From a week ago, time flies, but in the context of the universe, well to me saint francis of assissi lived yesterday and jesus the day before. The birds and trees are ageless and witness all. When I walk around here the bird song lifts my soul, so many magnificents birds, some can even fly. Think about it.
So my coffee plunger was accidentally smashed today, and graciously replaced on the spot I might add. This morning my dear friends mother is dieing, which is like the smashing glass. For me our death is clear energy trabsformation. Life is for the living, so live. Do we goto heaven or reincarnate maybe both . Does it matter? Not to me, I will find out, as we all will, thats a common truth. And so the purpose of existence ? As Fr John Mcswenney shared near his death, he was93. Well he said, its all about love, its all about jesus. He was my first mentor, now shiva dev is my next. At lunch today I learned that all my challenges are gods blessings in disguise and that embracing life is the ultimate way to live it, regardless of the challenge.
I had the kundalini rise today, I am blessed.
I think my new approach to cancer maybe the best, just come to yoga vidya and heal and also access the worlds best alternative, breakthrough and conventional medicine, all at your fingertips. If I am here, I will help.
Today keytones 3.5 and glucose 4.8, not bad after 3 days vegan food, going hyper ketogenic for 3 days.
From a week ago.
Another Magic Market day in Duderstadt
Even here the nurse said i am one of the magic patients. If they knew what I do to be magic, but its so sweet. I am in the waiting room for my vaccine, is number 10 or 11, does the number really matter if you know what I mean.
I get my dc vaccine, I have more life, but what do these expensive and precious mean ? and now I after this I drove straight to get my visa and work permit.
Also today I received the notice my family must move out of our home for 7 years. I know my wife will be heart broken, where we live is heaven for us, so a big day in many ways for the larger family as well. I must return soon to help, I so deeply pray I am cancer free.
My fasting day, except for map and mct oil had keytones 5.8 and glucose 4.8. My hours walk in the forest necessary, but a push.