boldness lies in being free
Alas being free means being away from my family my friends finding my cure my way
I put it on my blog wow so boldness lies in being free by sabina ha ha now you are more infamous
About courage
So much wisdom on the Internet but you need to be wise to find it I think you must be very wise because you found me
Really going into my shell and after discovering all of the unanswered queries I've decided to continue the neglectful habit
The absolute secret of sustaining constant bliss is to focus on hope and not focus on darkness so my language is never that I have cancer but simply I am healing
But today pain suffering challenges and an incredible amount amount of joy great therapies amazing insights
It's 1 a.m. 38.08 upward trend from 37.6 a few hours earlier I'm enjoying remarkable immune response
And this morning's temperature 37.22 a few hours later 37.66
I am fascinated by the correlation between temperature fluctuations and therapy interventions and I am discussing it with Professor Vogl with no meaningful replies so it is not really a discussion but I share my insight
You would think it frustrating to be ignored and unappreciated by your medical team and honestly it is not because I am very used to that feeling over the last 7 years but I know I am a genius and that is enough but today it's become crystal clear that I am absolutely unable to help patients on a one-on-one basis anymore and so I am delegating all referrals to my medical doctors and a few friends who follow my blog if you want to help the dying let me know
It sounds so egotistical but I believe my experience this last 7 years with these advanced immunotherapy is the cheapest immunotherapies on the planet and the natural substances and the frequency medicine etc etc etc is incredibly valuable and I cannot sacrifice my life for helping other lives
Time is such a precious commodity in this day and age I have so much research to do on unanswered questions and that is where I must channel my available energy and time I hope you understand and I am sorry but I do not have the resources to help you but I've listed my medical contacts on my gofundme
I did have a wonderful meeting with John his wife and his brother and the wife's commitment and love made me feel very jealous in some respect that she flew halfway around the world in a heartbeat to help her husband but I still feel no ill will to my wife who is divorcing me even though she still loves me money is such a strange curse but I need it to stay alive so please go fund me.
My bill with Dr k was about 6.5 k euros for last month. The best value in skilled medical care I Could Dream of but on that subject I'm realise any of my friends who follow me do not appreciate the quality of the doctors I am giving them.
Dear god please grant all the patients who come to Germany more wisdom so they can have success. AMEN
I really really cringe at all the mistakes I see and hear
In that respect they do not give the doctors due respect how can they? Can I stay out of the referrals completely I have a letter in my little black man bag I was supposed to deliver it to Vogl last week and now I will give it to him on Friday I forgot.
So living joyfully is an art and that is what I practice and it may sound selfish and I take all of the satisfaction abd joy that God is kind enough to give me. I was overloaded I was tired and I cannot bear the responsibility of letting down other dying cancer patients because I have the demands of my own treatment and I do not need to feel guilty all the pressure is helping others because I do and that is why I don't want to know what your problems are anymore.
I did a lot on the Chi Machine today and Line nerve damage to feet are much improved.
the apartment is full of amazing courageous young Polish people a few with serious illness but I just sit with them and smile and don't get caught up in their suffering unfortunately none of them are interested in my GCMAF yoghurt.
I dont offer useful life saving tricks and tips and that in a way is relieving for me. it is really Dr ks responsibility to ask these patients and to tell them to get help from me I do not push unsolicited advice on to anybody anymore it is simply casting pearls that are not requested.
The birds have stopped singing because winter is coming it's very cold outside and strangely I'm still very hot inside and that is why I am really overflowing with hope and gratitude I have absolutely no fear that I will die but as you know anything can happen to anyone at any time especially when you have metastatic cancer and all of the drugs and therapies I have undertaken and taken
My lovely Star Trek video series have the soundtrack removed because of copyright violations so I'm giving up on my series for now but it was a lot of fun and my creativity impressed me
There is an unimaginable mountain of
suffering that I am completely aware of but I choose not to focus on as it will easily destroy me and all of those who dwell on I take all of the joy and kindness and beauty that God has been kind enough to Grant me an in there too but in the apartment tonight lives another brand new stunning angel who could not stop smiling at me and I could not stop smiling at her and she has almost no English but a smile is the language of love
So tomorrow night late I will head to Frankfurt for more hardcore treatment this week has only been 3 days at home Tuesday Wednesday Thursday but these days have been nice unexpectedly intense and my peritoneal cavity is still very very sore but in that soreness lies the seeds of my survival the antigenic mystery the antigenic theft of surgery has become crystal clear to me and everything that I'm doing is looked at the institution of long-term memory so I have ongoing remission
So my advice is to focus on hope not Darkness and to follow your heart at all times sweet dreams world and thank you for reading lots of love Pete
And go fund me if you can donations have slow down a little bit today a very kind friend in America has offered to share my blog and publicize it more and my YouTube channel and for that I am very very grateful
boldness lies in being free I am so tired I cannot really think what this means but Sabina said it and she is wise and beautiful so it must be true I will leave it to you to ponder I will ponder it in my dreams
If I'm really to live to 200 and I am 50 now how many selfies a day do I have to do and put on the blog to reach a million selfies that is another unanswerable question it's nonsense really like so many questions there's only one question that's particularly relevant in that is do you love god because he loves you and so I thank you again for reading and May all of your wishes prayers and dreams come true but I have none and therefore I may be happier than you.
And finally in terms of cancer survival please consider the full strength systemic chemo really encourages tumour heterogeneity and therefore loss t cell efficacy logically speaking we know precisely why chemotherapy kills us and it is amazing that we continue such barbaric arcane and destructive practices but that is the world we live in and at the same time the truth about cancer Summit is starting up and misleading lots and lots of Dying patients but in the end it will make precious little difference and I will contemplate the morality of what they say after listening so I will not judge I will be patient and optimistic I was about to book a ticket and fly to Dallas I wanted to be with all those passionate terminally I'll cancer patients but then I thought I should stay here and focus on my clinical treatment I wasn't invited to the conference maybe one day I will but I will not hold my breath that would be suicide
Everyone makes money from the dying from the meditation teachers to the Oncologist to the alternative practitioners and supplement suppliers ailments is it in variable to a veritable never-ending stream of dollars it's just the way it is and learning to meditate by far the best value.
But meditating is so easy just close your eyes and stop thinking be aware of each breath and if you can watching the beauty and power of your soul in a kind of mindless way