Flying frankfurt geneva, heathrow, hong kong sydney melbourne.
I was up 3am driving duderstadt to try to make gamma delta vaccine for mother, alas they were shut. I should have called, we live and learn, 5 hours driving wasted. But i tried, the vaccine idea for mother was inspirational, she would have achieved amazing shrinkage if i could have pulled it off, maybe the next trip. I still have the flu vaccine for nk cell therapy for her.
purchased 5000 euro b17 dmso vit3 artemisinin, dca. Enough for daily iv for 12 weeks, my new supplier is excellent, not greedy and has an amazing range of anti cancer infusions. Its so cheap compared chemo, i am blessed.
i said good bye to dr siebenhuener, I gave him my yogurt maker in exchange for my life. he has been a big part of my success this trip, cea was 204 now 8.9 in 7 weeks, did final markers test 3pm, I hope for continued reduction. Thats 2 vaccines, 3 taces and countless oncothermia and gcmaf, b17, dca, artemisinin.
I need to also thank Dr Schilling for his excellent support and generosity.
The money I spent on my mother was from the humanity and compassion of my doctors.
I have done my absolute best, am almost cancer free and almost completely cash strapped, but i have the biggest smile, i see the family so soon.
I made to the gateway, i will board, all the medicines my mother could dream of for her birthday, i hope this works.
goliec arrives thursday, so we will start standard gcmaf iv, 20000 iu vit3 a day, for a few weeks. I have to find her a great integrative doc who will organise a daily nurse. I hope its not too late.
of course if she declines the therapy and goes chemo, it will be with my blessing, you see i do respect freedom of choice.
I saw jeff post on csn, and i appeciate kind comments and by necessity ignore criticisms. My critics have no idea what i have achieved, chemo free victory over . metastatic colorectal. I am an easy target, i have shared everything so anyone who wants to try can, Noone has come close to my success, I wait and will help anyone who comes to the ashram.
It was said I get a commission from hallwang, an outright lie, i dont, in fact if you followed the blog, the hallwang management dislikes my effect because i encourage many therapies they dont use, just like i am critical of the gcmaf. But what i say is based on my experience, my critics show there ignorance. I got a good deal from hallwang because I negotiate and spent over 200k if not more and at the time it was worth it. Look at all those hipec victims, i avoided that suffering with removab.
I have been defamed on Csn for years and I turn the other cheek, they will all get what they deserve, thats the law of karma. And I get what I deserve, a joyful life.
I share, what I share to save lives, not win friends, the fact I get so much criticism means I must be doing something right.
Everyday the Standard of care kills another plane load of fathers and mothers, one day it will change, I intend to live to see it, indeed if I can bring down the standard of care I will. Its legalised murder.
I dont dream of millions of lives saved, just one, mine. I have shared like no other cancer patient in history and i have found a way and i intend to drag any metastatic patient out of the abyss and into the light, if they want to live.
As God is my witness and friend I will do my absolute best to save any metastatic patient that wants to try these therapies.
Personally i find the lack of tryers outstanding, fighting for your survival with every resource the only way.
I will enjoy my family, my friends and get back to cmit. I no exactly what it takes to unlock our healing potential and i will prove it. Thats my mission in life and my wife and kids understand, I think.
I have not slept for 48 hours trying to save my mothers life, I will do whatever it takes to help save your life if you are willing to work for it, just like i have.
the difference is, i will help for free, you have a network of the most innovative doctors in the world that want more successes not more corpses.
Think about it, read the blog, come to the ashram for 2 hours meditation 5am everyday for the rest of your life.
yes, i have a rest of my life, do you?
The power of god within us can heal. I will not blog my mothers success or failure after today. Actually in sone respects the blog will slow down as I focus on mother and family.
A sincere thankyou for reading, I apologise for my grammar, english and any offense I may cause, but not for my passion, vision or dream of a significantly better outcome from metastatic cancer.
I am right, the conventional medical world is wrong. IT IS THAT SIMPLE. Live with passion, and do your best, you never know what you can achieve until you try with all your heart and soul. Sucking down chemo every fortnight just kills gods grandest creation you. If you doing chemo for gods sake wakeup, read all the research papers i have shared, wake up and try to save your life. Thats my opinion based, on my petsonal success. But read all the blog, you know i advocate chemo in a comprehensive immunotherapy regime. Its saved my life.
So goodluck, the blogging will pickup around the cmit conference mainz, if you want to live, be there and learn and network. My life depends on it, and my ability to save countless lives, as i am building the best network of immunotherapists. They are the worlds best, look at the program and be amazed.
If you have cancer please do the ketogenic diet, extreme ketosis may save you on its own with dca 3mg daily.
Enough preaching, take it easy, love pete
I have no guarantees, noone does, I intend to enjoy every breathe, I hope you do.
And finally think about this. Nothing succeeds like success. My ongoing miracle is no accident, just innovation, desperation and gods love.
Meet me at the ashram.