of innovation in our great country so I will build my Empire offshore in Germany where we have the fastest cars in the world I rest my case
Alas The Scientist are leaving the businesses are leaving all that will be left will be sheep and kangaroos.
Can you believe the Sydney University veterinary clinic would not give compassionate access to a terminally-ill dog have a cancer vaccine designed by a competing University they can go to hell that is the academic cooperation in Australia
Hey my fellow terminally I'll cancer patients in Australia that's for treatment my beautiful 10-year-old beloved dog received how much greater Care do you think you will receive.
I suggest you think about that and think about how beautiful Germany is maybe sell get out of the property bubble and come to Germany and live a few more wonderful years and maybe get a miracle.
Oh and why do I sound so sarcastic well it just so happens we had 5000 of the world's best scientist in Melbourne for for immunotherapy now I know almost every reasonable Oncologist in Sydney and I didn't see one of them especially night at the special Oncologist training session run on Sunday where I was the only attendee from Sydney that I knew I could see and I asked the most questions and they were damn fine questions
So don't be afraid my fellow Australians who have Cancer your Oncologist know so very very much about this disease and what's possible to save you ha ha ha ha ha
In 2 weeks I go to Baden-Baden for the medicine week where about 5000 of the craziest alternative German doctors fight it out every year to see who can do the craziest s*** the people and one of my dearest and the most beautiful girl in the world is lecturing them and I'm staying at her house for 2 nights I am so hooked into this network.
Her stunning eyes her warm smile and her amazing advice saved me 4 years ago and we meet again at this next most amazing conference and these fine alternative doctors are really blissfully unaware of the intricate workings of our immune system.
So if any cancer patient in the universe with stage 4 wants to really really really live there's only one place to be and that's in Baden-Baden on the 28th of October with me if I'm alive of course.
It will be a lot of fun to throw any of the english-speaking cancer patients straight into a German oncology lecture in German and you know what I did 4 years ago
I walked over to the most beautiful blonde Oncologist and I told her that I'm terminally-ill and begged her to translate she whispered into my ear for about 2 hours and then afterwards we went to dinner and then afterwards I went back to her place and in the morning we did yoga and that was how you learn from a German oncology lecture
By the way the dinner was Indian and we going back to that Indian restaurant in a few weeks. That's an example of the desperation you need if you want to live with this prick of an illness I hope I make myself clear.
Too all my wonderful critics do you think I would let you take one second of the satisfaction of the joy I have I been alive, get real you cannot touch my inner soul but what you can do is help me focus and learn how to deal with you, and the answer must always be with compassion and education and patience.
So look at the photo in today's blog see my smile and see the big long finger now use every ounce of your intelligence and work out where you need to stick your finger now feel really really hard and push really deep and then you may have the blessing of touching a rectal cancer and then you can call me for help and I'll help you. good luck I'd push really hard until it hurts until you cry! bye bye!
And I've updated my gofundme with the $15,000 Australian donation from my wonderful kind compassionate friend and I've spent it already on myself staying alive ha ha ha.