So still the therapy induced blockage and incredible pain last night that's so good for the soul so purifying.
To escape all this I do deep deep deep deep meditation I make the pain disappear and I wait patiently for my intestine to heal.
It is truly bittersweet that I have the absolute best news with cancer therapy response and now this new challenge as icing on the cake.
Somehow God gave me the strength and help to change on the three trains to get to opensky and the kind taxi driver to deliver this unusual package to this amazing loving community.
So here we go. I've thought about this intense pain and suicide and reflected on my beautiful sister and brother who chose that option very early in their lives. I know it's a compassionate choice for many ill that's viewed as wrong my normal people and it is this judgemental approach that condemns the modern soceity and churchs.
Because I believe in God's love and that compassion must be supreme and that often suffering seems to be inflicted on the Afflicted. Yes this is complex and vast and beyond meaning but I certainly feel one with the suffering.
My peace and strength stems from God and how do I live still enough proof to me that he exists. Well the rest of you can make your own judgments and conclusions. I rest my moral compass on the Bible.
I play the song for God last night. I play song for God on pianos here by Elton John but its Guy not God but I think it's cute the song for God when really the Guy could also be Jesus one of my dearest friends.
And now here at Opensky a new friend has just delivered a pot of coffee for my enema so I must go.
The coffee flows fine but alas foodstuffs dont. The blockage dysfunction is real and it sad this function of the nervous system it's been destroyed by the simplest mistake and I forgive in a heartbeat because I love the nurse who is human and after all look at what I can endure for my cure for my friends in the future.
For I will have a future and it will be most interesting one of that I am sure.
But if you can pray for my healing and if you want to go fund me now I need help now and I'm seeking some volunteers he will come and help me I'm getting the world's best equipment to do my studies on myself and I cannot even get out of bed what an interesting scientist I am now. This the time to capture the daughter I said data
But I'll skype my daughter now as well.
Oh and my room here is called NEPTUNE fitting for a scuba diver filled with HEALING love. Look at the art that surrounds me. A conventional hospital or open sky. No choice really.
There is bliss beyond agony.
The gift the the suffering give is the invitation to sooth our broken bodies and souls and in doing so they find themselves uplifted.
Gods love is real.
This strange German girl addressed the crowded and drunk train about something I couldn't understand. Only one out of a hundred gave her some money and as she passed I said what did you say I cannot understand German. She said she was homeless I reached and gave her a big handful of gold she managed to the other end and I finally heard oratory continue a cry for help unheeded by the masses.
It's a Friday night and soccer is on and there hearts are full of soccer and song.
But the girl tried her way to get help and I try my way to get help in this a Beautiful NEEDY World.
So GoFundMe please. Still a donation today might be a Priceless dividend in the future.