My dream is that I live, and then that every cancer patient in the world gets yogatherapie, then immunotherapy and then chemotherapy if needed. lovepete
did you see the street i live on, hence the title, he is one of most inspirational spiritual leaders of our time.
I am praying that csn unblocks me, i so much what to come back and be a helpful member of the community, they need hope that metastatic stage 4 is beatable, maybe my csn friends who reads this will petition csn management, then again maybe they wont. i promise not to call them sheep, but i will share my experience from the roof tops, at least from here. atcsn they are dieing and suffering from limited conventional therapies, there any many many many other therapies that do work. god i post there once a month and even that was to much for them, the simple fact that these therapies work and everything they try really fails in a metastatic context is tragic. buti am praying to be unblocked, pete43lost_at_sea will try to behave. what so scary that i live in germany in an ashram on charity, that my doctors give me a job, that other doctors treat me for free so i do not die and suffer like all the millions of cancer patients in america. is that truth whycsn blocked me ? what did i do that was so wrong ? have an opinion thats different. the land of the free, USA is a joke as far as i am concerned. i will have lunch with obama one day, mark my words, and the cancer world will change, and very very very fast.
the conventional cancer establishment will crumble like dust, in its place amore humane holistic focused, immunotherapy based model of care with lifestyle at the top. i will prove these therapies for all my friends who come to yoga vidya to meditate, exercise, vaccinate and prayer there cancer away.
thats not a dream, thats a reality ? anyone coming to cimt this year, i will be there.
the ketogenic diet is a simply essential to survival with metastatic cancer, idont help anyone who is not in ketosis. its that simple, its the entry level into serious healing.
pray every single day for healing to any god, if you dont have one, find one. I recommend jesus, but god knows if our heart is sincere. if you truly pray for healing with every ounce of your existence then maybe god will grant you are miracle, every extra day is a miracle. i set the bar low. every extra day when the metastatic hourglass is running out is a blessing, so as the grains of sand fall, just live joyfully despite pain, despite fear. beyond these is true peace, i hope you find it. the how is easy, deep prayer, drugs and meditations. pick any order you like. try to keep the drugs to a minimum.
an amazingly gifted qigong master charges desperate and dieing only 600 pounds an hour for his healing. One day I will know his secrets, my healing will be free, alas his greed, he will goto hell. i suspect he is living it now. i dream of being a gifted healer, but my difference is i use immunotherapies and yogatherapies and faith and a smile. And I have a very powerful friend, that can move mountains. After all he made them.
the first healing act you must do, is to deeply relax on the floor in the corpse position, in yoga called shivanana. deeply relax, think about the cancer in your body, the locations. now say ok god i am getting the message? what do you want to teach me? i am open to learn ? , to grow ? andi really do want to live! I am prepared to move heaven and earth to survive! Please be with my, give me peace, give me knowledge and help me to heal myself. I have asked Gods direction and healing so many times, I commend it to you, how else did I find these wonderful therapies. Look at my cancer markers on yesterdays blog. I am the living proof these therapies work in synergy with metastatic cancer.
At least these therapies offer a slim chance if you have the strength of spirit, and its in Gods plan to heal you. The lie of conventional medicine is that human will power is not the most essential aspect to healing. they can design a clinical trial for that, so develop your will power, tell your oncologist precisly what you need, not the other way around. if you take there advice in a metastatic context its likely you will die from the cancer. I implore you to engage the full power of the human spirit, to find your healing limits and to engage Gods healing power as well. That means enlisting other to pray for your healing.
thatsummarises the eseential bits of the last 4 years, of course supplements, exercise and everything i have written has merit, but this is the shortcut version. if you have a cancer diagnosis, its time to access your healing power, use conventional medicines best features carefully, thats all i am saying. the doctors are well intended, but they are doctors and use medicine, until a medicine exists that replaces our human spirit and gods power, well cancer patients will die.
I intend to prove over the rest of my life that what I say here can help many who have no hope at present. ofcourse no guarantees, thats why there are no fees, just prayers. but if what I say rings true in your heart find me at the ashram and lets have a chat over lunch or meet me for silent meditation. alli need from you is a smile. follow your heart and maybe you will find your miracle. its your path, but if our paths cross I will offer my prayers and suggestions for your success.
i cannot respond individually to emails, so just read my blog and pray. implement the diet and yoga therapies and i wish you sppedy healing or a peacefully transition to eternity. it eternity is a long time, so i am trying to stick around I have a dream.
Whats a miracle is that it is coming true. God bless us all.
soi have lost my passport and credit cards and was running out of petrol. i count about 40 euros in change. i filled up the diesel but got distracted and went over to 46.52. after much searching when the serviceman and i added up every cent i could find it came to 47.20 euro. ifthats not a small miracle idont know what is. soi am rich i have 0.68 euro, 2.10 aussie and 2 chocolate bars. say a pray that i find the credit cards and passport or the trip home will be a shaort one. yes my experiences with God have left me absentminded, but God will provide, we can all count on him, we really can.
no matter what life dishes out, accepting his wishes, surrounding to gods will, not our own is a wonderful lesson. i am so glad he constantly teaches this to me. one day saint francis, my favourite saint was coming home after a pligramage with no food or money, he looked very dirty and was not recognisable. at midnight he knocked on his own monasteries door. his own monk did not recognise him, scoulded him and sent him away. saintfrancis looked up to our lord and smiled, if you can do that with everything in life you will have peace and joy. my guru shared that story with me when i left yoga vidya on last lunch there. little did i know i would be going around the world to my mother, but i am, please pray for her, her name is ans and miracles need lots of prayers. i am her son, i am taking some wonderful therapies home and together we will see gods will together. another miracle would be wonderful, but dieing loving your god is also a joyous way to die, she knows i love her, ithink she knows in her heart that many love her deeply. the only question is when is her time.
myaustralian health system is criminal, she has been diagnosed over two weeks with lung cancer, she has not even seen an oncologist yet, thats disgusting. i had the worlds best doctor ready to treat her last thursday with me, half way around the world. its these delays in deliver of effective cancer therapies that kills so many, i wish this story was not my mother. my beautiful sister has to learn fast to push and scream and kick for service, and then that service delivers chemo and certain death. what a medical system, at least plenty of scope for improvement. and that boosts my hope. soon every cancer patient will be offered the ketogenic diet on diagnosis.
the ketogenic diet is really so simple, stop eating and drinking all glucose and refined carbs and have 100 ml of mct oil everyday and will adjust.
and today i had gcmafiv and oncothermia to the liver and the lungs with some dmso, b17, dca. i fasted till lunch time to boost ketogenic ratio. i am starting to apply yogic principles to every aspect of my alternative therapies. soyes yoga asanas, breathing exercises during the oncothermia to the lungs. beforei was stumbling in the dark applying these therapies, now with yoga vidyas guidance and inspiration i am applying everything that i learned. my curious mind is working over time. of course after the breathing i listened to yoga nidra.
i showed the wonderful nurses at doctor siebenhueners clinic again how to make the super probiotic yogurt, they will give you the starters and training for free as a compassionate gesture, no guarantee its got active gcmaf, but i think it does. so we will test it, the key point is its just a simple food, try it. all healing starts with the gut and the yogurt.
are you starting to have some hope, the yogurt, the prayer and the diet. why we have not even started dendritic cell therapy , yoga and infusions and other therapies.
how many miracles will there be this year ? your guess is as good as mine! but this offer of assistance is genuine and quiet limited, i am just one man with a dream. but dreams can be very very powerful. after all what colour is obama? i think martin is in heaven smiling.
if you want your life, you will need to fight for it with every ounce of your existence, its also wonderful not to fight and accept your destiny even if it means seeing God sooner than you liked. I think he wonderful and death is glorious, indeed our finest moment.
If you like this blog share it, its time to reach those in need, if you want to help, i need an editor or someone kind to help me, i will never have time to edit and review, my meditation is to precious. lovepete.
i am adding bits of yoga to the blog as my yoga friends educate me in its ancient and contemporary wisdom. try it, it will help save your soul if not your life.
The english translation of the om tryambakam does not make sense really. It is better to not translate it. You can read a decent explanation here kills, defending removab, tace and hallwang
defending b17
its fair enough conventionals without a glue rubbish effective alternatives, thats why so many newly diagnosed cancer patiencedie. Next they will be saying God does not exist and that yoga does not cure cancer, they ask for proof, i humbly offer them the mountain of metastatic dead, lets say one per second, and most of them could be prevented or extended. yes, thats my crystal clear opinion, and i will prove over the next few years.
they are scared, they dont have a clue and they attack those who dream of an alternative cure , of life, thats the ultimate cruelty, but then they serve one purpose, they strengthen those with faith and the commonsense to realise that chemo kills your immune system very very quickly and then your blessed existence is finished. that is the ultimate sin, to prematurely waste your greatest gift from God, your life.