So this is Dave the lion heart, he is the bravest man I know, he is simply inspirational. When I have my doubts and fears somehow being surround by wonderful caring strong friends means that I keep on going to extremes, and look at the health I enjoy.
basicallydave had 2 heads and he was not a pretty picture when i met him a few months ago, his neck tumour was massive, a large grapefuit, his life was in argony.
within a week of arriving hallwang he is almost well enough to move down to my place to save a few bucks. He sold everything he could, I think he owes some friends. Its criminal that this medicine is not available in australia.
the miracle is that this afternoon dave and I walk down to my apartment. they wanted to turn off his life support only a few weeks ago. theaussie ghosts of hallwang, the walking dead with smiles and hope in our hearts.
Our oncologists send us home to die, they rob our joy of life or our life of joy, the miracle is that these amazing aussie survivors all converge in the blackforest to the hallowed ground of hallwang.
so many die here, miracles do happen, everyday beyond our oncologists death sentence is a miracle to me that i am grateful for.
I walked into the infusion room the other morning, i was greeted to warm smiles and hugs from so many fellow aussies. I am loved and appreciated here, not often on the internet, but at least here.
I have left my family and friends behind
If my blessings helps my fellow aussies live another minute with hope, another hour, another day, another week, another month, another year, another decade, another century then thats something worthwhile to do with ones life.
we can change the world, moment to moment, heart to heart. It starts with love and hope, that abounds at hallwang. of course the medicine is amazing, but what helps these miracles manifest is faith in life.
Why brave men and woman have to leave our aussie shores and embark on a perilous, expensive and lonely adventure to save their lives is a question i will spend the rest of my life answering.
the title of my book today is THE RATS OF HALLWANG, kind of based on the rats of tobrouke. I also thought of the similarity of the german underground, that would smuggle escaped prisoners of war back home to family and friends.
Well now we have the new underground reborn, our mission is to smuggle australian cancer patients and medicine into these cancer clinics to save lives.
I see so many similarities between my friend daves courage and that of my father who was a japanese prisoner of war. My dad and dave suffered enemsly, neither had a choice WAR BEING DECLARED IS LIKE A CANCER DIAGNOSIS. I have seen the pain in my fathers face, I remember the war stories of being a prisoner of war in chanji with one leg. I have listened to Dave stories of suffering, of treatments and medical incompetence. remember my dad hoping along the beach at north haven our family holiday spot, he was like a one legged kangeroo. nothing stopped my father, nothing will stop me while I have breathe. I see the same fierce determination in my friend daves face. He is a real hero.
I joined the VIP club at caracalla. The 2000 years of thermal healing also has some magic. i have left the VIP pass for any hallwang guests who want a sauna and swim. The healing power of sauna, massage and beauty highly underrated. Its a small gesture, but significant.
The above story is an example of the drug based corrupt system that fails to acknowegde the fact melanoma is a highly immunogenic cancer, that tallberg powders, and a combination of alternative and complementary therapies may help. this wonderful dad, just wants a few more years. he is not even aiming at cure, he believes his doctors. so many convnetional cancer patients are sold the metastatic lie. i am not saying cancer is not a terminal illness, has this father been offered advanced immunotherapies, supplements, hyperthermia etc etc. lets just say I would like to see the full hallwang and german set of offerings. cheaper than the drug likely and possibly offering longer term remission.
I am grateful though for big pharma for making the investment and discovery, but they stop the main part of healing process. the father wants the drug to help him survive, alas he sounds like he has lost hope. At least a drug exists for him, i hope he gets it, i hope it works. for many no wonder drugs exist, all we have is the wonders of our immune system.
THANKGOD that thats enough, if you have the faith and the commitment miracles can happen. else how could i be typing this blog. Of course breakthrough medicine and doctors with balls are needed.
Does your oncologist have the balls to save your life QUESTION
We discussed this at lunch and in the infusion room, the answer was NO, its time that greedy oncologists were made to declare their financial conflict of interest, its criminal thee doctors invest in drug companies, pharmacy companies supplying oncology drugs. our system is built on corrupt principles and who suffers, THE CANCER PATIENT.
enough ranting and raving, i am off for a walk in the forest, doing the bare foot walk.