CEA 47 Ouch and Wow and Bliss
This is up 35 in 4 days, suspect an excellent response to GCMAF IV at Dr Siebenhueners on Friday, heres hoping, regardless doing TACE and Vaccine and more GCMAF Friday and Monday, pushing the therapies as hard as possible to NED, so I can focus on mother if she comes, or other patients from Australia. I am used to these immunotherapy spikes, all patients should enjoy these thrills, until prof vogl walks in and says, I cannot see anything what do you want taced. You will know if mother is coming as soon as I know, and the lung cancer material starts appearing in the blog. From my prelimenary investigations the entire vaccination process is identical, its a tumour cell, ok different to colorectal, but then, this is the absolute wonder of the immune system, it goes after tumours when we encourage it.
So the bliss, is almost every moment of my day is filled with joy. I meditated for an hour while getting oncothermia and my Newcastle virus disease. Then I went for an good hours walks around lake seeburg see. I was OM ing all the way around the lake, the reeds rustled, i felt the wind in my hair, whats left. the birds were singing and the sun was warm. I laid down and rested on the jetty and meditated for an hour and recharged the batteries.
I had no issues with cea 47, the markers and the illness has no power over my joy whatsoever. Ok I might die from cancer, but whenever I die will be the perfect time to meet God. So with some profound realisations cancer has lost any power it had previously. of course i want to live, so i had my dca, all my supplements, my organic food, gcmaf yogurt, did my enemas and another hours meditation.
Its been a great day, i chat with kids, keith has got 4 merit awards and melanie got 60 out 63 in a maths test. I am so proud of my kids. My wife sounded beautiful but stressed, I said come over, she said not well enough. she needs to heal, like I do, cancer takes its toll on the family in many ways. with cea 47 i must focus, cancer is a tricky foe.
I thought about my dead friends and their kids, at least I can tell my kids i love them and am proud of them, even i am in germany and they sydney, I am so blessed to be alive, every second is indeed precious. I hope your seconds are also precious, whether you have cancer or not. It's dawned on me that living joyfully is the first thing oncologists should tell patients, but they dont. Cancer is the perfect time to reassess your priorities and live joyfully.
http://dailym.ai/1g2aPpT Throw another tinnie on the barbie: Researchers find marinading meat in beer before grilling can ... #MailOnline, rona always sends me fun items.
Someone kind is giving me some DCA, its good to belong to the human race, rest assured I will share all acts of kindness and generosity here, the world needs good news. Behind all kindness is love.
My keytones are at a record high and glucose at a record low, I really hope this is helping the immune response and gcmaf yogurt, with hamlet proteins kill those tumour cell. Did anyone read the paper about halmet efficacy being boosted by glucose induced stress. synergy on synergy on synergy. I HOPE.
Becoming Dutch, I should have done this along time ago.
Exception: Legislation 31.813 (R1873),[12] interalia, amends the Kingdom of the Netherlands' nationality law to allow latent Dutch to opt to receive Dutch nationality, effective 1 October 2010.[13] The conditions of eligibility through the 'option procedure' differ somewhat from those described above. Eligibility criteria for Dutch nationality as a latent Dutch person are that the:[14]
- applicant was born before 1 January 1985;
- mother was a Dutch national when the applicant was born;
- father was not a Dutch national when the applicant was born;
- applicant did not obtain Dutch nationality between 1 January 1985 and 31 December 1987 through the option procedure and then subsequently lose that Dutch nationality; and
- applicant has no criminal record.
All five conditions must be met. If one or more of the conditions are not met the person is ineligible for nationality by this particular means under the recent changes to the option procedure affecting the latent Dutch. Residency in the Netherlands is not an eligibility requirement for latent Dutch applicants.
Applicants for Dutch citizenship through the option procedure are not required by Dutch law to renounce any foreign citizenship they might hold. However, the laws pertaining to their other citizenship may disagree.
Australia allows its citizens to hold dual nationality. Other countries may not. To check if your country allows its citizens to hold dual or multiple citizenships, contact the embassy or consulate of that country in Australia.
Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery, I will email this to prof vogl, the worlds leading interventional radiologist in my opinion, after all i am alive and well. This info comes from shaker on colonchat, the leading innovative colorectal forum, the forums focus on old therapies with lots of suffering, colonchat is unique, I love it! It more than likely will save my life and maybe yours. But you need to be a thinker and willing to implement untested therapies to attempt to save your against metastatic colorectal. Many of the posts apply to other metastatic cancers. Particulary related to immunotherapies, its the best way to message me.
According to its developers, this technology is “Approved for commercial treatment in many countries.” The advantage of this technology is in its precision and non-invasiveness (usually without hospitalization) as a magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery (MRgFUS):
Here is a recent abstract on its treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and pancreatic cancer:
European Congress of Radiology‚ March 6-10‚ 2014‚ Vienna
Thursday, March 6, 2014:
Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery (MRgFUS) treatment of primary pancreatic and hepatic cancer: preliminary experience in tumour control
F. Zaccagna, F. Boni, L. Bertaccini, V. Noce, M. Anzidei, A. Napoli, C. Catalano; Rome/IT
Purpose: Hepatic tumours (HCC) and pancreatic cancer represent two of the most challenging abdominal tumours due to their vascular relationship and to the poor prognosis. Both these cancers have been successfully treated with focused ultrasound under conventional US guidance. Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery (MRgFUS) introduces the advantage of real-time monitoring, allowing a more precise lesion’s ablation and a more accurate in-treatment patient management. This technique has been widely used in other applications while its use to treat HCC and pancreatic cancer is still in its preliminary phase. Therefore, our purpose was to evaluate safety and effectiveness of high-intensity MR-guided focused ultrasound treatment in pancreatic and HCC.
Methods and Materials: 5 patients with pancreatic cancer and 1 with unresectable right lobe HCC underwent MRgFUS treatment (ExAblate2100, InSightec). Treatments were done in a single ambulatory session. To evaluate tumour control, perfusion T1w images after contrast medium administration were obtained pre- and post-treatment. Follow-up examinations were scheduled at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months.
Results: All patients well tolerated the treatment and no heating-related adverse event was recorded. Immediately after treatment, all patients showed coagulative necrosis with a mean non-perfused volume of 65.4±16.6 [45 - 90]. All patients with pancreatic cancer showed a significant decrease of pain. At follow-up, no local progression was recorded; after MRgFUS 2 patients with pancreatic cancer underwent RT meanwhile another one required a second MRgFUS treatment.
Conclusion: Our preliminary experience indicates that MRgFUS could be a promising non-invasive treatment modality in patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer and HCC.
I emailed this to prof vogl
hamlet for sale, but its expensive thanks rona