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mission impossible


getting blood out of iv in foot took about an hour, my arm viens are stuffed.

the joy of this long life on borrowed time and money.

so my next dc vaccine being made and blood sugar going to lab for cancer markers and ip10.

sweet dreams world, thanks for caring...

6 hours driving today, fra duderstadt fra.

then tonight took a friend to hospital.

I like the german health system.

doing pd1 keytruda next thursday, 1 day before dc and tace on friday.

very exviting stuff monday, tuesday and wednesday, too hot for blog

dr nesslehut shared inspiring story of ipilumimab and ndv saving boys life.

hope is all we have, hold it tight my friends.

I have so much hope, I must be crazy.

for those of us that dream impossible dreams, then dream them with all your heart and soul.

may god answer our prayers and full fill our dreams. his will be done.

to die and go to to heaven wonderful, but to enjoy heaven on earth as long as possible even better.

another day, another miracle, I am blessed.

the bliss and the dream continues.

do you see the box of blood? for the dc vaccine? 200ml, .

I was faint after 2 hours oncothermia and infusions.

her name is leah



so a relaxing day at home munich, a walk to the lake, a swim, and gazing into beautiful eyes, her name leah.

she is 8 months old, and full of smiles. the best medicine is love, all babies are adorable. so innocent. my kids are well loved by parents and friends and god., all is as it should be in this universe.

to feel this peace, when life is so fleeting. well its intreging me.

my first euro doctors website, if your desperate, start reading. now this doctor is a dear friend. I owe him and many for my miracle.

may god grant us all our miracles, our hearts desires.

the secret of my bliss, is to want less and thank more.

god gives us so much, for some lucky souls glorious challenges.  I ain't wasting a second arguing with his will, but I will finding my cure. 

at herzog clinic yesterday, I met carlos a brave prostate hero, 9 trips to germany, everywhere I go I see inspiration and suffering.

my gcmaf cultures failed  so I used my reserve batch of starters. say a prayer they work. compound 2 looking dodgy.

for all the gcmaf failues, you need the extras of oncolytic viruses and dc vaccines and pd1.

That's what's happening in the week ahead, a very very big week.

The grave genius and 1000000000 ndv. Who else? No one


in your darkest hour let your courage shine as a beacon, like a lighthouse to the lost, scared and dammed.

the gcmaf yogurt set perfect, as is gods love.

share my delusion, the bliss, is like the sunsets warmth, healing and peaceful.

Treatments hardest ever. I am blessed beyond belief as indeed we all are. Cancer helps me to say thanks.

I asjed jy son how are you? Fabulous his immediate answer. Me too i said. 

Tacev28 today went well 1 billion ndv deployed and 3bp to liver.

God grant our spouses peace strength courage faith wisdom and hope with left overs directed to kids then us miracle seekers. 

Jesus heal us all.


Lots of love pete

Ps just saying highest dose ever 50ml a billion viruses tartetted by worlds best, vogl. I am scared and confident. I must be nuts. Thats been well established and maybe a grave genius. I meant to say brave not grave. Ironic if you think about it.

Pray for torkel especially for urgent miracle

foot in mouth, with big feet so bigger mouth


phil; has left a new comment on your post "certainty of uncerainty":

"I went the cancer meeting, the very alternative one. but I say the death, suffering and pain of standard cancer outcomes is NO ALTERNATIVE FOR ME, OR ANY RATIONAL HUMAN, when so many better options".
Hi Pete, it sounds like you're still having a rough time and still can't accept that standard cancer treatments often work for many people. 11+ years and counting. Quality of life is very good. While one needs to do what they feel is right, I still fail to understand how bad mouthing someone's choice helps anyone.
I wish you well.

this is a really good comment, for a start I am so glad that some patients benefit from standard treatments, which is often chemo, surgery, radio.

at that meeting this brave lady was sitting, I arrived late, I had just come home to sydney and shared about trying the latest pd1 drug keytruda and other therapies. now its unlikely any of these alt inclined cancer patients will get to germany, mainly financial reasons. they are intensely interested and I speak to much trying to offer some hope, that so many things can be done to tackle cancer beyond standard.

at the end this beautiful lady walked in so much pain, my heart breaks at all the possibly avoidable suffering so many suffer where standard fails.

the cost of personalised alternative impossible for our society , government and not even culturally acceptable to many.

its just my challenges mean I got to many doctors and clinics in germany, I see often so much incredible pain , suffering and hopeless ness here in the clinics. just today a daughter grabbed me after my 2 hours oncothermia, her mum in agony dieing, not rely responding. the daughter helped me months ago when I had a flat car battery.  I offered to help then she said. she asks me out of love for her mum in desperation behind her brave composed face. I give her a hug and kiss, I offer gcmaf yogurt cultures.

she is not responding to the clinics best efforts, I think of all the things to do and try. I see the time, its 11.30am, I have 2 half hour drive for my treatment duderstadt for dc vaccine this friday. we exchange emails again, I drive with my mild arm pains somehow to duderstadt.

my truth about cancer, just my opinion is that all these challenging cases in alternative clinics would be much better off if they had tried personalized before standard therapies.

I am so so glad for conventional success, I wish I had this to a greater extent myself even. I would not be alive today without the excellent conentional care at the start.

so any success with this illness is to be celebrated. I would go so far to say I fully respect everyone should choice of treatment.

the demands of my illness pushes me to greater extremes everyday, I think that's clear, I hope it is. trip 12 , this one may work as all the others to some extent, while I at least buy time, have a life with as much joy as possible adminst all the immense suffering and heart ache around me. in the suffering I clearly see immense hope and courage and faith.

just on monday I met a polish family, the son had to care for dad who had gbm, the wife juiced, we talked about prayer, about god. I pulled out this lovelly wooden cross from my pocket, the wife with no english feritted in her large hand bag for a long time. she pulled out her beautiful rosary beeds. again we smiled , hugged, kissed and I was dragged off for more treatments. I wished them well.

being relatively so well, I doubling count my blessings, I praise god for what fleeting success I have, really every second of my waking existence.

but again I am compelled to say the doctor here is great, that's why I am here, but in my heart I know what all these patients do is inadequate to my personalised standard of care, but that's the wanna be doctor in me, which has to wait until I succeed or die.

so I try, I cry and find all the joy that surrounds me. the competition between alternative doctors is probably more fierce than conventional. so my success in there praxis or clinic always brings questions and often conflict.

I often get into trouble, so to protect my own access to treatment I must shut up and say nothing, I let all these people go on there journey, hopefully to heaven.

I share my experience, the therapies, the observations, my life, it helps a few, it helps me make sense of my journey.

there is hope, there is a way for many many many more to have better quality and quantity of life than offered by the standard of care. of that I am certain.

God bless the lucky conventionals short and god help the rest of us.

if we pray I am sure he will.

amen, sorry for the offense, alas my english and the smart phone.

maybe the combo of targetted massive new castle virus disease,  gcmaf, tace, dendtric cell with ipilumimab and nivolumimab will save my ass and help some of the unlucky colorectals.

That's my hope and prayer.

I will die trying, and crying joy fully or live and help as many as possible. those who want my help, if any exist. my extreme ways impossible for most, i see that more and more.

today dr siebenhuener dhowed me the last in heavy metal treatment and measuring, its bloodless and immediate. godbless gerhard, he is an innovator.

HBO tomorrow, been exhausted and in pain



suffering lack of energy,
legs cramping.

increasing salt to one teaspoon a day
and 400mg mg citrate before sleep.

been urinating lots as well

sorry that's all friends, the change to ketolysis and I hope strong dc immune response saves me again.

these treatments responses the hardest yet, missing sleep due to urination, diarrhea, then crippling back pain, praying its not a met.

well survival is as always joy fully challenging,  but key great glucose, great key tones, prepared super3bp 2dg protocol.

life is good if its pain free, I dreamed of walking into the forest and ending the rats misery at the darkest hours.

but hope always seems to shine through, google my name and lost at sea, that vimeo is 5 years old, my wife is just as beautiful as the day I married her.

I still dream of complete remission asap and flying home to sweep her off her feet, before she punches or calls the police.

a man can dream, can't I, it keeps you going through through the pain.

foot in mouth, with big feet so bigger mouth


phil; has left a new comment on your post "certainty of uncerainty":

"I went the cancer meeting, the very alternative one. but I say the death, suffering and pain of standard cancer outcomes is NO ALTERNATIVE FOR ME, OR ANY RATIONAL HUMAN, when so many better options".
Hi Pete, it sounds like you're still having a rough time and still can't accept that standard cancer treatments often work for many people. 11+ years and counting. Quality of life is very good. While one needs to do what they feel is right, I still fail to understand how bad mouthing someone's choice helps anyone.
I wish you well.

this is a really good comment, for a start I am so glad that some patients benefit from standard treatments, which is often chemo, surgery, radio.

at that meeting this brave lady was sitting, I arrived late, I had just come home to sydney and shared about trying the latest pd1 drug keytruda and other therapies. now its unlikely any of these alt inclined cancer patients will get to germany, mainly financial reasons. they are intensely interested and I speak to much trying to offer some hope, that so many things can be done to tackle cancer beyond standard.

at the end this beautiful lady walked in so much pain, my heart breaks at all the possibly avoidable suffering so many suffer where standard fails.

the cost of personalised alternative impossible for our society , government and not even culturally acceptable to many.

its just my challenges mean I got to many doctors and clinics in germany, I see often so much incredible pain , suffering and hopeless ness here in the clinics. just today a daughter grabbed me after my 2 hours oncothermia, her mum in agony dieing, not rely responding. the daughter helped me months ago when I had a flat car battery.  I offered to help then she said. she asks me out of love for her mum in desperation behind her brave composed face. I give her a hug and kiss, I offer gcmaf yogurt cultures.

she is not responding to the clinics best efforts, I think of all the things to do and try. I see the time, its 11.30am, I have 2 half hour drive for my treatment duderstadt for dc vaccine this friday. we exchange emails again, I drive with my mild arm pains somehow to duderstadt.

my truth about cancer, just my opinion is that all these challenging cases in alternative clinics would be much better off if they had tried personalized before standard therapies.

I am so so glad for conventional success, I wish I had this to a greater extent myself even. I would not be alive today without the excellent conentional care at the start.

so any success with this illness is to be celebrated. I would go so far to say I fully respect everyone should choice of treatment.

the demands of my illness pushes me to greater extremes everyday, I think that's clear, I hope it is. trip 12 , this one may work as all the others to some extent, while I at least buy time, have a life with as much joy as possible adminst all the immense suffering and heart ache around me. in the suffering I clearly see immense hope and courage and faith.

just on monday I met a polish family, the son had to care for dad who had gbm, the wife juiced, we talked about prayer, about god. I pulled out this lovelly wooden cross from my pocket, the wife with no english feritted in her large hand bag for a long time. she pulled out her beautiful rosary beeds. again we smiled , hugged, kissed and I was dragged off for more treatments. I wished them well.

being relatively so well, I doubling count my blessings, I praise god for what fleeting success I have, really every second of my waking existence.

but again I am compelled to say the doctor here is great, that's why I am here, but in my heart I know what all these patients do is inadequate to my personalised standard of care, but that's the wanna be doctor in me, which has to wait until I succeed or die.

so I try, I cry and find all the joy that surrounds me. the competition between alternative doctors is probably more fierce than conventional. so my success in there praxis or clinic always brings questions and often conflict.

I often get into trouble, so to protect my own access to treatment I must shut up and say nothing, I let all these people go on there journey, hopefully to heaven.

I share my experience, the therapies, the observations, my life, it helps a few, it helps me make sense of my journey.

there is hope, there is a way for many many many more to have better quality and quantity of life than offered by the standard of care. of that I am certain.

God bless the lucky conventionals short and god help the rest of us.

if we pray I am sure he will.

amen, sorry for the offense, alas my english and the smart phone.

maybe the combo of targetted massive new castle virus disease,  gcmaf, tace, dendtric cell with ipilumimab and nivolumimab will save my ass and help some of the unlucky colorectals.

That's my hope and prayer.

I will die trying, and crying joy fully or live and help as many as possible. those who want my help, if any exist. my extreme ways impossible for most, i see that more and more.

today dr siebenhuener dhowed me the last in heavy metal treatment and measuring, its bloodless and immediate. godbless gerhard, he is an innovator.

life is fabulous, cea 645, nivolumimab today


so I face my greastest challenge, the highest marker ever, my life and fate rests on continued therapy success.

getting some fantastic support from all around me, its really humbling to be so dependent on those around me, on the goodwill, the expertese and clinical capacity of my fine doctors.

I have to have increased capacity,  I have no room for errors, I need results. its that simple.

Organizing surgical options as standby, praying and walking and talking.

the immune suppression has just been fixed, my newcastle virus disease tagged  tumour cells are being removed as we speak.

I have faith in immunotherapies.

I have faith in god.

I have faith in myself.

I am living in considerable constant pain making sleep difficult, trying to fix.

its anothet fabulous sunny day in duderstadt,I get dc vaccine 11am and drive ti vogl for 2pm tace

pray for me, really in the poo

I have irrationaal hope, I have all I need

my miracle assured.

I had dinner with an engneet building bionic knees, then I joined this city fun run.

blissful pain, I see suffering ever, now I feel it, now I see it when I look in the mirror.

escape from pain  my goal

tace 29 stable disease, photo sunset uniclinic


glorious, best, hardest day
start 6am swim, enema hotel of the lion duderstadt.
then walk
then super breakfast,
then lab tour my worlds best dc vaccine team with special doctor,
then 11am dc vaccine with extras, cannot say,
then crazy, very painful drive frankfurt for 2pm tace 29,
7.30pm waiting friends and doctor for dinner to celebrate life, this day.

just finished a week of the hardest and expensive therapies, I can concieve and believe in, inspired by god, science, doctors and friends.

prof vogls magic, his pain killers, well ill have a good sleep.

my life, as much as yours, depends on our immune system, this poor neglected child in our cultures.

we take much for granted, I used too,

we share this earth, I still do just,

as always the next few weeks exciting,

life gets better and better, and the unexpected challenges are matched by unexpected kindness.

I live, so do you, enjoy!

I am!

sprinkles on tent ashram midnight

I pulled into ashram 11pm after big day herzog, 2 hours onco to lung  liver, peritoneum. infusions dmso, b17, curcumin hepamertz, vitc, lcaritinr, b complex,  thymus. then supplements then gcmaf yogurt.
after breaky lunch, dinner at herzog I had time to visit the magic sauna complex to cook tumours and boost immune function, 3 90 degree sessions, then a sunset walk to further burn glucose from the fresh organic juices herzogs.
thinking about extreme hyperthermia with hipec. just in case.
Camping after tsce 29 scary due to bowel diarrhea.
breathing the forest fresh air ash ram healing.
Great midnight enema and salt bath.
Sticking to formula and praying for miracle 12
the dinner last night fabulous, like life
ps many friends and hugs ash ram, good yoga, and walk.
Praying for courage, strength as always
lots of love and healing to all
sleeping in my little tent 
pascal and lucas, some wonderful ashram friends 
feeling very challenged by the current challenge, praying in the forest, for courage, strength and wisdom.  

 My wonderful friend PASCAL and his bike, we were going to ride the alps together to corfu, now he has other adventures and so do I.

The challenges of peritoneal disease considerable, I will find a way. While I have a great immunotherapy offering, i am looking at other clinical options as well.

Foscan-mediated photodynamic therapy for a peritoneal-cancer model: drug distribution and efficacy studies.


Distribution of the photosensitizer Foscan (meta-tetrahydroxyphenylchlorin, mTHPC), after i.v. or i.p. injection, was investigated in Wag/Rij rats bearing i.p. tumours. These results were compared with the efficacy of mTHPC-mediated photodynamic therapy for illumination intervals of 4 hr to 3 days. For the distribution experiments a single tumour (CC53I colon carcinoma) was implanted intra-abdominally in a fat pad, or a cell suspension (1 x 10(6) CC531 cells) was injected into the peritoneal cavity, which results in a dissemination of tumour nodules on the peritoneum. 14C-mTHPC was not selectively taken up in the single-tumour model after i.v. or i.p. injection, but higher concentrations were achieved for i.p. administration. For this tumour model the concentration ratios between tumour and normal tissue never exceeded a value of 3. In the disseminated-tumour model, an uptake of up to 40% of the injected dose was found per gram tumour at 4 hr after an i.p. injection and this resulted in very high (> 14) concentration ratios of tumour to normal tissues. Low uptake was found after the i.v. injection route (1% of the injected dose per gram tumour) with lower tumour/normal tissue ratios (<8). The efficacy of i.p. photodynamic therapy (IPPDT) was evaluated using the single-tumour model only. The lower abdomen was illuminated at 4 hr to 3 days after mTHPC, and tumour size was repeatedly measured via a small laparoscopy. Significant delay in tumour regrowth was achieved for 6 J x cm-2 at 1 day after i.v., or at 4 hr after i.p. mTHPC (p values 0.019 and 0.045 respectively). Response to PDT, of tumours implanted in the fat pad, was not greater for i.p. administration of the photosensitizer and there was a poor correlation between times of maximum drug uptake in tumours and optimal illumination times for PDT efficacy.

J Biomed Opt. 2012 Mar;17(3):038001. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.17.3.038001.

Development of a new illumination procedure for photodynamic therapy of the abdominal cavity.


A homogeneous illumination of intra-abdominal organs is essential for successful photodynamic therapy of the abdominal cavity. Considering the current lack of outstanding light-delivery systems, a new illumination procedure was assessed. A rat model of peritoneal carcinomatosis was used. Four hours after intraperitoneal injection of hexaminolevulinate, a square illuminating panel connected to a 635-nm laser source was inserted vertically into the abdominal cavity. The abdominal incision was sutured and a pneumoperitoneum created prior to illumination. Light dosimetry was based on the calculation of the peritoneal surface by MRI. The rats were treated with a light dose of 20, 10, 5 or 2.5 J/cm(2) administered continuously with an irradiance of 7 mW/cm(2). The homogeneity of the cavity illumination was assessed by quantification of the photobleaching of the tumor lesions according to their localization and by scoring of that of the liver and of the bowel immediately after treatment. Photobleaching quantification for tumor lesions relied on the calculation of the fluorescence intensity ratio (after/before treatment) after recording of the lesions during blue-light laparoscopy and determination of their fluorescence intensity with Sigmascan Pro software. The procedure led to a homogeneous treatment of the abdominal cavity. No statistical difference was observed for the photobleaching values according to the localization of the lesions on the peritoneum (p=0.59) and photobleaching of the liver and of the intestine was homogeneous. We conclude that this procedure can successfully treat the major sites involved in peritoneal carcinomatosis.
© 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

tears of courage flow from the vast spring of hope


please pray for my twelf miracle,

I am intensively

I clearly see my health,

my swami guru friend, what's in your mind  will be, its all he said on our few enjoyable walks in the forest.

its a pity my christian friends, cannot see and feel the love, friend and compassion that this ashram attracts.

many large and small miracles here,  like a few head stands pain free,  my old body with a few sick cells magically doing yoga. but my face showing joyful torcher.

I still smiled, but noticed the deadly seriousness on the faces of the angels around me. these stunningly beautiful woman seeking yo gas gifts, need to smile more. maybe then a little heaven on earth in the yoga class.

I would often collaspse on my yoga mat, waiting for more energy,  recovering,  occasionally climpsing the lovelly sensousal forms around me. to be celibate in this environment another miracle. I think back to my old life, my beautiful wife and of all the blessings over 25 years together.

with the pain gone, I can push the body, the soul and the spirit. I have finally gotten back to deep meditation, so i feel all the elements of my past healings are in place,  even the walking.

its been bitterly cold in the tent, but I woke fresh 6am, with many vivid dreams, the unique gift of yoga meditation.

my dc vaccine lump large, a good omen.

I am praying that my wife finds someone wonderful to love her as I do, to be a step father to my wonderful  kids.  I thank god my mum died of her cancer before me, her son. she lost her 2 other  children to suicide. its a compassionate option for those cancer patients whose life is living hell, I pray this option is not for me, and I have courage to continue to pursue healing.

if I must die so be it , only  day, hopefully not today, there's a world needing love and hope, and my heart is bursting with gods most precious gifts.

the medical treatments done,  now the spirit.

dear jeJesusheal us all. amen

if God grants this next miracle, well I must be doing something right, if not I go to heaven, which is a wondetful option. gods will exciting in the extreme,  heaven on earth or the clouds. the clouds, forest, and sky have a sure all quality.

to live pain free again, with yoga and medicine surely another miracle, and not a small one.

Thank you for your love, kindness and prayers.

the courage, strength and wisdom I grave, feels amply provided by my god.

maybe Newcastle virus disease, dc vaccine, target ted chemo, small molecules and infusions are a viable treatment option for unresectable meta static colorectal cancer.

That's a dream worth fighting and dieing for.

just imagine if this works again, just imagine, I have a few tears.

just imagine.....

this world with more hope, less suffering and cost effective work able treatments for those in need.

just imagine and dream.

I live, so thetefore I dream!

do you? your dreams shape your destiny.

I see many miracles, do you?

my sons tears fuel my mission, I will come home healed,  with gods power I will find a way.

he called me for the first time, his tears ran down his face in his afternoon religion class as he had to write about courage and jesus.

he wrote about me.

I write about him.

his courage exceeds mine, he misses me, as I miss him.

I do the hardest, most innovative treatments ever concieved, guide by god and love.

3bp, 2dg, ipt, pdt, oncothetmia eta eta
Everyday,  in every way I heal.

the truth of this greatest challenge is gods choice, he made it for me to demonstrate this medicine is the future. that greed evil and need holy.

did radio with dr siebenhuener

Here is the link to yesterdays show:

God bless you dr brad street, rest in peace, gcmaf revolution is here


so at last gcmaf hits the headlines, with dr bradstreets tragic death, such a waste. 

that gcmaf declared an illegal drug in the usa proof of our corrupt system.


I met dr jeff bradstreet twice at gcmaf conferences,  he was a pioneer. we talked a lot, he was friendly, kind. I met the parents he helped with autistic kids. of course gcmaf is real, the only problem is tumours can still shutdown activated immune systems, and in fact I suspect push them to an m2 phenotype where you get progression. my current problem.

gcmaf has enormous potential to help, but like all medicine it suffers from our greedy health system.

I may be the worlds most experienced gcmaf cancer patient, no one has had more gcmaf yogurt than me, that's for sure. I am blessed.

its tragic jeffs death, but out of his loss may come the cancer revolution I have been dreaming of for all these years.

the cheap cancer dream of a mix of oncolytic viruses, dendritric cell vaccines, gcmaf and infusions. the mainstream cancer and scientists have no clue about the power of mixing conventional with alternative medicine.

dear lord,
look after dr bradstreet, protect his legacy from the skeptics, protect and heal me also.

dear dave,
Amen and thanks, I maybe alone, exhausted in my hotel room, after a day of the heaviest experimental treatments, but I feel immense peace and hope. we are one humanity, the tragedy so few realise this.

Dave Mills has left a new comment on your post "tears of courage flow from the vast spring of hope...":

Peace, Love and Light to you Peter! I have been reading your blog and stand amazed at your courage and desire to find alternative cures for disease. I pray for strengthening of your immune system and the effectiveness of the treatments and for your mental, physical and spiritual well-being! As well these things for your family - strength, peace, love, confidence..... we are all inter-connected. We are One. I am.

dear anna,
thanks for caring

Anna has left a new comment on your post "tears of courage flow from the vast spring of hope...":

Is it so serious? What about prof.Vogl treatment?

give the worlds best vogl a target, and we have exceptional results using combination therapies,. but but but

what if latest disease does not show mri, ct his main tools, so escalating baseline markers drove his request for me to do a pet. to save money I went home, coincidentally got massive needle infusion infection

do my long term readers see the irony here, I just realised my infection sensitive cancer explodes when crp increases. so markers jumped 55 to 650 4 weeks,  so fighting like hell to put out peritoneal disease.

the irony I suffer immune collapse, get infection , then get recurrence.  4 infected chemo ports, one infusion infection, one ear infection.

Breaking the infection recurrence cycle a joyful expensive challenge.

so when eagle eye vogl is blindfolded, we need effective systemic, ie 2dg, 3bp and soon salomynomycin and difusinal from hall Wang.

or massive surgery, peritonecomy.

giving my prefered and trusted alternatives first shot at this recurrence.

I wont give in that easy.

lots of options, I have got the money and I hope the time, but god help us.

so blessed not camping,  i found a cheap lastminute secret hotel for 3 nights, i had 10 diarrhea from midnight to dawn, reasonable pain also. the miracle was that one gcmaf suppository coincided with my bowel syndrome settling, so I could manage 8 hours of therapies doing oncothermia and photo dynamic therapy.

the photo, the aftermath of 5 lasers for pdt today, back 8am for more as chlorin e6 half allows one more laser session, the pain in lungs abdomen is real.  I love these alternative therapies but they ain't easy.

I have also been looking for natural solutions for nivolumimab colitis
i took ghee from ash ram, adding it to coffee enema. now that's another first.

I share the pain, the suffering, the joy, basically it all.

to change the world takes integrity,  oh and the silver lining in this greatest challenge,  my doctors stand by me, my challenge brings out there best for me and others. gerhard siebenhuener, horger, vogl and nesslehut have been exceptional.

the rest I let rest, there time coming.

florians always exceptional.

celebrating life, the hardest week, apheresis heavy metals

so I am back at home base in munich, my old laptop, is out and I can type and not do the blog from smart phone.


http://www.bodyimplants.com/stemcell-muscle-implants.html  wow, amazing not what I had, I am searching for science of the methodology used on me.

NOW JUST SAYING, MY FEET FEEL THE BEST EVER ONE DAY AFTER MY FIRST STEM CELL INJECTION, THANKYOU DR SIEBENHUENER!!!!!, unexpected benefits, hopefully boosting blood counts, might help me get my immunotherapies firing, lots of research todo after a very busy 2 weeks in the fielod , doing amazing treatments. i think this works for chemo , as well as DCA neuropathy, mine was dca induced with some chemo remnants. the rat continues to help.

ie The data findings provided the first evidence that intramuscular injected BM-MSCs migrate to nerves and can play a therapeutic role.

so the biggest heartfelt thanks for the kind comments, thoughts and prayers and the wonderful support from readers, friends and medical team., my gods love, the medicine. well I feel great right now, all signs of exhaustion and pain gone. and lots of pain everywhere, from the back pain due to the 4 days of oncothermia infusions averaging 8 hours a session. to the vein needle pain, don't ask how many needle pricks say 100, its not the prick but the bruising and aching viens due to the harsh alternatives, 3bp, 2dg, curcumin, dmso, these all burn veins and destroy faster than they heal. the nurses more focused on daily time pressures then saving myprecious veins. one by one my veins die, as we all do a little each day. but more pain, the arm and shoulder pain, comes and goes still.

also got my firts injection of stem cells from dr siebenhuener, they might be the missing link, to boost my bloods, both red and white cells, time will tell., thats exciting hence the link above.

this was the hardest and most expensive week, i am throughing everything I know at the current problem, we will see soon.

EMAIL TO SYDNEY SURGEON my friend and business partner martin posted these asap for me. Big Thanks to martin, as I was stuck doing 4th ipt of the week.
Lastest mri and pet cd in express post for your review, prof vogl said stable disease, waiting on markers done yesterday, I have been in germany 2 weeks, done dc vaccine , 3 taces, 4 rounds insulin potentiated chemo with xeloda, 15 iu insulin, 3bp, 2dg, curcumin, dmso eta eta. say 30 hours local hyperthermia oncothermia to peritoneum and liver. I feel very well, resting a few weeks and watching results like a hawk. this rapid peritoneal disease, vogl describes as a mono layer, not much appearing mri, no slow tumors to target even, but the 650 cea marker result last week a spike from 3 taces, one of which was massive newcastle virus disease.
so I hit this illness with every thing I know, hope for the best, but maybe I have immunoediting and need surgery asap.
just added pd1 nivolumimab to dc vaccine cocktail with ipilumimab to p2x7, ndv primed dc vaccine which were direct injected pet scan disease sites.
also just completed heavy metal aperesis and 2 session photo dynamic therapy with latest chlorin e6 sensitizer to peritoneum and lungs as prevention.
its a busy expensive 2 weeks, no rest for me, I hope these cutting edge therapies work again with active disease I confront.
please get me on the list if possible.

ok, I beat a german for being punctual, a first for me

i got really tired driving frankfurt to munich, so camped midway at midnight, another sleep under a full moon.

the dawn was magic, i am alive, I feel so good, so healed, the pains all gone, I feel inner confidence, doing lots of prayer still.

enjoyed a busy day at home, a few enemas, one with ghee and gcmaf yogurt, my latest innovation to address nivolumimab colitis. time will tell, not as easy as it sounds. i got the ghee as a present from the ashram. I made a soup, did some shopping, and tried setting up my FSM custom care software, getting there.

completely out of it, the back pain of not moving really for most of the day, first oncothermia and ipt and then the apheresis. never again will i do both on the same day. i pushed myself to hard this day. but i never say no to a clinical opportunitity. this was the only day this was going to happen for me, so i made it happen. onco,ipt,pdt,apheresis all in a day. must be a record somewhere.start 8am, finish 9pm.
slept like a baby, exhausted. enjoy yesterdays leftover in the minibar fridge of the hotel, like a midnoight dinner, as the salad below was breakfast at 8pm.
a summary of the technical stats of the apheresis
so no food before ipt which started 8am, its 8pm, i am unhooked, all my blood is back in me, but a little. and now I can eat, i was starving. i was given chicken salad, that was nice, while the doctors, and nurses had yummy pizza. most of the siebenhuener team stayed back to get the job done for me, something i really appreciated.
after leg cathetre removed, pressure helps the femoral vein to heal. somehow i drove the 20 minutes to the hotel, after spending 4000 euros getting rid of heavy metals, i took a risk to save 100 euro taxi. I made it!
these are the pdt lasers for the second session as chlorin e6 has a half life of a few days, the follow up laser a good idea, did red and blue laser to 5 spots, basal lungs prevention, and pet scan sites of disease.
the amazing machine that filters heavy metals, dr siebenhueners latest innovation. dr thaller recommended other clinics, unaware the dr siebenhuener had the latest japanese technology. gerhard innovation impressive.
the after marth when the laser connection points removed, there was reasonable discomfort, pain at all the laser sites, this time, even though local was used. i imagined it was tumours cells dieing!!!!

fate is like apple , 3bp, sal and gcmaf and the smiling baby

for anyone needing help

I love greg and dawn, I copied them as I have not been to oz or seen them for a long time, i owe them and many many doctors my life. the 1000s of pages on my blog and this cancer experience over 5 years tells my story.

I was walking a hill at the ashram the other day with an india monk and friend, it was a big hill, very big hill. I thought of gregs advice about exercise, walking and big hills, always do the hills he said.

this link is my doctors, where i get my main treatments.

So youll google these doctors, you may decide to email them, a good patient summary, concise and focused. you may or may not get replies, let me know. and i can follow up and push if i need to. they are all world leaders in my opinion, very very busy, they get too many patients, they are human, very human, but caring.

this path, my path has so many obstacles, so many challenges you could not believe, from doctors going to gaol for experimental medicine, to doctors murder, suicide.

basically I put most of my experience on the blog, but need to hold back as I too am nervous about authority, visa. my life depends on being here in germany.

when i go home, my cancer explodes, and a fly back here to try for another miracle, i have the biggest challenge of my life today, the 1000000 dollars on treatments all gone, my cancer extra nasty now, but i am smarter, stronger, wiser.

I have helped as many people as I can, with really disappointing results to be honest, that they dont get the best results, despite the there and the doctors best efforts. i dont want to put you off, but I aint going to snowball you either.

but if you want to live, i think this is the best bet I know of, but there are so many solutions and offerings all over the planet of which I have no knowledge. I got to conferences and am aware that what I am offered for my disease, is beyond the cutting edge. this gives me faith to at least recommend my doctors, in particular dr nesslehut for dendtritic cell therapy.

I am trying the ketogenic diet, its challenging. may not even be suitable for your tumour type , but could be.

everyone illness is so personal, so incredibly wonderful diverse, that is your hope and challenge.

your in my prayers, its time for yoga, its time for coffee enema with ghee, then a gcmaf probotic enema with probiotic.

i did my first session of stem cells 2 days ago, with miraclulous results for my nerve damaged feet. I spend money like water through my fingers. every week new clinical opportunities, new therapies, new innovations.

I am 100% focus on the joy of living, this medicine is my life, i am very happy understanding the biology of my body and my constantly unfolding miracle.

one of my best friends here is dr schilling, i copied him on this reply, I also copied dr birgit who is the kindest doctor I have ever met, she gave me a room to live when I was homeless and really i need, she is probably most aware of the demands my illness takes on my body and what required to heal.

this life is so so wonderful, my miracle continues, for how long depends on gods grace.

I pray on get your miracle, and that it maybe easier than mine.

godbless you and goodluck,

lots of love,


why is fate like this apple
you hold it in your own hand!
who made the tree, the earth, the sun, the baby
life is bliss, the baby smiles, the sun shines, the cows are hungry, the freshest milk a gift from god to the cancer needy.
the happy baby has not a care in the world, she is my mentor. I have all I need, have you asked god to give you what you need, not what you want? maybe he already has? think about it.
goggle hamlet, bamlet and cancer, or gcmaf and yogurt.
cancer is a challenge not a death sentence, that's a sentence to remember.
live joy fully, share the bliss, miracles are contagious.
making extra special gcmaf yogurt with more love, experience and faith.
the network of hope grows, day by day
how big can one dream get?
ps the little fresh sweet apple had a worm got eaten, sorry to my vegan buddhist friends. it grew next to the barn where the hungry cows live.

maybe cancer like the worm, just a part of life, this miraculous gift from god, don't let your challenges steal your joy, when they can help you find it.
I will find my cure and get home to my family, but I can have joy while away. maybe she is in the sauna waiting for me?

its fun when you search google and you find your self
so many miracles hiding on the net, alot in this blog
i still miss my csn friends, alas most are at rest.
i joined the local gym yesterday, doing saunas, did a group weights class, that was a killer.
the stunning women all lifted heavier weights and smiled at my pathetically admirable attempts. 
I was laughable, but i feel great.

Gee Ghee KETOGENIC SUPER FOODS SERIES and 3bp super secrets and latest NDV protocol for GCMAF


maybe i really am the smartest!!! you see who else has had so many recurrences, of course i make so many mistakes, but that why i learn so much, i have time to research, everyday for over 5 years and still alive, think about it, i must be doing something right. who else is looking into salomonycin, b17, curcumin, 3bp, 2dg, ketogenic diet, hbo, dmso, copper, immunotherapies, electrical therapies, natural health therapies. just saying I may have the broadest knowledge and personal experience of any cancer patient on the planet. let me know, if you find someone else with more experience, that alive and well and still fighting.



from the above link, got it, so maybe my living at the ashram and my enquiring mind, and that i just borrowed some ghee for my enemas from the ashram kitchen. maybe its not the yoga, the meditation or the forest at the ashram. maybe its all the ghee.

Reduce Inflammation: Ghee possesses butyric acid, which is one of the most beneficial short-chain fatty acids that the body needs. Butyric acid has been shown, in recent research, to actually decrease inflammation in parts of the body, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract, and is now a recommended dietary addition for some people with ulcerative colitis. Furthermore, ghee enemas have long been used in traditional medicine for inflammation of all kinds.

Immune System Booster: Butyric acid, perhaps the most important element in ghee, has also been linked to the stimulation of T-cell production, which are the heavy-hitting cells of the immune system. In other words, ghee can supercharge your immune system in addition to all of its other health benefits!

smear ghee on your breasts as prevention, might be enjoyable, do it with someone you love.
ill be trying over the lungs, the abdomen where i have the peritoneal activity near the surface. it also might be reasonable to use dmso as a transporter. this might get messy, its highly experimental so over course the results are guaranteed. ill be having ghee with my coffee enemas, with my meals. its got so many benefits for those on the ketogenic diet fighting cancer.

Do you see the beauty here is the wisdom or aruvedaic medicine, 5000 years old, combined with the latest small molecules, 3bp as well as a nice boost for tcell and immunotherapies. Maybe the greatest weakness of science is they ignore the wisdom of the ages, here in ghee we have the synery of the old and the new. 

Its also the weakness of the natural health groups that shun big pharma and modern science, all my natiural health cancer friends dead, except a few very lucky ones. you dont have time to be a vegan and meditator when you have aggressive cancer, unless you are the 1 in 1000. of course use natural health as the platform for recovery, heck my ghee is home made organic, made with love. but its likely youll need everything covered on this blog if you seek your miracle. start reading. maybe one day, someone will help me get this blog organised. until then its day by day.

ADULTS ONLY SECTION - if this does not turn you on, nothing will

Butyrate activates the monocarboxylate transporter MCT4 expression in breast cancer cells and enhances the antitumor activity of 3-bromopyruvate.


Most malignant tumors exhibit the Warburg effect, which consists in increased glycolysis rates with production of lactate, even in the presence of oxygen. Monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs), maintain these glycolytic rates, by mediating the influx and/or efflux of lactate and are overexpressed in several cancer cell types. The lactate and pyruvate analogue 3-bromopyruvate (3-BP) is an inhibitor of the energy metabolism, which has been proposed as a specific antitumor agent. In the present study, we aimed at determining the effect of 3-BP in breast cancer cells and evaluated the putative role of MCTs on this effect. Our results showed that the three breast cancer cell lines used presented different sensitivities to 3-BP: ZR-75-1 ER (+)>MCF-7 ER (+)>SK-BR-3 ER (-). We also demonstrated that 3-BP reduced lactate production, induced cell morphological alterations and increased apoptosis. The effect of 3-BP appears to be cytotoxic rather than cytostatic, as a continued decrease in cell viability was observed after removal of 3-BP. We showed that pre-incubation with butyrate enhanced significantly 3-BP cytotoxicity, especially in the most resistant breast cancer cell line, SK-BR-3. We observed that butyrate treatment induced localization of MCT1 in the plasma membrane as well as overexpression of MCT4 and its chaperone CD147. Our results thus indicate that butyrate pre-treatment potentiates the effect of 3-BP, most probably by increasing the rates of 3-BP transport through MCT1/4. This study supports the potential use of butyrate as adjuvant of 3-BP in the treatment of breast cancer resistant cells, namely ER (-).

 2013 Jan;33(1):13-20.

Anticancer efficacy of the metabolic blocker 3-bromopyruvate: specific molecular targeting.


The anticancer efficacy of the pyruvate analog 3-bromopyruvate has been demonstrated in multiple tumor models. The chief principle underlying the antitumor effects of 3-bromopyruvate is its ability to effectively target the energy metabolism of cancer cells. Biochemically, the glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) has been identified as the primary target of 3-bromopyruvate. Its inhibition results in the depletion of intracellular ATP, causing cell death. Several reports have also demonstrated that in addition to GAPDH inhibition, the induction of cellular stress also contributes to 3-bromopyruvate treatment-dependent apoptosis. Furthermore, recent evidence shows that 3-bromopyruvate is taken up selectively by tumor cells via the monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) that are frequently overexpressed in cancer cells (for the export of lactate produced during aerobic glycolysis). The preferential uptake of 3-bromopyruvate via MCTs facilitates selective targeting of tumor cells while leaving healthy and non-malignant tissue untouched. Taken together, the specificity of molecular (GAPDH) targeting and selective uptake by tumor cells, underscore the potential of 3-bromopyruvate as a potent and promising anticancer agent. In this review, we highlight the mechanistic characteristics of 3-bromopyruvate and discuss its potential for translation into the clinic.

Role of monocarboxylate transporters in human cancers: state of the art.


Monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) belong to the SLC16 gene family, presently composed by 14 members. MCT1-MCT4 are proton symporters, which mediate the transmembrane transport of pyruvate, lactate and ketone bodies. The role of MCTs in cell homeostasis has been characterized in detail in normal tissues, however, their role in cancer is still far from understood. Most solid tumors are known to rely on glycolysis for energy production and this activity leads to production of important amounts of lactate, which are exported into the extracellular milieu, contributing to the acidic microenvironment. In this context, MCTs will play a dual role in the maintenance of the hyper-glycolytic acid-resistant phenotype of cancer, allowing the maintenance of the high glycolytic rates by performing lactate efflux, and pH regulation by the co-transport of protons. Thus, they constitute attractive targets for cancer therapy, which have been little explored. Here we review the literature on the role of MCTs in solid tumors in different locations, such as colon, central nervous system, breast, lung, gynecologic tract, prostate, stomach, however, there are many conflicting results and in most cases there are no functional studies showing the dependence of the tumors on MCT expression and activity. Additional studies on MCT expression in other tumor types, confirmation of the results already published as well as additional functional studies are needed to deeply understand the role of MCTs in cancer maintenance and aggressiveness.

Latest NDV protocol for GCMAF - in honour of Dr Bradstreet GCMAF pioneer and hero, REST ON PEACE!

get a a few 10ml vial frozen highly lytic NDV, cut into 5 pieces, leave frozen.
nebulizer in one 2ml in 2ml water on monday each week.
on wednesday nebulize 0.4 ml goleic gcmaf. 

this allows 2 days for viral replication of lung based tumour cells.
this allows 5 days peak activity of gcmaf activated macrophages.
i plan to do this each week as maintenance of lungs in remission, likely provides some other systemic protection, but focus is efficacy of the lungs. google the russion and european ndv research if in doubt.

this is about as cheap as it gets for powerful effective combinaation oncolytic virus immunstimulators. tell big pharma to get lost and the greedy companies, do this at home and live. contact me directly if any questions! 

now no guarantees, ill test this and let you know as always. but if you got other serious lung issues than its a therapy concept. one other key immunotherapy issues lung based tumour suppression , in particular colrectal, so if you suffer this try pd1 antibodies keytruda or nivolumimab, to resolve suppression. if these dont work you may need a dc vaccine, see doctor nesslehut above in the euro contacts.

if your coughing lots of flemm, go straight to the dc vaccine, and get full clinical support, if your like me not coughing, almost no flemm, maybe one or two hard to see, inactive lung mets, well these maintenance strategies I think reasonable. not overly expense, easy to do at home, with NO NEEDLES!

can you see how to merge big pharma contribution to the simple cheap at home stuff, so all the profits and greed, and death from big business ironically will save our lives. so deep down i love big pharma, the chemo drug and there immunotherapy offerings will save us. they give us cancer innovators the tools to survive.


may I am the smartest ? I dont have a PHD and a nobel prize like my newest friend and ally, I have something far more precious, faith in God and life that relfects his love!

twelf miracle cea 155 down from 650 in 10 days,Amen Om Yippee


the longest blog

god is real,

my answer to cancer,

my truth about cancer is here,

god is real,

healing is possible,

maybe its the ghee or 3bp,

Together we will see,

this is the best cancer blog in the universe,

its a secret, we share

can you guess what the photo is, the latest treatment?



telling the world, no one follows ! really close, but maybe one!


pork crackle, the joy of life, intraperitoneal ndv and gods grace


clear peritoneal ultrasound, no ascites.
found good spot for intraperitoneal ndv, 10 ml injected.
dr thaller and his nurse are a credit tohumanity.

after i found a nice pork shoulder.

yje bliss and joy are real.

earlier super long ghee, gcmaf and coffee enema.

i watered the garden, picked super tasty tomatoes, and berries, made maf 314 gcmaf yogurt.

life is a joy, i am blessed that my doctors have courge to love and care.

so tired today, 3 hours driving, aching muscles, and back.

Oncolytic NDV is known to trigger apoptosis pathways in infected tumor cells [4,8,10,14-16]. In addition to targeting the cellular apoptosis machinery, we recently reported that oncolytic NDV induces autophagy in U251 human glioma cells to promote virus production [17], suggesting that autophagy may be involved in NDV-induced oncolysis. Autophagy is a conserved homeostatic mechanism of lysosomal degradation [18]. The hallmark of autophagy is a double-membraned autophagosome that engulfs long-lived cytoplasmic macromolecules and damaged organelles [19]. Autophagy is mainly modulated by the mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) and PI3K (phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase) pathways, which are class I (inhibitory to autophagy) and class III (necessary for the execution of autophagy) modulators [20,21]. Accumulating evidence reveals that OVs interact with the autophagy machinery in infected tumor cells, and autophagy plays a role in OV-mediated cancer cell death [22-24]. Of note, a number of studies reported that the pharmacological modulation of autophagy augments the anti-tumor effects of OVs, such as the oncolytic adenovirus OBP-405 in combination with the autophagy inducers temozolomide, rapamycin and RAD001 in glioma cells [25], dl922-947 in combination with the autophagy inhibitor chloroquine (CQ) in glioma cells [26], Ad-cycE with rapamycin in lung cancer cells [27]. In addition, autophagy plays critical roles in both innate and adaptive immuninity. It has been shown that autophagy enhances tumor immunogenicity via releasing damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP) molecules by dying cells with autophagy and promoting antigen cross presentation from cancer cells by DCs to naive T cells [28,29]. Since OV infections can interact with the cellular autophagy machinery, OV in combination with an autophagy modulator would enhance the antitumor immune responses, thereby improving OV-mediated efficacy [29-31]. Together, data from these studies strongly indicate that targeting autophagy may be utilized as a novel strategy for enhancing the oncolytic virotherapy of cancers.

http://www.cavemandoctor.com/2012/04/06/autophagy-turning-stress-into-health/  i put this in before, heading into mild ketosis to boost ndv efficacy.
godbless us all!

The Spotted Tiger, The Sparkling fresh black berries and midnight agony of effective ndv therapy


intraperitoneal ndv, good tumour pain, its killing cancer, I eat berries with gcmaf yogurt.

my answer to cancer virus, white blood cells andd gods love

on the grass not under it


better alive than dead

its friends that keep me alive, they give gcmaf, ndv, I am blessed

pink ndv in bath with ndv enema.

we will die
I will try
make love not war

I fly for birthdays Sydney 21to 28 august, my daughter knows I love her.

quick trip. my party 25th, come along world.

lets celebrate life

I still have it.

gcmaf shortage


sso much suffering around me, cancer pain and progression, my doctor friends suffering burn out and broken hearts.

I see all this, I feel and pray for my friends.

so today blood tests , heavy metal chelation with alapha lipoic acid, edta, dmps, dmsa. then a nice sauna.

a dusk walk around the lake and a dance in the kitchen.

dreaming of intraperitoneal keytruda tuesday, checking idea with nesslehut senior as he is back from holidays monday.

also on monday I meet dr stoppler of b17 fame.

today I said goodbye to florian who learns latest stem cells.

I am blessed to have a clever team.

may god grant us our miracles, be they large or small.

no idea good sources gcmaf, sarce as hens teeth at present. the best bet suppositories and bravo yogurt. iv supplies been shutdown authorities,  alas they don't know the harm they do.

cea 110 down from 155 8 days yippee


best news on my german birthday party.
therapy success the greatest gift.

I am so tired, made gcmaf yogurt.

to have kind hearted friends makes the journey joyful.

thank you lord for this ongoing miracle

3bp and signaling


48 hour fasting
an old thread, before I was banned csn
I tried so hard to share , to educate, now I save my energy.

those on csn I loved have passed, most of them.

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