I think that quote suits most cancer patients, it certainly applies to me.
I have been dreaming of being in remission and going diving.
so today i got the hallwang tumour marker cea back its 27 down from 46 two weeks ago.
nowsiebenhueners the tumour marker cea was 7 down from 12.
the difference between the labs is important, i am still acting on the worst reading, thats why i choose to have infusions today.
So I am in Hallwang have some infusions and my beloved fish oil infusion which i think will target my significantly raised CRP in a recent blood test. A few days earlier my CRP was perfect so the variable nature of my biology i find exciting and perplexing. I am also doing some ozone today rather than photopherisis as I suspect it will lessen any issues regarding angiogenisis.
I am stepping up my therapies in a cost effective manner. The irony that I have been meditating bare foot in the forest while declining therapies at hallwang is occupied my thoughts. So much of this cancer battle revolves around financial capacity.
I have residual disease thats still clearly potentially fatal, and its a touch persistent. just like me. so I will stay focused on its 100% eradication and my 100% health. nice goals to have.
A while ago I talked with grace gawler about so many cancer patients who achieve miracle cures and then they go off the rails by loosing focus trying to save the world and they loose their life in the process. I would not say I have done that, but well in my dreams the speechs I have given to motivate and inspire hope. they will just have to reside in my heart and in the forest. and all my friends will have to find their own path, maybe my blog will help some find inspiration. Everyone I have met athallwang has such a wonderful desire to survive, its so encouraging.
I had lucnh with Peter from mildura today, he is another hero. he was in so much pain, but he keeps on smiling. he has made great progress and is good company.
I have had the best ever blood keytone readings 1.7 and glucose down 4.1. I am a ketogenic success. I am keen to see how the diet goes, the next vogel and the vaccine due to be injected on the 9th august.
I am been studying genetics, vegf and going over my notes. I have also been reorganising the apartment so its more comfortable. my paperwork got out of control.
I have had a few relaxing days at the apartment, and alot of time in the forest. My friend Dave had to goto intensive care, he is much stronger now. When I think of courage I think of Dave and my challenges become the mole hills they are, not the mountains my minds attempts to create.
If your ill, I hope you find a way to happiness and health in that order.
Its a beautiful life, the sun is out and the forest is calling. The infusion room is empty, grace and pip and her party left yesterday, the prawns for lunch today were great and ketogenic. I had no rice but extra vegetables.
One day I pray I will be able to help others, but today and the forseeable future I will be focused on saving my own butt using all the biology and science I love. We are truly miracles each and everyone of us.
godreally did do an amazing job when he made us, our only failing is the lack of awareness at his handy work. I am truly grateful for this day and all that it brings, I hope you have some joy in your day also.
I have been dreaming of being in remission and going diving.
so today i got the hallwang tumour marker cea back its 27 down from 46 two weeks ago.
nowsiebenhueners the tumour marker cea was 7 down from 12.
the difference between the labs is important, i am still acting on the worst reading, thats why i choose to have infusions today.
So I am in Hallwang have some infusions and my beloved fish oil infusion which i think will target my significantly raised CRP in a recent blood test. A few days earlier my CRP was perfect so the variable nature of my biology i find exciting and perplexing. I am also doing some ozone today rather than photopherisis as I suspect it will lessen any issues regarding angiogenisis.
I am stepping up my therapies in a cost effective manner. The irony that I have been meditating bare foot in the forest while declining therapies at hallwang is occupied my thoughts. So much of this cancer battle revolves around financial capacity.
I have residual disease thats still clearly potentially fatal, and its a touch persistent. just like me. so I will stay focused on its 100% eradication and my 100% health. nice goals to have.
A while ago I talked with grace gawler about so many cancer patients who achieve miracle cures and then they go off the rails by loosing focus trying to save the world and they loose their life in the process. I would not say I have done that, but well in my dreams the speechs I have given to motivate and inspire hope. they will just have to reside in my heart and in the forest. and all my friends will have to find their own path, maybe my blog will help some find inspiration. Everyone I have met athallwang has such a wonderful desire to survive, its so encouraging.
I had lucnh with Peter from mildura today, he is another hero. he was in so much pain, but he keeps on smiling. he has made great progress and is good company.
I have had the best ever blood keytone readings 1.7 and glucose down 4.1. I am a ketogenic success. I am keen to see how the diet goes, the next vogel and the vaccine due to be injected on the 9th august.
I am been studying genetics, vegf and going over my notes. I have also been reorganising the apartment so its more comfortable. my paperwork got out of control.
I have had a few relaxing days at the apartment, and alot of time in the forest. My friend Dave had to goto intensive care, he is much stronger now. When I think of courage I think of Dave and my challenges become the mole hills they are, not the mountains my minds attempts to create.
If your ill, I hope you find a way to happiness and health in that order.
Its a beautiful life, the sun is out and the forest is calling. The infusion room is empty, grace and pip and her party left yesterday, the prawns for lunch today were great and ketogenic. I had no rice but extra vegetables.
One day I pray I will be able to help others, but today and the forseeable future I will be focused on saving my own butt using all the biology and science I love. We are truly miracles each and everyone of us.
godreally did do an amazing job when he made us, our only failing is the lack of awareness at his handy work. I am truly grateful for this day and all that it brings, I hope you have some joy in your day also.