Plenty of opinions on the network, and lots of cutting and pasting, a few of us practice what we preach and share it for free in the greater good.
, we might have a group hug tomorrow night. I am a little bit like the prodigal son, I did not want to fail, I did not want to
faith in my health and cancer theories.
clearmri and cat today, i am off diving on o2 and ketogenic, what are life, game , set and match to the RAT.
markers will come in due course, i have my bitch of an illness on the run, no way on god's great earth will i let a screwed stupid cell ruined this wonderful party we call life.
thanks for the support and ideas, you know who you are. for my part i have shared everything, some say to much.
What i attribute my success to is method not money, its the patient, its always been the patient. its not supplements, or off label drugs, or pushups, its not just prayer.
to be honest i have no idea why no more tumours, idont care which part of the recipe makes the cake, just that the cake looks and tastes good.
shamei cannot eat cake on the ketogenic diet i am starting again, it conflicts with ipt.
its all on the blog. will see cea, but GODs eye, Dr vogel, well if he said no adni am his miracle, well blooodyhellli am, he has treated tace experimental and off label i think 13 years if not longer.
ONLY SUCCESS COUNTS again drvogel, looking straight at me. I feel 20 feet tall. I have pulled off mission impossible. climbing mount everest next. learningrebreather diving and winning the underwater photographer of the year, that should be a piece of cake, no will just swim straigh up to a great white and say smile. well not many, maybe i will, what away to go. its not a death wish, but a life wish. I digress, as always, coffee enema time and sleep, it has been a very big day.
guys dream about chemo sensitive tace and IPT, its never been done before, a fitting first in the colorectal universe, mark my words it will be the therapy of the near future. I aint been wrong about much so far. I am typing on borrowed time as many here.
goodnight, goodluck and hugs,
Rat ( pete's gone for good )
ps alas the RAT really aggressive therapies, it hink will always be needed, its a priick of an illness to excuse the french, take your eye off the ball and your in heaven before its your time if your lucky or hell if you cut a few corners regarding calma. live with love, just to be on the safe side, i do and its healing.
I never prayed for cure, I only ever said thankyou for this wonderful life, then their is no pressure because of progression.
do you see the genius, one hit oxaliplatin, 4 weeks xeloda 1000mg breaky 500night and lots of others, but no systemic chemo and no disease. thats the miracle, thats the proof in gcmaf, ketogenic, low sugar, supplments, massage, life style. our trillions cells need all the help to survive, its starts with the soul, and lots of effort and faith. It can be done. read the blog if your interested, sorry about the ranting and the raving and the spelling. I know the cancer road toll, i am surrounded, indeed haunted everyday, none of my dearest friends have pulled off my miracle, but I have faith in Ren, he has got balls of steal, he got good news today and feels better, he is off tohallwang, another friend dave, is back from the brink. i will write his stoy on my blog soon, he is a real hero. I aintscene a man in more pain ever in my life and smile and say i have to be more joyful. he is pain free today, its been a week inhallwang. My story and two others, i will let ren share his details his way. I just wanted to point out he are doing vogel, sibenhuener, hallwang and nesslehut.
nesslehut is getting 1000 emails a day, I can get any of my friends in, but you need commitment with a capital C, and about 50K usd for 5 vaccine shots, if you dont have a big tumour burden and will do so offlabelsthats a good course. thats the budget version, I just spent 40K usd approx in 4 weeks wiping recurrence 2 into the ground, its not cheap but it worked for me.