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Battle stations cea 121, rising trend, call in vogl


it was a great party last night, with such understanding kind friends, I woke up feeling fantastic .



virus induced sweating over pork crackle  dinner at the golden lamb. I am a creature of habit.

this afternoon oncothermia, dmso, b17 and then intraperitoneal ndv and vaccinia virus with a vial of gcmaf goliec.

I was going to try keyrruda as well intraperitoneal but listened to dr nesslehut senior opinion about why take big risks.

so I listened and keytruda sits in the fridge for another day.

I got monday markers, ouch cea 121, the beginning of progression over weekend, we su as supect friday heavy metal chelation either shutdown immune response or made heavy metals available plasma to the mmp enzymes in my tumour cells.

no more chelation, glad to have started heavy treatment today, driving 6am Frankfurt for 3 days siebenhuener magic 2dg, 3bp eta eta , as well as tace 30, dc vaccine 17, and pdt4, and ipt 48

always lookinf for easier, cheaps paths to clinical success, they are elusive.

say a prayer for a kind hearted friend named winter, its always winter sonewhere, whenever I get a winter chill I will remember the warmth of her kindness. God bless you winter.

my battle continues, lucky my blood sugar all pickup today, besides markers I am fighting fit and feeling great.

lucky as the marker rise, is like the bell in the boxing ring. I just cannot land a knock out punch, the cancer keeps on getting up off the floor every time a hit it with every trick I know.

More risk, or play it safe? who knows?

god, I will ask him.

oh I did already, today his name thomas nesslehut

I am blessed to have the support of brilliant doctors

maybe vaccinia virus will be the best present, tace 30 pivotal.

sweet dreams world, the saga continues, while I sleep peacefully, the viruses and gcmaf kill tumour cells.

no pain tonight, its the way it is, feeling hot however.

maybe vaccinia will be the best present. thank you dr asir kopic for a brilliant suggestion.

colour magic. of pdt, mandy and gerhard, oh and saint thomas


Magic colours of lasers, red , green and blue.

Matching the magic colour of mandy eyes. Now you have to come and tell me the colour of the eyes of magic mandy! ok.

why do I call her triple MMM?

a picture is worth 1000 words, a million dollars and my life.

Love everything peter

today i woke fresh, rested, started therapies 4am enema and meditation, gcmaf goleic nebulizer, then 7am tace plus 2 gcmaf goliec vials, ipt xeloda b17 dmso curcumin 3bp 2dg, pdt chlorin e6, stem cells. we also redid heavy metals impedance test to assess apheresis heavy metals 2 weeks earlier and to compare result with chelation challenge heavy metals. we also did nesslehut pre dc vaccine blood tests, day late but beyond my control.

i will win, cancer will loose, come join the fight, help me prove the power of hope, faith and love. is this not the embodient of medicine.

patient heal thy self, with help of doctors.

martin employed as editor this blogs going viral, we do gofundme properly, from this day on, I help, I cut deals every way possible to live, to survive.

I can pray , walj and meditate forest, and its wonderful, but not enough. I will die and painful cancer death in the forest, covered by leaves with out money, as all my poor alternative friends, doing there best with qigong, yoga, sounds balls. these help but don't succeed,WE NEED THIS MEDICINE. THE BRAVE CAN FOLLOW ME, LETS PROVE THIS.

I need 50k euro per month for dr lenz, the latest and greatest. I ain't even started pushing the envelope.

I need monet to fund treatments, to stay alive, to help other patients, to help doctors.

we have not seen a fraction of the success that's possible here ONLY IN GERMANY WHERE MIRACLES HAPPEN, THEREFORE TO ME ITS HEAVEN OB EARTH.





its time to get serious, 



fyi 2dg good read, 2dg acute toxicity, 100 half life humans, see discussion.


vasodilation with insulin, had chill and fever as discussed paper today as 3% given during insulin window 

yesterday cns issues tremours and balance due to speed of infusion outside insulin window, ie more to brain less to tumours.

lots of love and science




gcmaf suppository up butt before tace v30

tace 30 STABLE I am just starting, more determined than ever



in the morning, the mri lady inside the scanner says, continue breathing, so I smile, I think I will, not just for mri but for each and everyday god grants me.

so based mri peritoneum liver prof vogl sees shrink age peritoneal mets, still lymphatic activity, nothing in liver.

today he targeted peritoneam, lymph nodes and basal lungs.

I have been blessed to get fastest treatment ever here, so I can arrive at dr siebenhuener for 12 noon pdt, ipt.

the secret of my survival is I push myself and my doctors harder than you can imagine.

then the impossible  becomes possible.

ask me about secret techniques to boost tace, pdt, ipt. out of respect for confidentiality of my phd researcher and newest friends I don't publicly divulge these therapy concepts.

I test them first, so far today I am fine. Yesterday so super high dose 2dg eta, caused dizziness and tremours, it was very scary loosing control of body.

I decided against camping as risks to great,  instead I booked a few more nights at the cheapest lastminute.com secret 4 star in frankfurt. but its not a secret, as I can tell by the rating, location and price, I still pretend its a secret, I book it each time on last minute.com and save money. these treatments so hard, I need all the care, comfort and convenience I can get to help me.

I must have a fridge for gcmaf yogurt, suppositories and vials of active goleic. god bless prof ruggiero the pioneer of gcmaf innovations.

I collapsed asleep at 10pm after yesterday so treatments, I woke fresh 4am, did enema, meditation and gcmaf nebulizer before leaving hotel 7am for 7.15am appointment vogls.

its 11.10am, in recovery still, with hot flushes, I called siebenhueners an hour ago begging for pdt, ipt.

pushing these dr every second, every way possible. they want too share my healing system with many patients, and market my innovations. its the ultimate compliment, but I wonder where is the fairness that I invested at least a million dollars proving these concepts.

No one has pioneered these innovative combination therapies, I share them here for free, maybe its silly me.

the cash savings gone, the loans again approaching limits, its nice to see others profit from my innovations, but I have grave fears, I will be in the grave when my credit exhausted.

all these doctors insist on payment, despite all the patients I inspire, I refer.

I have to capitalise on my success or ill be dead before you know it, and this blog will end just like all the other cancer blogs

god I wish I could find someone to help me market , to spell check, make this blog the success these results deserve. I add it to my list of prayers. all my ideas get used to benefit others, but not me in a material manner.

my concerns about finances stem from the recent disease progression, every rising marker costs me money, I don't have. my sydney business suffering serious financial set backs.

so I fight to the last  cent,  to the last breathe.

I have not even started in this war on my illness, I will out smart it, out fight it, out live it.

its 11.26am, I have to pee, get dressed, discharged, speed across town, to dr siebenhuener to start pdt 5 and ipt 46.

as I said, I have not even started.

I am just getting started.

stick around and watch the fight of the century.

I am betting on pete

VOGL SAYS, Mr Trayhurn I see you first, I see you last.
I laughed, if not me, then my patients as soon as I am in remission.

Vogl reviews ct, he says everything stable. I say when, he says depends markers, I say 2pm next friday is possible before I fly. Prof adds me to calendar.

I wanted better, but stable better than visible progression. I have had big falls markers, sometimes imaging lags markers with immune treatments. I am content and grateful. The rapidly escalating disease stopped,  now I refine plan.

I sit in the hotel room, just 4 walls,  4 stars, ac, the bath meditation and enema await. I ask myself is this a life? my wife has no husband. my kids no father. all this for over 5 years.

I pray a little, listening to london orchestra classics, I think of my mother ans and her music in my heart now faint echoes through eternity, I thought of my mum eileens smile and her laugh. I have some tears remembering.  I messaged love to family, I get no reply.

I pray for courage, strength and wisdom. I thank my God for this day and my blessings, I have tried the most innovative therapies. When I thank God, I thank him for you my readers and friends, the doctors and nurses, my fellow patients.

a special thanks to daniel 3bp genius.

god is not just good, he is great.

my miracle is I fly pain free, full of hope, to hug my daughter on her 14th, my son and my most beautiful wife that god has given me.

I will find a way!

ps got to sleep well, up 5am, drive duderstadt dc blood draw, then return siebenhuener pdt ipt, no rest until remission.


your a good son, these are my doctors below, gerhard is in frankfurt and has excellent innovative therapies. I copied him, tell him about your dad, he can explain his concepts. I have very good rwsults ipt and pdt, but we are all unique.

Good luck and god bless you and your dad.

lots of love.



day by day my journey of 5 years is covered



Hashbrown from Μacdonalds, exhausted from treatments but joyful



you gonna love this, the ad before mcdonalds hashbrown for breakfast, poor dr david servanschreiber should be resting in peace as a cancer alternative  hero, which he is. he may roll in his grave at this add placement by youtube. the silver lining, how desperate mcdonalds are to capture the short lived metastatic cancer market, what next our kids.



my muscle pain during super immune response was it inf? I say yes, do you?

So slept most of the day on herzog couch after oncothermia and basic infusions. vit c, gsh, hepamertz and thymus.

I met a lovelly Lyme disease girl from sydney, I mentioned inus.de, and gerhard , she can check these after herzog.

dr white was kind and especially considerate today as was the nurse. again I slept during treatment,  so exhausted.  somehow I made it home, the 4 hour drive taking 7 with rest and sleeps.

popped a gcmaf suppository tonight, i am researching dr lenz amazing therapies and daniels help and support incredible.

last night a glass of red and watched soccer with martin near liepziger strasser

jesus, heal us! AMEN


so exhausted, physically, but mentally driven beyond.

I cannot say what amazing projects are underway.

I have immense hope, as vast as the magical sunset tonight



pray for us all.

with immense love we can heal.

jesus, heal us!

I am the way, the truth and light


The title was going to be


you see birth is an immunological event.

cancer is very similar to birth, except one starts and the other stops life. You'll need a phd and a good knowledge of cea, and tAFP eta to explore these concepts.

I met the famous dr lenz today, he is humble, wise, compassionate and a genius.

he will work with nesslehut and I start immunopheresis 8 september.

I feel unshakable confidence.

My miracle remission is clearly a reality in my MIND, it will manifest 8 october with cea 0.

My success will show the synergy of nesslehut and lenze, absolute world leaders who by gods blessing I maybe instrumental in starting clinical cooperation.




We will see it together.

God made this glorious universe, every cell, protien, cytokine, atom, molecule and wave.

That I have my miracles, say 12, I ask for the 13th and final. with every miracle I glimpse gods genius, with every breathe I feel his power.

I am alive.

I am well

I live!

Have no fear, or tear the end of cancer is not just near, IT IS HERE

google tnf1 and 2 and lenze and immunopheresis and smile.

I have enough hope in my heart for at least the entire suffering cancer world.

Come to gemany, the alps are magnificent this time of year.

Pray for your miracle with every once of energy I your soul. GOD IS REAL, HE LISTENS and LOVES US

Dear Lord, Bring me home well to my family and friends, bless and protect them in my absence.
AMEN, Jesus heal us ALL!

ps so many friends need miracle gunther, ellie, elke, rona, donna, miwa, torkel, shar, pip, jean in, me, anna

I have been climbing my everest for over 5 years, lots of false peaks, final I glimpse the real summit. In my heart I have no doubt that meta static cancer is completely curable using the ultimate tool and gift from God.

our immune system

dear anna, I lost your email, ill answer the gcmaf m2 queries

rules are for the dead!


the title was

rules are for the dead, we bend like the reeds in the storm

but its too negative but true

the chef, my friend gunter, the dessert of life

pray for us, jesus heal us.

today I made it frankfurt, did stem cells dr siebenhuener, and did energetic healing with Simon and, another angel.

yesterday hardest viral therapy thaller.

a conference call with passionate geniuses from the land of the long white cloud.

innovation happens where passion and vision are united,  may god help us, to heal using science, wisdom and passion.

I am pushing too hard, but must alas, I rest on the plane.

tonight dinner with inspiring friends, i taught them gcnaf yogurt secrets , my absolute faith in our healing, the microbiome my gift to share, as well as the cultures.

dear god let these cultures set, let us share these cultures with millions.

tomorrow another friend arrives, pray for torkel, pray for shar, pray for us all.

I am, healing starts with god, then the bugs, google maf 314 gcmaf yogurt.

give me energy, keep me safe on the roads, get me again to my family alive , well and rested.

oh god, heal us all, those who long for reprieve from suffering, this eternal struggle. give us strength, courage and wisdom. your love inspires me today, as much as when you lived,  in the love and suffering of my friends I see you lords.

in your name grant us our miracles.AMEN

goodbye frankfurt hello sydney mels 14th birthday


The present for daughter, her dad, a party and ugg boots.

up 5am for drive duderstadt.
got nivo,
got dc vaccine 17
got signed job offer praxis nesslehut.
this real job for best immunotherapy practice in the world, is the achievement of my life.

thank god for the gift of life.

my job to support kiwi and aussies coming or interested in immunotherapies.

the corpse gets a job, who said meta static is a death sentence. 

not me.

returned hire car, checked in, resting on floor.

got a big arm bandage, punctured artery, my new friend torkel was great support, he met dr siebenhuener, nesslehut and vogl. he knows the procedures I do, that may help him, now to fund raise.

lots of love,

ps vogl called me a miracle and said lungs clear.

little bag of lavender a birthday gift from friends, size does not matter, love does, I am blessed.

oh I met claire at vogl 70% lung reduction, another pioneer, brave, beautiful and successful.


Around the world for the colour fun run


I bet I'm the only dad, to fly in from germany, do this run, have so much fun celebrating my daugjters 14th birthday.

to be alive the greatest gift, to share the joy, indeed triumph I feel, another joy.

the bliss expands into my awareness, and the blessings of this life as vivid, as the colours of the fun run, of the celebration of life and love.

my facebook comment, I held my wife she hand, I was so cold, the chills, the fever, but I walked,  I breathed in the glorious life around, my family, friends david and helen, all the families.

the medals are for walking 5km after flying in from germany, for me being alive to give my daughter the best present a father can give! LOVE, every step and breathe was a mix of prayer and tears. I rested in the first aide tent at the end, temp hit 38.3 AMEN

we had our traditional family yumch with cousin josh, courtney and uncle ben. fast and furious and joyful. they were rave nous after the walk  .

then a fantadtic afternoon dinner, evening. the colourful happy trayhurns arrived, we partied, played, I rested and slept. I so miss my wonderful family friends, but the love and care is strong. we bought a delicious chocolate cake, ellie found amazing fireworks to put on the cake. the kids ran around with sparklers, josh played amazing piano classics. I was a magic evening, dinner and party. we are so blessed. I shared my dream of remission and 100bmillion vaccine biotech startup. I have so many crazy dreams.

so I slept and rested, well yesterday and last night.

but now the pet scan. I must go.  ill post the results ASAP.

Today a 14 year old wakes for her japanese exam, I kiss my daughter and wish her well. I sleot with my son, a wonderful warm struggling sleep, my wonderful wife sounds so kind, her voice like magic medicine.

so god, grant me my miracle, give my the courage, strength and wisdom to find the way. to use the energy and love that surrounds me wisely.

I am so blessed, we all are! the birds sing, but I know I am home as the kookaburras sang so beautifully. a very good enema and medition at 4.30am.

the gift of another day, the fever good I know, how good time will tell.

happy birthday pete 49 and pet result


of course,  thanks to god for all my blessings, my little miracles,  my family, my friends, my readers.

I share the journey,  the highs, the lows, the challenges with the intent to share my awe at this life, of my healing and the love thats pervasive , that's healing.

so the nurses gave me a candle that I treasure.

my friends and kids smiles and hugs.

I seek the ultimate present, full enduring remission and to rejoin my family, to help others and to go scuba diving. I asked my god for this with all my heart.

 to be loved,  the greatest gift and present.

prof vogl said super

stable and control, some success peritoneum. the full report. this is 3 days post tace 31 and dc vaccine 17.

Its my birthday, I am 49 and still dream of blowing out candles.

my son gave me a massage, my daughter held my hand and my wife a long cuddle

the goal remission, I fight on, I will find a way.

The patient was scanned 58 minutes after the i.v.i of 354 MBq of FDG and 0with their arms at their side, from head to upper thighs on a 128-slice mCT scanner with high definition reconstruction and time-of-flight technology. The current study was compared to the previous study from July 2015.

There are no large mass lesions in the brain. There is moderately increased metabolism in the soft tissues of the right groin where SUV is 6.4 and I suspect that this may relate to recent angiography and intervention.

The abnormality seen in the left lobe of the liver directly beneath the right heart is once again evident and it appears slightly larger on our imaging with the region of abnormal metabolism extending over 31 mm in the transaxial plane when compared to 23 mm on the last study. Peak SUV in this lesion is 11.4 which is virtually identical to peak metabolism on the last scan. The more lateral abnormality in the left upper quadrant has a peak SUV of 7.7 when compared to 8.6 on the last scan. There are no new abnormalities in the liver or in upper abdominal lymph nodes. The peritoneum is clear and there are no abnormalities in mesenteric, paraaortic or pelvic nodes. In the lung fields there is mild metabolism in the linear parenchymal abnormality located in the right lower lobe close to the fissure and also in the small slightly irregular, 9 mm diameter lesion in the left upper lobe but there has not been an appreciable change in these abnormalities. There are no new regions of ab
normal metabolism in the lung fields or in hilar or mediastinal nodes and lymph nodes at the base of the neck are clear. There are no abnormalities in the bony skeleton.


There has not been a marked change in the interval since the last scan. There is still increased metabolism in the lesion in the left lobe of the liver and the abnormality in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen just below the diaphragm and medial to the stomach. There are no new sites of disease in the liver, the abdomen or pelvis or the thorax.

my wonderful family , joshua, as well as friends andrew, dougal, james, dave, paul for my birthday chinese dinner.

my present getting my 5th chemo port installed on the morning of birthday, I vowed to come have it removed in a few years. did op under local only to best preserve immune function

I invited my friends to the same place, same date next year for my 50th.

the happy trojan horse and joyful tears



I shared a beautiful moment with my wife, the clouds of another sunset, I asked for forgiveness, I am so human, I seek love and healing in all areas of life.

my nephew josh made this trip special, his support greatly appreciated

I have odema in feet, searching for solution. I fly to uk tomorrow for forest meditation.

http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jir/2014/789069/ the trojan horse, this is a great study, it justifies my approach and therapy model of 3 years.

I visited my sons school in the morning, I broke down, and sob bed while asking the new male principal to really care for my brave wonderful son keith, who misses me intensely and cries on occaision when school focuses on fathers. I try to make the burden of my illness on the family as easy to bare with all the support I can muster..

tonight an elective info evening at my daughters school, where we can learnt about subjects she does. the highlight she knows I care, I was there.  many mothers, most who really care for me, said I looked great, as opposed to wife who calls me haggard. I asked the principal to give special care to my daughter as I can love her from afar.

I must communicate more effectively with my kids and wife going forward.

As much as I miss family and friends, I am excited to return and focus on healing and my miracle, my fear is dissolved, the tears dried, all that's left is determination.

so many of my dearest friends and family have such glorious challenges,  god truly loves us, and he grants us all ate

I am sad a school mum going to hospice care, her cancer taking her, as well as other close friends recently, goodbye ana.

so despite me challenges,  I count my blessings, my hope and the love that energises my dream and ongoing miracle

jesus, heal us ALL, grant us peace,
forgive me my failings.
make our fears joyful tears.

grant us courage, strength and wisdom.

lots of love

goodbye sydney hello london and qigong in the forest


the spirit is willing but the flesh weak, very very tired.

Odema healed wonderful qigong camp


feeling much much better, my feet are nomal again after the first days qigong. The pain and bruising gone.

I meet the kindest group seeking healing.

One said I was an inspiration, that felt nice, others shared stories of healing, of their remarkable courage, truly remarkable courage.

I was inspired and the inspirer.

Its raining and life is good.

I am praying for wisdom, courage and strength.

The sweat lodges have been untense but healing, i have been resting and sleeping well.

the english farm style camping simply magic.

off to see my wonderful friene dean and his son york near shagness, another 3 hour drive.

I feel great after the qigong and accuptunture , I really feel fantadtic and life is very very good.

not thinking of cancer really, just enjoying all the blessings around me, so many friends with challenges.

sorry I have been offline on purpose. getting into my healing space, into meditation.

I have so much hope, that's gods greatest gift.

the photos of the wet wonderful camp site, oh and from my son first holy communion and my big sister a few months ago.

lots of love and healing to and for us all.

jesus heal us! AMEN! or whatever god touches your heart. love is the key.

its dawned on me that everyone word, every letter I type is a little miracle, like each precious breathe.

I am grateful for the love and care and support of my friends and family.

pray for us all, we need gods love and healing. now some ancient remedies also can help. started tcm traditional Chinese medicine again after a few years break.

the secret, hit the cancer fron every direction north, south, east and west,.. from the oldest plants to the latest antibodies.

I ask? why not use everything our lord puts within our grasp,  is less not a sin, as gods greatest gift is life, which is manifest moment to moment, step by step.

I pray your steps are joyous and filled with love.

skegnessness rollercoaster


I have uk xmas cards , presents for family and friends coming home with love , carried by my mate dean.

My friend deans parents have treated me like a son.

my friends son, wonderful with challenges, like all kids, indeed like all adults as well.

having the complete ketogenic holiday, so fish chips and curry.

the pommies do great fish and chips, they are so rich in history, family and kindness.

my convict ancestors burnt down a boarding house and were sentenced to Australia,  ironically I am sentenced to life in germany for my crimes against health in my earlier fat, unhealthy life in Australia.  remember I've lost 60kg of fat.

before me the joyful, immense meta static challenge.

each breathe, each step bliss, each taste bliss, the ketogenic holiday ends, the lifestyle focus soon to recommence with as much focus.

the focus fueled by joyful tears, for another friend passed and another very close to passing, these brave souls not touched by my extremeness.

the power of these uk treatments hum bling, I have met the robyn hood of cancer medicine, I am humbled in his presence

I live

l love

l dream of cure

I thank my god

I pray for us ALL

I ride the roller coaster of life and literally by the seaside.

why not live with passion, love and enjoy every second of this life? why not?

for every second god grants me, well I will treasure it, I wish you the same.


for Albine and family, with a tear in the uk seaside side

I travel this planet homeless, searching, but maybe this glorious vast universe is our home!

I got a hot towel shave, to help me clear german immigration.

I feel so good, the best ever despite a few misguided cells

yestetday crabbing on the beach and beers at the local pub, uk culture!

dear god, grant us each our miracles, large or small AMEN

time dries tears and evaporates fears


a good read

peter levin awakening the tiger
ptsd simplest shock treatment

choose to be ready
ready to choose

.so a 5 hour drive skegvegas to london ear accuptuncture course where I am the needle dummy,, I got the best treatment.

I could've talked  heaps but did not, I listened and learned and increased my faith in accunpcture and tcm.

more learning tomorrow from my worlds best needler.

I am smarter, I have more faith , my 1% theory sounds so good.

I feel great but. tired now, sweet dreams world.

my sons tears due to fathers day ain class, he was only boy with no dad in class.

the hard painful lessons of life, to watch your sons heart break, but then its strengthened, so this stufferings purpose clear, but I remind his principal to help.

I called the family, the warm wife now cold again, the daughter kind , the son brave and loving.

my mission to blow the kiss, that circles the globe and dries the cheecky tears,  and dissolves fears and leaves love,  strength and wisdom. 

enjoying london, leicester square, chinatown and Memphis is musical


I slept in till 9.30, I missed start of ear accupture course, and had breakfast on the hour drive to the course.

lets just say lots of learning, lots of needles,  lots of healing.

looking forward to using accuptuncture and immunotherapies.

lots to try before I die, that maybe along way away god willing.

I feel magnificent, I am blessed.

say a pray for us all, so many who find my blog , try these therapies to late, heading into ketosis.

but trying best chinese duck on the planet, so one more night of food bliss.

frankfurt tomorrow and the focus is the liver spot on surface.

its always the liver first

celebrating fathers day in lovely london


from a few days ago

up very early 630am and feeling great and pain free, so another day on the planet to enjoy.

the sun IS RISEN, its shining brightly on a clear fresh morning, the birds are singing as I stroll down the secret shortcut lane. I stop to steal or borrow or grab a fresh fig from a grand fig tree over hanging the lane. it stands just for me. its good being tall.

so my breakfast is a big green apple from the apple tree in the sunny garden where a kind friend lets me rest a few nights, the soft, fresh fig and a cup of chai tea.

a simple, healthy, delicious breakfast.

last night I got more figs on the way home from the musical memphis, which was fantastic.

after the show i got a gelato, the manager remembered me as I had a pre show gelato as dessert after the duck.

she amazingly offered me free food, whatever you want, it was a classy italian place recently opened.

, even though I was not hungry the freshly cooked prawns and whiebait, Lasanga and squid ink rice vanished from the plate as fast as they arrived.

she knew nothing about the cancer, but I cannot hide my very grateful smile.

unexpected acts of kindness flow towards me, like the surprise amazon healing ceremony that healed my soul between 4pm and 5pm. I closed my eyes and prayed intensley for my miracle, for our miracles.

you see, maybe my miracle is yours, and your miracle is mine, maybe shared hope is the secret cure for cancer. this hope I feel certainly makes the challenge enjoyable for me.

alas I am surrounded by suffering and longing of so many friends and readers, I see so little joy in those around me, I wish I could effectively share my hope and joy. like so many of us get blood transfusions, maybe our doctors could add some joy to the transfusions.

why I am so continually blessed I do not know, but it makes staying in the bliss a joy, .

to see and feel gods love in action everywhere, the ultimate medicine for me, its in kindness, music, food. this wonderfully vivid existence.

this beautiful blonde lady on the accuptuncture course said I was a healer, when I am there seeking healing, I do share my hope, my love, my joy, my passion, about life, about heealing. about the use of advanced accupture to enhance well designed immunotherapies, only I test these synergies I suspect, maybe ill live, maybe these combinations will help those suffering the challenges of cancer in the future, hooefully they help me NOW!

my friends say I am toooo intense, its the way I am , alas and thank god, .


I do long for the ash ram, for my quiet life in munich, for complete healing.

you see today is fathers day in sydney, so my kids will call soon.

so I called kids, keith said happy fathers day a 100 times, he breaks my heart and makes my day, my daughter sends her love and my wife peaceful silence.

trip 15 two spots tace 32 sex on the beach


I suspect ketogenic holiday contributed to liver met progression,  going back to ketosis asap. I suspect liver mets more sensitive glucose, ie hier suv pet. an expensive less, note peritoneum lowest blood flow, least glucose, best response. todays cancer markers maybe a shock. I live and learn and share it all, the set backs or mistakes teach us.




pete lost at sea, look at the chubby cheecks hiding rectal cancer in a very fat bum.

and today who said, mr trayhurn you started with one medication, now you have more and more ?

so you are the hero!, i said, no you are the little hero, so is prof, so am I, we are humanity, we are all little heroes.

I am nothing without gods grace, whatever my success, whatever I achieve reflect gods love and power. I give him all praise and thanks and make no apologises for begging for his courage, strength and wisdom.

I am healed in all ways, my joyful ordeal ultimately healing, my miracles proof.

today gods eyes and hand and heart is prof vogl, tomorrow its dr kopic, the day after dr nesslehut.  I call nesslehut my father, who else gives a rat a job, a father hope, a son and daughter and wife a candle in the wind. as elton john says, the candle burned out long before the kegend ever did. so I am legend. I will add my faith, hope and strength to all seeking miracles, that will be my legacy, my gift to this magnificent, glorious suffering humanity. 

With such impossible dreams how can I fail?

alas that's my nature, give me an inch of hope and I take mile of hope. I push myself as all around me, even if its a hug.

This life is for living and loving NOW, not yesterday and not tomorrow,  but NOW,  of that I AM CERTAIN.

Tace32 went very well, the focus based on mri, was the liver MET, we had discussed doing both mets, but it was clear from prof assessment that the liver met needed priority. So it was embolised with aggressive cocktail CONFIDENTIAL, we redo 18th another embolise and on 6th we abalate. Its next to heart so very dangerous, but its life or death, a chance of remission or slow paonful cancer death. I already made my choice. WE FRY THE SUCKER TO HELL. 

do you see this net refactory immunotherapies, we clear peritoneum, we have regression everywhere but one spot. so we identify, we destroy it whike its possible.  my immune responses have been excellent,  on going for 3 years, do you get it, sonetimes with immunoedditing or microenvironjent specifics we get escape,  the trick is not more vaccines, its a different attack. 

so I a few weeks, the liver clear again, this is my inense, vivid wish  my desire, my prayer, my god is listening, its been granted akready as vogl vision.

he said, if I were you, I would, I said I would toooo. all this while tacing the sucker, this pillow talk during the tace, he had his eyes closed and was smiling, just like me. after 32 taces he knows my soul better than I.

of course he gives ne hooe, but he shared I do also. all my doctors use my miracle to give hope, royalty free.

I feel this massive ball of cancer suffering on my shoulders,  but its strangely weight less with god holding the weight, but I see the suffering, I feel it, despite this I am so filled with joy. I truly feel magnificent, maybe its the cystal clear plan, combined the faith and god.

I got a kind message from wife,, maybe its that.

So profs plan, to embolise again and then microwave it. now the mets near my heart, so its very tricky, but he smiled and said we do it. again I have a g

some prof quotes today, you are an ongoing miracle.
you can take it, you are so strong and healthy. The it was today cocktail, which was difficult to administer.


xXX For immunotherapy dreamers, a riddle. what do you get when you combine with skill, precision, speed, confidence and love
a dash of avastin, keytruda, gcmaf, ndv,irenotecan, mytomycin, emboli. well these equate to a pseudo lymph node, that could be a big liver met for example. that may have been refactory to other previous treatments.

so prof quote of the day, I am faster than the tumour. Now we all knows this is true, it contrasts to standard oncologists that say lets try cheno that does not work anyway and ill see you in 3 months.

how nany times have I had a clinical event ie marker rise, scan finding, often in sydney. I email, fly and treat within the week often. I have gone around the planet, treated the problem, often before I could get an appointment in sydney. they say speed kills, well sometimes it saves, me anyway. I wish to share prof vogl clinical wisdom.

when I arrived uniclinic 1pm, from my 8am duderstadt blood draw, well

prof vogl says, you look good, everyone does! but I ask, how do the images look?

the tace 32 cocktail is codenamed sex on the beach, after the cocktail I enjoyed in Skegness by the seaside last week.

This tace, its very unique contents give me joy, so fully its profound, I am so so full of hope. I am the happiest, miraculous rat alive. if I do die today, i go straight to heaven , you know how well I tried.

That was the first real alcohol cocktail I have enjoyed in a long long time. I had it when I was enjoying afternoon drinks with my wonderful friend Dean and his old friend Mark, who is now my new friend. They really laughed about my joke its been along time since I enjoyed sex on the beach. The cocktail tasted great, like the experience. I am blessed to have fine memories, they sustain me through this joyful ordeal. The richness of my life before the cancer really helps me now.

my therapy innovations I am proud of, as I have nothing to loose and everything to gain! I dream of remission, of enduring cure and returning to my family.

so I visited my friend sabine last night in bovenden, my registered getman address that I need for work visa at the house of energy in the forest, we talked and did some qigong. her warm hug the most healing medicine. I did not loose my family, I simply extend it to where I am.

my friends in germany are treasures.

this morning I tested the new port in duderstadt for the pre vaccine blood test. they got blood out of the port thank god.
so the cancer markers interesting.

I have had a ketogenic holiday, these last 2 weeks, during peak immune response, now I feel great, I am in waiting room prof vogl for tace 32 with primovist mri. this mri is needed by prof morris to assess me for liver,  peritonecomy resection, I have a tentative yes, but this depends on imaging.

this trip I'll workout strategy based prof vogl assessment imaging pet scan and mri. its been a fun few weeks.

got my first dvt in foot , after all the flying and driving its bound to happen, even though my blood is very thin.

the silver lining clear targets for prof vogl.

dr kopic has good options for me. seeing him 4pm stutgart. do you see my travel, Frankfurt,  duderstadt, stuggart, duderstadt, frankfurt with therapies, consults and operations in between.

dr thaller happy about peritoneal success which I give him much praise for. vogl confirmed peritoneum clear, which is really immunotheraputic success, with support gerhards pdt, ipt and infusions.

ill update this post tace and imaging.

without my health, strength and finance this miracle would be impossible,  prof vogl said an oldet patient could not cope, he knows I can, so these impossibly aggressive combination therapies I take very well. I thank god for my health that makes this possible. do you see how lifestyle, qigong, tcm, meditation, saunas give the health, strength and hope to succeed!

so a go climb a mountain in spain 24thsept to 5thoct for daily qigong.

my newest friend john said hit it hard  hit fast, he would like vogl.

ipt tomorrow, then the famous human kopic, then friday dudetstadt and i meet my third father and boss and doctor nesslehut senior

what a life)

amen, its enema time

to me






Do you think ill ever give up? never

Even when god calls, ill say but i am here already, 

If i must fly to heaven sooner than later, ill pray for first class ticket, I ve done enough economy flying in the heavens already. i wonder if angels get dvt like me.

this blog as absure as they come, it could be the ancient plant medicines.


for torkel, gunther, all my friends, all my readers.

a special thanks to all scientists, doctors, business people, patients, and nurses doing immunotherapy trials, i learn and implement for the lessons learned, for example the unpublished results of synergy between vegf inhitibition, pd1 blockade and dc vaccine. before the conventional oncologist even dreams of these studies, the rat reads, the rat learns, the rat implements.




Special thank to dr horger, who also lives and loves the RAT, 



so i am looking for my lost at sea story and found this old csn post about my banning and my desire to come back, almost all those i loved and tried to help are gone. I enjoy my absolute obsurity on the net now, a little hermit, hiding safely away, i save my energy for my survival, my full remission joyfully challenging, but these days of painfree health energy and love treasures from my god. those few i touch, i cherish and pray for, the rest i leave in peace, the futility of my sharing these radical therapies so early, offered the only hope to my dead friends, alas now we have the immunotherapy revolution, the biggest loosers us colorectals, unless you add ndv. i stay safely in my shell. i cannot even share my actual treatments any more as the authorities are ruthless to couragous alternative doctors, they at least try to give hope to the hopeless. the blend of alt and conventional will save many coloretals one day. i maybe in heaven very soon if the liver met near heart grows, if the abalation fails, then again i might live, ill leave it too god, who on the day is vogl.

the mans vision, energy and passion unknown to few, his critics simply ignorant. he starts before 5am, goes until 7pm, offers the best quality and quantity of life, yes he gave me a tace on his account when i had no money, i never get a cent, he is part of a government university with the highest standards, he is a pioneering heroes like vogl, like nesslehut, like kopic, like schilling, like siebenhuener, like lenz. these are unsung heroes, easily attacked by conventionals. with my experience of there care and skill and saving my life this far. I offer them all the support and gratitude i can, but yes they are human, all with flaws, but in them i see glimpses of the divine, i really really do!

SO I SING MY PRAISES IN A LOUD CLEAR VOICE, go make your own path and choices.


godbless and help us all, critics and friends. Alas systemic chemo still kills more colorectals than all the murders in the usa, far more effective, kinder treatments exist today, alas but only germany and at considerable cost financially and personally. i have no regrets, i live, love and share. and yes, day, by day i get more support from my doctors.

when the money goes, i die, so there support means the world too me, it means life.

where the dream started, where i met nesslehut, dagmar, thaller and reinwald. that was 3 years ago!
http://www.medwoche.de/ I am going

cea 478 ca119 612 crp 0.9 ouch, no spike




NGS FOR FRIENDS WITH A FUTURE P,J,C AND PP, for all colorectal, xxx neg breast, melanoma, and cup cancer of unknown primary


with a mutation will not have a significant family history to warrant testing.95,96Therefore, these individuals would only be tested if other more local guidelines are used such as young age of onset or triple negative breast tumour pathology. These groups are likely to benefit from a more readily available NGS approach. There is a similar situation in high-grade serous ovarian cancer in that around 50% of women with serous ovarian cancer who h

Still alive and feeling wonderful, full of hope love and gratitude after the most dangerous, daring immuno tace ever attemoted, ever achieved, of course this is a fantasy. It would never be permitted in a world of deadly red tape, of authorities that read blogs, and harrass and gaol the worlds most amazing doctors. so for the record, for the authorities everything in this blog is fiction. after all, rats cannot type, can they? how could this be real? do cancer miracles happen?  when the stage 4 s all die painful meta static deaths in a world where 10 million euro european funded laboratory makes dendtric cells fueled with hope.  how do you reconcile all the suffering with all the hope and not go crazy?

I dreamed I won another nobel prize, I have lost count of how many I have now, and I still don't have a phd, I have something much much better. LIFE! and an illness that evolves as I do and in the process allows amazing clinical fantasies to occur, far beyond the scientists wildest dreams and the regulators worst nightmares.  you see meta static cancer has viable treatment options NOW, remission as close to the nearest STAR. have you touched a star recently? I do every breathe, every second of my miracle, that's where the unlimited energy I need to heal comes from. That's another way of saying god.

I ask you? am I the luckiest?

So I sip peppermint tea at the hotel of the lion in duderstadt, this morning I gave 200ml blood for dc vaccine 17, I got good to the point hallway time with nesslehut senior, and prof osmers while the blonde sexy vampire sucked me dry while the genius that's prof osmers listened,  learned, digested and spat out the clinical pearls, just like nessle senior did in the hallway.

the pearls fuel my hope. the details SECRET ALAS!

who needs hour long padded out consulting room discussion,  I give a clinical synopsis in a minute, we discuss, brain storm, I get the clinical pearls. the doctors race to rooms full of patients, they have a very very busy day ahead saving lives, dangling the carrot, MIRACLE REMISSION.

this rat is locked on the never ending,  circular wheel, the treadmill of cancer survival.

like the donkey climbing everest, with a big juicy orange carrot constantly  hanging in front of him, driving him onwards, uppwards to the summit, to his dreams, to his god.

likewise I had a carrot juice and tomatoe to help refill the blood stolen by the vampire today.

these are the worlds best immunotherapists without doubt. they will get the nobelest prize. is not one miracle , one life saved, one life extended, worth all the nobel prizes ever awarded.

I really believe I am the luckiest man alive.

I have a new 3cm liver met that sparkles like the sun in the recent pet scan, in the upper left lobe near the heart. its gods greatest gift, sounds strange, read on, better read this link and think hard


so what's ngs? are your cancer mutations on the cell surface?  are all ngs equal, and for that matter what micro rna are you using to enhance your immune response to get your tcells focused on survival like I am. so maybe this new met is a gift,  now I have lived long enough, to unravel the genetic message that's the secret code for long tern durable remission.

these ngs allows, remission strategies, combo antibody strategies, we now have the tools, this rats very very happy, and gets a lot of joy being so far ahead of the pack. I maybe the fastest rat ever to have lived.

day to day the survival strategy evolves.

the worlds best oncologist said, I have something truly special for you, see me 4pm tomorrow, that was yesterday, read on about the best ngs solution and the stage 4 melanoma miracle

so yesterday I did a super ipt indulin potentiated therapy as a followup to tace 32, whose focus was to embolise and shutdown liver met.

re cancer markers, my bet pseudo progression as 199 has not moved, I have the highest lymphocyte count ever, the high cea tumour destruction .

I looked at the pet scan, besides the bright sun in my liver, what did I see?

something rare, wonderful, indeed god divided, billions of dendritic cells in my left upper arm swarming around the dc vaccine site, engaging in a billion simultaneous facebook conversations, messaging each other. the messages are the dcs sharing the antigens that continue to save me.

this pet scan, 3 days post last dc vaccine was a stroke of genius,  now we can see immune shadows moving around our bodies like the hand of god. maybe ill call that 3d image the shadowy sun, as I have these hope filled shadows all around the vaccine site, and a vivid sun in the liver that again is brightest on the edges where the glucose avid immune cells destroy the destroyer.

its time for another sauna and swim.

remember the 6 peritoneal mets, have all been cleared by immuno tace, dc vaccine, pdt, and intraperitoneal oncolytic viral therapy enhanced by gcmaf. fixing peritoneal disease, the hardest, most challenging by far, but easy when you understand its an immunological organ and that conventional medicine is ignorant in I extreme, alas life saving peritonecomies will be viewed as barbaric, especially now subcutenous removab exists, I is another option.

I have to discuss organising a clinical trial with vogl, this is the future for many cancer patients, its my reality,  my invention, my achievement, its in my present and its your present, if you have the courage, money and skill to make it happen.

the it, is survive.

i begged the pet scan prof to see me, to discuss imaging

i need to see my german pet scan guru asap.

i need to find a german university who wants to study the worlds first human pseudo lymph node, to think within me now, in my liver is a therapy technique that could save millions of lives and the immune cells are sipping peopermint tea with me.

its party, festival time in duderstadt this weekend, the kids running races keep me sane, keep me anchored to reality, here comes more runners. i blow my little family a kiss, i miss them, but i live , i learn. i blow the big family a kiss also.

it is what it is, AMEN!

this life is BLISS!

ps in asco, they told the story of nivolumab patients who had progression who were sent home to die, they followed up a year later, again the corpses answered the calls. these corpses were miracles. immunological memory the key. 


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Journal ListClin Biochem Revv.32(4); 2011 NovPMC3219767

Clin Biochem Rev. 2011 Nov; 32(4): 177–195.

PMCID: PMC3219767

Next-Generation Sequencing for Cancer Diagnostics: a Practical Perspective

Cliff Meldrum,1,4,† Maria A Doyle,2,† and Richard W Tothill3,*

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Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is arguably one of the most significant technological advances in the biological sciences of the last 30 years. The second generation sequencing platforms have advanced rapidly to the point that several genomes can now be sequenced simultaneously in a single instrument run in under two weeks. Targeted DNA enrichment methods allow even higher genome throughput at a reduced cost per sample. Medical research has embraced the technology and the cancer field is at the forefront of these efforts given the genetic aspects of the disease. World-wide efforts to catalogue mutations in multiple cancer types are underway and this is likely to lead to new discoveries that will be translated to new diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic targets. NGS is now maturing to the point where it is being considered by many laboratories for routine diagnostic use. The sensitivity, speed and reduced cost per sample make it a highly attractive platform compared to other sequencing modalities. Moreover, as we identify more genetic determinants of cancer there is a greater need to adopt multi-gene assays that can quickly and reliably sequence complete genes from individual patient samples. Whilst widespread and routine use of whole genome sequencing is likely to be a few years away, there are immediate opportunities to implement NGS for clinical use. Here we review the technology, methods and applications that can be immediately considered and some of the challenges that lie ahead.

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Over the past six years we have witnessed a revolution in sequencing technologies that has already had a profound impact on our understanding of genetics and genome biology. In a research setting, NGS has been widely implemented for de novo genome sequencing, DNA resequencing, transcriptome sequencing and epigenomics. These research efforts have forged the way in the development of new protocols (both molecular and bioinformatic contexts) and have been instrumental in gaining an understanding of the major strengths and weaknesses of this technology. From a clinical perspective there is great potential for NGS in the management and treatment of human health. Immediate and significant impact will come from either replacement or augmentation of existing technologies for genetic screening purposes. Some striking examples of its clinical use include prenatal testing for the detection of chromosomal aneuploidy in foetal DNA,1 identification of rare genetic variants associated with monogenic Mendelian disorders2–4 and efficient detection of either inherited or somatic mutations in cancer genes.5,6

As cancer is a genetic disease driven by heritable or somatic mutations, new DNA sequencing technologies will have a significant impact on the detection, management and treatment of disease. Next-generation sequencing is enabling worldwide collaborative efforts, such as the International Genome Consortium (ICGC)7and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project,8 to catalogue the genomic landscape of thousands of cancer genomes across many disease types. Several early reports from individual studies contributing to these consortia have already been published.9–11 These discoveries will ultimately lead to a better understanding of disease pathogenesis, bridging to a new era of molecular pathology and personalised medicine.12 It is easy to imagine that soon every patient will have both their constitutional and cancer genomes sequenced, the latter perhaps multiple times in order to monitor disease progression, thus enabling an accurate molecular subtyping of disease and the rational use of molecularly guided therapies. Many molecular pathology laboratories are now considering the sequencing platforms, methods and additional equipment required for making the transition to NGS. Here we review the current sequencing technology, applications and bioinformatics with special consideration given to the development of clinical DNA sequencing.

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Next-Generation Sequencing Technology

NGS broadly describes those technologies that share the ability to massively parallel sequence millions of DNA templates. The terms second-generation and third-generation sequencing are also used synonymously to describe the evolution of sequencing technology from the first-generation dideoxy ‘Sanger’ sequencing. To achieve massive parallel sequencing, second-generation platforms employ the clonal amplification of DNA templates on a solid support matrix followed by cyclic sequencing. The shift to single molecule PCR-free protocols and cycle-free chemistry is broadly characteristic of the progression to third-generation platforms.13 The advance of second- and third-generation technology has been enabled by innovation in sequencing chemistries, better imaging, microfabrication and information technology (IT). For the purpose of this review we will not discuss each platform in detail as these have been described extensively elsewhere.14,15 In addition, we will focus on the commercial second-generation platforms that are currently suitable for diagnostic applications, in preference to a detailed description of those platforms offered solely by sequencing service providers (Complete Genomics) or third-generation platforms such as Pacific Biosciences.16 Third-generation sequencing platforms offer many theoretical benefits relating to reduced cost, increased speed and removal of PCR-bias, however, the technology is still maturing and it is likely to be a few years yet before such platforms seriously rival the second-generation instruments and enter mainstream diagnostic use.

Second-Generation Sequencing Platforms

There are currently three companies offering second-generation sequencing platforms: Roche, Illumina and Life Technologies. Each company entered the market with large-scale instruments and maximum output in mind to satisfy a research market that demands a high-throughput technology for discovery-based applications and whole genome sequencing potential. Roche was the first to enter the market, acquiring the company 454 Life Sciences from its founder Jonathan Rothberg. The Roche 454 platform distinguishes itself from the other two large-scale platforms with longer read lengths, which are now approaching those of Sanger sequencing (700–1000 base pairs (bp)). The total sequence output from even the highest capacity 454 instrument (454 FLX+) is, however, far less than that of Illumina (HiSeq) and Life Technologies (SOLiD 5500), which generate many more sequence reads but of a much shorter length. Recently the attention has turned to smaller-scale low cost instruments with the introduction of the Roche 454 Junior, Life Technologies Ion Torrent and the soon to be released Illumina MiSeq, which are well suited to smaller research and diagnostic applications. A brief summary of currently available or near to release instruments and their performance is described in Table 1but we also refer the reader to a more comprehensive review of current sequencing platforms, their specifications and cost breakdown for further detail.17

Table 1.

Current platform options for second-generation sequencing.

Second-generation sequencers rely upon two principles: polymerase-based clonal replication of single DNA molecules spatially separated on a solid support matrix (bead or planar surface) and cyclic sequencing chemistries. Each platform is defined by the methods used to achieve these two processes. All platforms have similar front-end library preparation methods involving the addition of universal adapter sequences to the terminal ends of the DNA fragment. These oligonucleotide adapters are complementary to PCR primers used to amplify the library and oligonucleotides immobilised to a solid support for clonal DNA amplification. Both Roche (454) and Life Technologies (SOLiD 5500 and Ion Torrent) use emulsion PCR (emPCR) to generate clonal DNA fragments on beads.18 A water and oil emulsion is created where beads and template are added at a precise concentration such that each emulsion droplet is likely to contain a single bead and single DNA molecule. Following emPCR the emulsion is broken, the template carrying beads are enriched and then deposited into separate ‘pico-wells’ or bound to a derivatised glass flow cell.19,20Illumina uses an alternative strategy by creating DNA clusters directly on the flow cell by bridge PCR.21 From a practical perspective there are advantages and disadvantages to each approach. The process of emPCR is labour intensive although each company has developed automation to partially reduce the labour burden of this process. Cluster generation by bridge PCR has been fully automated and is therefore more streamlined. The MiSeq instrument, in fact, will require no user intervention from cluster generation to data analysis, which is highly attractive from a process point of view. The potential downside to Illumina bridge PCR is that the success of cluster generation is not known until sequencing has begun, an expensive exercise if cluster generation fails. From our experience, cluster generation is typically quite robust provided the sequencing libraries are of high quality and the concentration of the library is accurately measured by quantitative PCR.

Each of the available platforms uses different sequencing chemistries and methods for signal detection. All 454 platforms employ pyrosequencing, whereby chemiluminescent signal indicates base incorporation and the intensity of signal correlates to the number of bases incorporated through homopolymer reads.22 Ion Torrent uses a similar sequencing-by-synthesis (SBS) strategy but detects signal by the release of hydrogen ions resulting from the activity of DNA polymerase during nucleotide incorporation. In essence, the Ion Torrent chip is a very sensitive pH meter. Each ion chip contains millions of ion-sensitive field-effect transistor (ISFET) sensors that allow parallel detection of multiple sequencing reactions.23 There have been recent reports that Roche will adopt a similar detection method to Ion Torrent through a licence from the British company DNA Electronics, which would make the 454 and Ion Torrent platforms essentially identical.24 The virtues of semi-conductor technology are that the instrument, chips and reagents are very cheap to manufacture, the sequencing process is fast (although off-set by emPCR) and the system is scalable, although this may be somewhat restricted by the bead size used for emPCR.25 The SBS chemistry used by both 454 and Ion Torrent is also conducive to longer reads. Ion Torrent is currently restricted to fragments much shorter than that of Roche 454 but this will likely improve with future versions. Both have the common issue of homopolymer sequence errors manifesting as false insertions or deletions (indels). Whether fine-tuning the detection and analytical software can improve this issue is yet to be seen.

The Illumina and Life Technology SOLiD 5500 platforms are both considered short read sequencers but employ very different sequencing chemistries. Illumina uses reversible dye terminator SBS chemistry involving iterative cycles of single base incorporation, imaging and cleavage of the terminator chemistry. SOLiD uses sequencing by ligation (SBL) involving iterative rounds of oligo ligation extension, which is where the name originates (Sequencing by Oligo Ligation Detection). The principle of SBL in the context of massively parallel sequencing was originally described by Church and colleagues.26 The SBL process essentially measures every base twice by dinucleotide encoding, which is translated into ‘colour space’ rather than conventional base space. The new ‘Exact Call Chemistry’ offered with the 5500 line instruments uses a three base encoding, allowing even greater accuracy and actual base calls. Illumina SBS has a slight advantage over SOLiD SBL in terms of read length, now up to 100 bp on HiSeq and 150 bp with other Illumina instruments. The SOLiD SBL chemistry has a maximum read length of 75 bp but the two or three base encoding provides higher accuracy over the Illumina chemistry. Both Illumina and SOLiD platforms have a paired-end or mate-paired capability enabling reads to be generated from both ends of a single clonal fragment, as do the Roche 454 platforms.

Choosing a Platform

In choosing a platform there can be many considerations. Principally, one may be concerned with performance metrics such as read length, accuracy and total sequence output. In general, all second-generation platforms produce data of a similar accuracy (98–99.5%), relying upon adequate sequence depth or ‘coverage’ to make higher accuracy consensus base calls (>99.9% accuracy). Some systematic biases have been reported when comparing between NGS platforms and with other orthologous technologies such as Sanger sequencing. For example, significant non-uniformity of sequence coverage has been reported with short read instruments, whilst systematic errors have been reported for all NGS platforms.27–29 Systematic errors rather than random errors are more problematic as they cannot be overcome with higher read coverage. Modifications to protocols suggested by large genome centres may help to improve some uniformity issues,30 whilst newer read alignment and variant calling strategies have helped to reduce systematic errors caused by multi-mapping of reads or presence of indels (see Bioinformatics section below). Read length may be important for specific applications, such as identification of complex structural rearrangements or mapping across repetitive sequences. There is also some advantage in longer reads for direct amplicon sequencing.

Additional process-related considerations such as sequence output and running cost need to be balanced against speed and hardware costs. The larger more expensive instruments tend to have longer run times but generate orders of magnitude more data at a fraction of the price. Molecular barcoding or indexing of samples can be used with all platforms, allowing pooling or multiplexing of samples for high-throughput and translation of lower sequencing cost to targeted sequencing applications requiring a relatively small number of reads. Very high-throughput, however, is required to fill runs on the larger sequencing platforms in order to take advantage of the capacity and reduced cost, although platforms such as the SOLiD 5500 have more flexibility in this regard. If fast turnaround and flexibility is paramount then the smaller-scale instruments are likely to be preferable. Usability and reliability of the equipment are important and often cannot be ascertained from the company marketing the product. A large online NGS community has emerged with user forums, news and blog sites often being useful for getting first hand experience and early insights into new equipment and methods (Table 2). Informatics is also a very important consideration. Informatics hardware cost is largely dependent on the throughput of the sequencer. Larger sequencers require Linux servers with multiple cores and large amounts of RAM at a significant capital cost and require dedicated human resources to maintain, whilst smaller-scale sequencers can be run from high-powered Windows or Linux-based desktop systems.

Table 2.

Internet genomics news, forums and blog sites.

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Sequencing Applications

Whole Genome Sequencing

The predominant application of NGS in a clinical setting will undoubtedly be resequencing of genomic DNA. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) simply provides the ultimate genetic survey of an individual’s genome or cancer genome where a detailed map of single nucleotide variations (SNV), indels, complex structural rearrangements and copy number changes can be attained in a single assay.31 As the sequencing technology has advanced there have been major improvements to data quality and throughput, driving the cost of WGS towards $1000/genome, a threshold widely considered to be the tipping point for widespread clinical implementation. However, generating sufficient data for WGS remains a relatively expensive exercise for most laboratories. Strong competition between large service providers means that outsourcing WGS is currently a more affordable option for most and perhaps one that will persist until the third-generation technologies mature and become mainstream. An important consideration for sequencing whole genomes is that generating the actual sequence data is only a fraction of the total cost and does not take into account the expense associated with data storage, analysis and interpretation.32 Sequencing an entire genome reveals an enormous amount of genetic information, some of which can be interpreted and actionable, but a significant amount will be either novel and/or of unknown clinical importance. Additionally, there are significant ethical issues concerning privacy of data and incidental findings that will need to be resolved. For these reasons a more targeted approach to genome sequencing seems to be the logical first step towards widespread clinical implementation of the technology.

DNA Library Preparation

Regardless of the technology, all NGS platforms follow similar molecular protocols for the preparation of sequencing libraries. Although standard library preparation does not necessitate any specialised equipment, there are a number of auxiliary instruments that can aid in the library preparation process (Table 3). For the preparation of ‘shotgun’ fragments, DNA is sheared either mechanically or by enzymatic digestion to create fragment sizes in a required size range. A series of enzymatic steps are then used to repair library DNA ends and ligate common adapters that are complementary to oligonucleotides on beads or flow cells. Library preparation reagents are provided in kit form by the major NGS vendors and are also available through third-party companies. A relatively new alternative to the conventional fragment library preparation involves an in vitrotransposition method (Nextera, Epicentre/Illumina), which removes the need for mechanical shearing and multiple enzymatic and purification steps. PCR is commonly used to amplify libraries prior to sequencing, however, the number of cycles is often limited to avoid excess PCR duplicates that can contribute to false-positive sequencing error. The use of PCR and common adapter sequences introduces a high risk of cross contamination between libraries therefore standard principles of pre- and post-PCR work areas are essential. Size selection of DNA libraries may be necessary to aid in analysis and standardise cluster size. Traditionally, size selection has been done using either agarose or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), however, new automated methods are also available. Finally, high-throughput library preparation can be automated and there are several commercial solutions currently available.

Table 3.

Auxiliary laboratory instrumentation for next-generation sequencing library preparation.

Sequencing Requirements

To overcome the higher error rate of NGS platforms compared to traditional Sanger sequencing a high level of redundancy or sequence coverage is required to accurately call bases. Typically, a 30–50x coverage is required for accurate base calling, although this can vary based on the accuracy of the sequencing platform, variant detection methods, and the material being sequenced.33 Using the Illumina HiSeq instrument approximately 100 Gb of sequence data is required to sequence a diploid genome or about three lanes of a flow cell using the new V3 sequencing reagents. Less coverage may be required on the SOLiD 5500 platforms owing to the higher read accuracy enabled by the two base encoding. Greater depth may be necessary for interrogating cancer genomes where normal tissue contamination and the heterogeneity of some cancers can reduce variant allele representation in sequence data well below the 50% frequency expected for a diploid heterozygous call.

Targeted enrichment before sequencing can reduce costs, allow higher coverage over regions of interest and potentially simplify the bioinformatic interpretation of NGS data. The amount of sequencing required for targeted applications will ultimately depend on the method and target region size. As an example, for whole exome sequencing (targeting all annotated coding genes) approximately 10–12 Gb of data is required, achieving an average of 100-fold coverage and at least 20-fold coverage for 80–90% of targeted bases. At current specification this means up to 32 exomes can be run per flow cell on the HiSeq instrument with similar throughput likely to be possible on SOLiD 5500. The smaller sequencing instruments such as MiSeq generate substantially less data (∼1 Gb) and therefore are suited to smaller targeted sequencing applications where, at most, a few hundred genes could be sequenced in a single run.

Targeted DNA Sequencing

Targeted enrichment strategies feeding into NGS are finding traction in both research and clinical diagnostic fields. An assortment of methods and technologies has been described in the literature, most of which can now be purchased as commercial products (Table 4). When comparing these approaches there are several factors that need to be considered. From a technical perspective the fidelity of capture is important. Off-target enrichment and low uniformity of capture can mean more sequencing is required to attain adequate sequence depth for all targeted regions. Different capture methods can also be affected by sample quality and the presence of variants within the capture region. Scalability, throughput and ease of use are important for high-throughput, whilst the targeted region size may dictate what method is most appropriate. Finally, the need for specialised equipment and the reagent price are also key considerations.

Table 4.

Targeted enrichment methods for next-generation sequencing.

Targeted enrichment methods fall broadly into two categories: PCR-amplicon and hybridisation capture approaches. As PCR-based approaches are already used routinely in diagnostic laboratories they fit well with existing diagnostic workflows. PCR is highly specific and has the advantage of generating more uniform coverage than comparative hybridisation approaches, provided the concentrations of individual PCR products are adequately normalised before pooling and sequencing. Different strategies have been used to generate PCR amplified libraries. Some use concatenation of PCR products to generate fragment libraries; shearing PCR concatamers and feeding into shotgun library preparation. A more straightforward protocol that is compatible with long-read sequencing instruments is to incorporate the sequence adaptors into the 5′ -end of the PCR primer enabling pooling of amplicons and direct sequencing. Conventional PCR methods are obviously better suited to targeting a small number of regions as the logistics, cost and amounts of DNA required to assay larger regions can be prohibitive.

Long-range PCR (LR-PCR) can reduce the burden of generating tens of PCR primer sets to amplify across regions of interest and has been employed to target contiguous regions or to amplify across several exonic regions. Uneven coverage can be an issue using LR-PCR although some remedies to this have been described.34 Generation of long amplicons can also be prone to reproducibility issues and is inherently not suited to the use of degraded DNA such as from formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) material. Additionally, the need to generate shotgun sequencing libraries post-PCR, regardless of sequencing platform, creates further work, expense and potential risk for failure and contamination.

The key to scaling PCR-based sequence enrichment involves automation, miniaturisation and multiplexing of PCR reactions. All of these methods aim to increase the scale of PCR enabling hundreds to thousands of PCR reactions whilst minimising reagent use, labour burden and amount of DNA template required. Two commercially available platforms enable miniaturised PCR by microfluidics. Fluidigm is a microfluidics-based method that uses multilayer soft lithography (MSL).35 A microfluidic circuitry is fabricated from a soft rubber composite that allows the controlled flow of reagents by using pressure to create tiny valves in the circuitry and reaction chambers for PCR. Fluidigm was originally developed for real-time quantitative PCR and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping applications but more recently the Access Array has been released, allowing retrieval of PCR product for targeted resequencing applications. The current Access Array system is capable of parallel PCR reactions for 48 samples by 48 single-plex assays. An attractive aspect of this platform is that relatively small quantities of template are required (∼50 ng/sample). Assays can also be multiplexed to improve throughput. Furthermore, as with many targeted approaches, index or barcoding tags can be incorporated into the universal adapter regions of the PCR product enabling the pooling of samples before direct sequencing.

A second platform, RainStorm (Raindance Technologies36), involves the generation of microdroplets in an oil emulsion, which then act as miniaturised reaction chambers for PCR.37 Highly uniform microdroplets containing reaction components (PCR primers and DNA template) are created using a combination of microfluidic chip design and high-pressure pumps. Thousands of reagent-laden microdroplets are loaded into a microfluidic device with a steady oil stream where they can be merged and manipulated through channels using electromagnetic fields before emPCR amplification and then retrieval of amplified product. Recently, this method has been marketed for the use of DNA extracted from FFPE tissue. The current limitations of this technology are the relatively large amount of DNA required and the sequential processing of individual samples.

The alternative to miniaturisation and microfluidic manipulation is to use methods enabling highly multiplexed PCR. One such approach uses molecular inversion probes (MIP). A MIP is a long oligonucleotide composed of sequence specific primer ends tethered by a universal linker sequence. Target specific primer ends hybridise to complementary DNA flanking the region of interest. Polymerase extension and then ligation results in the circularisation of the MIP. Captured regions are then amplified either by rolling circle amplification or by PCR from universal PCR priming sites within the linker region.38,39 The assay was originally described for amplification of exons targeting a relatively small number (10) of genes. However, the method was later shown to be highly scalable, and by using programmable microarrays, MIP pools targeting up to 50,000 exonic regions could be generated.40,41 The downsides to MIPs, however, are that they have been shown to provide inferior capture uniformity compared to hybridisation-based enrichment and they can be expensive for low throughput or custom applications as currently there are no commercial reagents available.

Illumina has developed a method that is similar in principle to MIP and is due for release in 2011 (personal communication, Illumina Australia). The ‘TruSeq Amplicon’ approach is derived from the method used for the Illumina ‘Golden Gate Genotyping’ assay. Instead of using MIP, two independent left and right flanking oligonucleotides are hybridised to a genomic DNA template enabling polymerase extension and ligation. Like MIP, the flanking oligonucleotides contain universal sequences for step-out PCR and incorporation of universal barcoded Illumina adapters. According to the vendor (Illumina) up to 384 targets can be amplified in a single reaction. The capture is theoretically very scalable, as all steps can be performed in a 96-well PCR plate and can be automated by liquid handling. The detailed performance specifications of this method are currently unknown.

Targeted enrichment by hybridisation capture has been extensively employed in a research setting and is typically suited for capture of larger target regions and exons from hundreds of genes. Oligonucleotides designed against complementary target regions are used as probes or ‘baits’ to hybridise and capture target DNA or ‘prey’ from pre-prepared shotgun libraries.42 The majority of methods employ microarray in situ oligonucleotide synthesis to generate the bait libraries (e.g. Agilent, Roche Nimblegen, Rivia), whilst Illumina uses its massive oligonucleotide production facilities to generate long oligonucleotides by conventional column-based synthesis. The microarray itself can be used as the capture device or the sequences can be cleaved from the array to generate in-solution bait libraries.43 The solution capture method has been more widely utilised owing to the scalability of the process, better performance for larger capture regions and no requirement for specialised equipment.44 The advantage of hybridisation enrichment is the ability to easily capture large regions in a single tube assay and it has become the mainstay of ‘exome’ enrichment resequencing for research.45–48 All companies now offer services for design of custom bait libraries in addition to off-the-shelf reagents for common applications, meaning fast turnaround and a price competitive market. The downside to hybridisation capture is the lack of specificity (compared to PCR) owing to cross hybridisation and lack of uniformity in capture, which relates to GC content of target sequence. Improvements to the method have been described, helping to overcome some of these issues, in addition to optimised methods for high throughput automation.49

RNA Sequencing

The application of RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) is fast superseding microarray technology by providing a superior digital readout whilst also enabling discovery of novel spliceforms, transcripts and RNA-editing.50 Quantitative gene expression data derived from RNA-seq has been shown to be comparable to that of microarrays but has better dynamic range and lower detection limit for lowly expressed transcripts.51Methods for analysing differential expression from RNA-seq data, however, are still being resolved and are reminiscent of the initial issues encountered for normalisation and statistical analysis of microarray data.52 Clinical applications of gene expression microarrays as a cancer diagnostic and prognostic tool have been demonstrated with examples including identification of tissue of origin for cancer of unknown primary and prediction of recurrence in early stage breast and colorectal cancer.53–55 Whilst it remains to be seen whether RNA-seq could replace microarrays or quantitative PCR as a clinical assay, it would seem intuitive to think that this could occur if the technology becomes cheaper and more robust.

RNA-seq has also been applied to mutation detection and has proven especially useful for the detection 

Frosty ashram, its autum, raining and a hot god


drove 2 hours to yoga vidya bad meinberg, setup my wet tent from the uk gigong camp. slept restlessly, bitterley cold, this is last german camping. but maybe spain mountain qigong ok.

I met my mentor,  shiva das, a man of god, of hope, of love. we had dinner, I listened, learned and was humbled. then I talked with Russell about the book of miracles.

the ultimate bliss is ultimate ly healing.

did 4 hours gentle yoga, feet normal, muscles stretched, the little dvt gone.

the woman , like the flowers radiant, to be surrounded and love my wife more. I pray she is well, my el.

I attract so much kindness, so much beauty of body and soul, these blue eyes like pools of tropical paradise, but they are not my wife she cool blue eyes, alas.

one day , god willing, I will gaze into them again, when I am cured, truly healed, but gods will, not mine.

sweet dreams friends,
gods love is as real as the hope I feel.

I have to rise at 4.45am for shivalya meditation for 2 hours, gods waiting, I cannot be late.

gods crying, the rain drops bounce off the tent, they are tears of joy.

my friends ask for help with miracles, how to I share the bliss that heals, that's the stuff of miracles,  maybe a hug, a smile, a prayer.

gods will be done, it has been, is and will be what it is.

to love it all, a good each way bet, my specialty.

the famous schilling LIVES,  laughs and jokes.

God bless herbert, and torkel and us all, those you seek miracles with all there heart and soul.


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