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the emperor has no clothes on

I was doing my regular bare foot forest walk tonight from 8.30 to 10pm, my mind was full of medical things, i was writing mental emails to doctors, i was writing my blog. I stopped and said to myself settle down and enjoy the forest, so  i hugged a tree.

I have had a few nice emails from friends, and a some new friends needing help that i cannot give. The issue with my dear friend Dave, who almost died in my apartment, kind of showed me the limitations of my assistance.

I dont want the pressure of having to respond to emails, to do this or do that to help someone. I guess I am good for a few emails and a few ideas and a referal to grace gawler. its all been on the blog before. soi am so sorry i cannot send medicines or even rely offer advice, as its a slippery slope, i know so much but i am not a doctor, i am still trying to save my own ass. one day that will change, but not today.

I visited Dave tonight on  my way to the forest, i gave him his sweets he left in the apartment. he said he loved me. I said i loved him and he humped even so gently. alasi am joking, he is a dear friend, we did not kiss, but the handshake was so firm. he was a bit naked, he can barely talk, so what did he say

"I still got a few tricks up my sleeves" I smiled and thought, he got no sleeves. But my friend has balls, big balls and I am talking about courage and spirit. You just cannot kill this guy, he might out live us all.

When I think of resilence I think of Dave, his daughhter is coming to take him home. He has money problems, I do, we all do. Cancer treatment is expensive, tonight I am making organic  saurkraut

So I redid the budget, I can afford another vaccine and another vogel and one day at hallwang. I will start doing my own infusions in the apartment. I have hammered the therapies pretty hard and itsbeeen veery very expensive and the clinical benefit uncertain.

I ordered organic raw liver today, and yes I will start eating it, its good for your bood counts. I made another GCMAF yogurt today, it went off so well, my new large yogurt maker sensational. I am doing the probiotic enemas twice daily now and addings extra probiotics. I am trying to heal my gut from xeloda and boost my white blood cells. I will do another post about what happened at nesslehut and why vaccine 6 was deferrred.

If you doingdendtritic cell therapy keep a close eye on your bloods.

http://csn.cancer.org/node/261349#comment-1393653 back on csn, I always learn more when i try to help others.
sorry to hear about steve problems, I used to donate plasma before cancer, they have away of removing iron and blood cells and returning the plasma, that way you dont need a transfusion to get rid of iron. unless the transfusion is for another reason. i think transfusions should be avoided, personal opinion few support.
I hope this plasma technique is available to steve.
lastthursdaydendtritic vaccine shot was cancelled due to suspected xelodawbc issues, the naturopath recommended
I have heard the warnings about iron and cancer and found this article helpful http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3079335/
As I exercise, do saunas and full body hyerthermia and ipt. allhgh sweat activities I am focused on maintaining essential minerals and vitamins, clearly i have recently failed given my blood counts. soi will keep on trying.
I will ask the doctors about iron and cancer, i think it comes back to the angiogeic switch, that I hope I have turned off. without iron, we run low oxygen, which is hypoxic and boost hif1, so we are dammed if we do and dammed if we dont. I will be watching my bloods and tumours markers like a hawk.
so our medicine is not only personalised, but it depends on the stage of the illness.
I ordered some raw organic liver today, its supposed to help boost blood counts. looking forward to it.
sorry to hear about steve problems, I used to donate plasma before cancer, they have away of removing iron and blood cells and returning the plasma, that way you dont need a transfusion to get rid of iron. unless the transfusion is for another reason.

So many of my cancer friends believe the bullshit that they will die , it makes me sick to hear, oh this therapy will give me a few more months. Dammit we are aiming for cure and old bloody age where we get alzimers disease and we cannot remember we got cancer. Real hope is what cancer patients need, I know I will die one day, but I dont think cancer will get me. Just saying that we should stay focused on our cure and not believe the soul destroying negative bullshit thats everywhere. its especially abounds in internet support groups like csncolonclub where we just keep on having dramas. thats why i stopped going there to protect my positive spirit, especially when I realised how happy everyone else was enjoying the misery of their death sentence. We could all be trying to outsmart our cancers together, alas its just me, renrona and a few friends. the rest just sit in the chemo chair and ask why am i dieing ?

Its a great comparision Dave who we cannot kill, who has probably sold his soul to the devil and to god t survive, he is a friend I will treasure for ever. And the chemo chair club, who have beeen completely conned, the emperor still has no clothes on. rememberdave was nude.

my white bloods cell always were about 4, the minimum, well on friday while getting local hyerthermia and they were just about to take blood for vaccinee and nesslehutjr says lets skip, 2 is way to low. i got up at 3am and drove till 7.30am to get there for the 9am appointment. i said fine and drove home. thats a separate adveenturei'll put on the blog.
the key point, is well lets say my holistic and supplement life is second to none, noone on the planet takes more supplements or nutritious food than me, well that i have met anyway. the point is its possible i am ultra sensitive to xeloda. to many interesting issues in my regime to go into here, but just keep a close eye on your white blood cell counts. anddont think neulasta will save you, its not indicated for dc therapies it boosts the wrong components.
so the simply message is we are also so unique, 500 mg xeloda kill my immune system we think, i am off it for a few weeks and doing a complete restorativeeholitic program to rebuild gut, its on the blog sooner or later.
i will know in a few weeks if xeloda is the culprit, I am now religiously monitorwbc and tumour markers each fortnight.
goodluck with everything, what chang does to assess your immune competance, well i am curious. alas not much is done in duderstadt, most of the heavy lifting is done by the patient. i even called the day before, the doctors are so busy they never thought to call me and reschedule. that says alot about clinical capacity and management in a world famous but overloaded medical practice.
maybechang will offer real value.
ps I would check your urine for manitol to see if your gut dysbiotic, the only thing your immune system should be doing is eating tumours.
that implies fixing your viral load, at least assessing it, see if chang will do rgcc for you so that you can target your tumour weak points.
I hope you have a big lump at the injection site the day after vaccine, thats a good omen! 
http://csn.cancer.org/node/261585 tans is a genius, a true independent thinker, a politically wise, I have learned so much from him. this post is also a good question, of curse we need to know if we want to know. some do , some dont. I DO OF COURSE, its hard to win this game of chess blind folded. We need all the test results we can get asap. after all canceris the grandmaster we are playing against, 
Often in life courage and enthusiasm get us past the post. To beat a grandmaster, now thats an achievement. I play a mean game of chess, I am SMILING, WHITE and WINNING and the grandmaster is BLACK and SAD, he knows he is going to loose my game. Alas he is playing 1,000,000s of other players and he is winning their games sadly.
My wife's situation is different with low amounts of residual cancer but we do a lot of auxiliary things, even when she had tumor loads.  She's been on oral 5FU chemo (UFT-LV) for 3+ years straight, almost including the day of surgery.  
To fight VEGF, we use cimetidine and yellowed IV vitamin C, 60-80 grams per infusion, instead of Avastin.  When she carried a large, silent but deadly load of para-aortic lymph nodes, she would get pumped up with IV vitamin C  3, 4 even 5 times a week for over a yearbecause her body demanded it (she's down to 3 per 2 weeks).  The vitamin C also reduces 5FU/Xeloda sides effects.  She only takes about 8 grams orally, others would use 12 grams across the day to larger amounts, 20-50+ grams/day orally, maybe up to bowel tolerance.
To maintain her CBC levels somewhat higher, she eats liver or liverwurst almost everyday, maybe a big heaped tablespoon or two - I can tell from her CBC when she doesn't.  The US version of PSK, a Coriolus mushroom extract once the largest selling cancer drug in Japan for immune support, raises her white blood cells and platelets.  We also add several other fruit and mushroom extract caps as well as 1000-1500 mg of Wellmune WGP.
To help her immune system resorb a few tumors, she's been taking 30,000 - 40,000 iu of vitamin D3 per day for several years, along with with sufficent magnesium and a specific vitamin K2 (See the Dr Joe Prendergast videos and then Dr Prendergast, he recommends 50,000 iu and even more for advanced cancer ! )     
We also use most of the LEF supplement recommendations to hit many targets, less curcumin, more boswellia. We only buy the PSK at LEF ($$$) because its the cheapest I found for that specific high quality material and my wife didn't have as good of results with anything else. 
She's never used irinotecan, oxilaplatin or bevacizumab, but her tumor cells probably think they are getting hit with a CAM version of FOLFOXIRI-avastin plus some others.   

Xeloda stuff up

I included the above as it appears i should have been having some other supportive therapies for supporting my system besides my supplements, we live and learn. the silver lining is how deadly effective at destroying immunocompetance chemo is. I spotted this fast, and have taken lots of corrective action.

The emperor at least has good vitamin D levels and want get cancer. All the subjects with clothes, well they have low vit D and we know the odds 50% get cancer now. 

Who is wiser ? the emperor or the subjects. I did my 40 minutes meditation sunbaking in the front yard today in brilliant sunshine getting vit D. did you get yours ? did you meditate your tumour away ? it works! activate your immune system, might as well have faith in it, its all we got.

http://www.hindawi.com/journals/mi/2012/951390/ sweet dreams rona and ren, this will save us. While walking in the forest I had a scathlingly brilliant idea, to get dr fred to make a DC vaccine primed to takeout hamma antibodies from removab. I have to investigate this a bit further, but an innovative patient and a world class scientist, well we can push way beyond the limits of the medical system. We are already 100 years ago of whats happening in oz. the land time forgot, especially if you got cancer.

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