So a relaxing home day, an hours meditation in the bath with a coffee enema and a second gcmaf with probiotic and olive oil chaser. I lit the candle, I have decided to keep the candle lit while ever I am home, it reminds me of the spark inside us all. For some with cancer that spark can grow into a brilliant flame that fills their life with love, meaning and wonder. Thats another defintion of living joyfully. The candle works well for me, it reminds me of a wonderful friendseyes. I have had so many wonderful girl friends since coming to Germany. Note the words girl SPACE friends. I spoke with my favourite girl last night, my wife, she is not to well alas and the kids have their challenges. Which I said fantastic, I always suggest they come over here and we try and make a new life, alas my thinks I am on Mars not Germany. In her heart she cannot leave her stuff, she asked if she could bring it with her, I said No, just the bodies and souls of the family, maybe the dogs but not all the things. Search the blog for hoarding if you want to know the truth of what I think caused or contributed to my cancer. Of course it was my responsibility how i reacted to life challenges, my wifes hoarding. We live and we learn and we die, but maybe we can share some love and wisdom along the way, with a dash of hope and kindness.
My wonderful friend Rona always sends me the most interesting articles, the story below is sad but highlights a valuable lesson for us cancer patients. Grace and pip have been highlighting this issue for years, my contribution is tomatoe juice. The key point for rectal cancer men and women to some extent is the risk of minimising secondary cancers to prostate fter heavy radiotherapy.
soi have a lightly steamed or fried tomatoe every morning with a poached egg and mushroom with a big healthy organic salad. with lots of organic cold pressed olive oil and some kalamata olives.
a super healthy diet and lifestyle sets the stage for breakthrough medicine, so far i am alive.
A quick skim of the links below, and you may become a fan of orgnic tomatoes also, the lowering of systemic inflamation a key clinical goal to stop the vegf cascade. i have to balance the sugar in the tomatoes, again, i am adding healthy foods, eating heaps of mct oil and staying in ketosis each day.
i liked this dressing recipe below, i have to workout the carbs and adjust it. maybeketogenic can be tasty and healthy and eveen life saving.
it takes nutrient density to a whole new level, maybe the food on the ketogenic diet is going to be extremely life dense diet. its so easy to enjoy every mouth full when you know its savings your life, when you have read enough studies this type of thought process while eating is easy.
I chatted with wife for the first time in 4 weeks, i told her i was out of money, temporarily she was surprised. i said we need to look at the business and the family budget and my health budget. something we have never had to do before.
i miss my 5 star lifestyle, but sleeping under the stars thee other night well a million stars is better then 5 by a longway. out of our daily challenges comes the seeds a wonderful future. my tip is love the challenge, afterall why else are we alive, but to grow and love.
i was criticised by hallwang management for giving my mate a helping hand when he asked for somewhere to stay for free. i tried to save my mate 500euro a day, staying at my place is free. He got really sick and lmost died. alas management does not understand aussiemateship, we are as thick as thieves. i could never say no to dave, but out of this little drama, very little i apprecite the challengee of running the worlds best privte oncology clinic. i dont want that job either, and it aint being offered.
soi live 300 meters from the worlds best cancer medicine, but it could be on the moon because if you dont have the dollars you cannot get in the door. i hav spent my 200,000k euro there, i asked for a deal and one was possible. I was lucky to have 5 minutes with management, at least i tried.
maybe the forest, diet and love will save me, time will tell. its time for more quigong.
my most exciting biological experiment continues, the immunotherapy revolution has not even started, chemos days are finished largely, its just the rest of the western world has not realised.
http://www.hindawi.com/journals/mi/2012/951390/ read this if you need faith in your healing capacity, we are all miracles.
another great day, i have to go and have some fun and the sun!