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New motto Think less, Love more. Thats the secret to a joyful life I hope and to healing

I email Prof Rolle to see if he would do lung resection, as it will be covered by my German health, that was such good news. But I still have a small but reduced liver met, you will know when I know, I am able to be there tuesday morning for surgery. it will take a week for each lung, its pretty serious, but he is the worlds best in my opinion. we are talking seriously, the mets have to go. I like the idea of doing them asap as I have some covered from the dc vaccine last Wednesday.

When I explain my life at yoga vidya, I hope you sense the joy and confidence thats flowing through my body and spirit, its quiet tangible. I suspect this is the strongest I have ever been at any point in my existence. I owe it all to God of course, but having loving and expert support at yoga vidya is essential. Its allowed my awareness of cancer to leave my daily existence, of course I am focusing on life style therapies that are essential to healing like yoga, diet and extreme meditation.

Life at the yoga yidya ashram is wonderful, I am starting to make some friends and they are being very kind. So today was a typical day, I was up at 4.30am for my 5am meditation which goes for 2 hours, then I did a class with yoga breathing for an hour called asanas. That class was challenging, everything is in german and I am picking a few words here and there and doing my best. Which is my hallmark. I suggest its what we shodl all be doing, that is put 100% into each moment of existence, even if you are relaxing.

Then I attended an english seminar this weekend called death and dieing, from a yoga and buddist perspective. I found the presenter enlightened, seriously. Now I also noticed my attitude to live joyfully due to the everpresent mortality would be beneficial  to many here, but that treasure needs to discovered by ones self. To tell someone to live jofully, is like telling them how heal and what to do. I have discovered the telling is largely futile, as we have seen in my attempts over the years to help my friends with cancer. So my focus has been further refined to stay healed, to get to complete remission beyond the world life I have at present with some stay cancer cells in the lungs and liver. I am still doing therapies ie dca, psorimum, maf314 and the supplements in the ashram, and seeing how ketosis goes with vegan carbs added, still having MCT oil.

I am really enjoying my very deep and intense meditations, they are kind of addictive, like my coffee enemas. Both in a sense seriously blissful, both healing in many synergistic ways, that I will let you discover for yourself, if that the direction your life and healing takes you. I guess though I have to say they deserve serious consideration. I needed a few enemas to fix the constipation from thursdays Tace chemo operation. The enemas worked a treat and how to do them in a 6 person dorm in the ashram is a challenge, but I fould a good spot. I always mange to, God is really looking after me. I suspect he will look after you if you need or want him. I see so much beauty in all the hundreds of people seeking so many different things. Like the people on my death and dieing course seeking answers to there mortality and there loved ones.

Ultimately our destiny and the fate of our spirit/soul depends on our intention or what we seek.
I am seeking joy, peace, love. I have really found it. Its very healing and then I may have much more time on this troubled but beautiful ball of joy. Ultimately what time I have I leave to God, but yes I continue to do my best for whats its worth. I suspect my God respects the fact I have much I would like to achieve with my existence and he is granting me an extension. I bet

I would say that facing death due to anything let alone cancer without Gods love and peace could be unpleasant. I am grateful that my faith and spirituality has developed to what it once was many years ago in my teenage years. These benefits are separate to the healing benefits I feel I am achieving in my prayer and meditation combinations.

So today at lunch we talked about Saint Francis of assisi, we just dont talk about the weather, life has so much more to consider, to learn and to share. This other wonderful man shared what he learned from the deilama, sorry about the spelling. "That we think to much". So my new motto is to "think less, and love more."

Yesterday at lunch a new friend enabled me to get a little IT job here that saves alot of money, that work permit has come in handy. But its not the food here, of the job, but the access to passionate, skilled, caring practicioneers of yoga and meditation, that can help be develope myself as fast as God permits. I am as always pushing the healing envelope at full speed, ask my yoga teacher, it was the top intermediate class, I was sweating, I was exhausted, I was stretched and I did most of the poses correctly. My heart rate was racing, its just what I need for shutting down the glucose to the tumour cells.

During the many various meditations today, say about 6 hours worth. The internet is real slow, posting this as my flatmate mates the light out.

OM to you all. Thats the salutation for yoga addicts.

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