I cheerish so many kind comments from friends about my health.
thank you, sharing success, sharing inspiration is really undervalued in our western lifestyle. Here in my world, this blog it is not.
Another blog from bush on smart phone.
from a friend
I thought the section about how cancer surgery can trigger new cancer growth, and how the NSAID Ketorolac can block this process, was particularly interesting.
MIA In The War On Cancer: Where Are The Low-Cost Treatments?
Also, according to this recent study, another NSAID called Diclofenac has the same effect, extremely significant, as Ketorolac. If you're going to have additional surgery, you might want to have this conversation with the surgeon.
Intraoperative use of ketorolac or diclofenac is associated with improved disease-free survival and overall survival in conservative breast cancer surgery
Stay healthy. The whole world is rooting for you,
I view all the support from readers of blog
as love and most of you as friends. Now I dont waste any of the kindnesses that are sent to me. I believe in the power of love, of prayer and kindness. It is not the way with our modern society.
I will be in the deepest meditations for a for weeks developing habits and skills that will save my life and that i will share.
yesterday the policeman gave me a speeding ticket, i was running late for Ren memorial service, i was therefore 20 minutes late after drving 9 hours. The result i loose my licence again.
i asked for mercy to the officer, that i goto my friends memorial died of stage 4, i visit my mother dieing stage 4 lung, and i am living with stage 4 colon.
I am following the law, no mercy possible.
Here is the ticket.
I love the policeman, have a good afternoon officer. I am joyful and loving at pressure times.
So the lesson, the police follows legal laws, the doctors likewise follow medical guidelines in our western public systems. Doctors and police execute their duties without regard consequences. I will dispute the fine.
somehow we need a massive injection of compassion and wisdom into our health systems.
my wonerful sydney doctor is treating me for free. Compassion exists everywhere friends, seek it out. I found it unexpectedlyin my doctor, not in the officer.BUT I DID ASK WITH AN APOLOGETIC SMILE.
This flows to Ren service, he maybe be alive if he read the above, the 6 month delay may have cost him his life.
his service was beautiful, Rens amazing spirit showed me his background, his achievements.
The spirits of my dead friends I carry in my heart, every breathe of my existence is enhanced by there courage, love and passion. Today i remember Rens genius.
The friends and family are amazing, the loss palpable. I honored Ren i shared my insights into his greatest achievement, his courage at end of life, his fight and passion.
He died having tried, he was so loved and loved. I am enriched to have known him, as I live i continue his genius, his passion, if i save one other life beyond my own, well ren spirit will be there, as is steves, phils, and daves and oh so many more.
but all these names are Anzacs to me, the new Anzacs in the cancer wars.
The earlier wars were overseas for Australians, now the cancer wars are on our own soil. Our government is killing us. ITS THE PLAIN SIMPLE TRUTH.
My compassionate doctor is struck off medicare, my mother drinks apple juice as I hold her hand knowing I love her. I clench my teeth and smile, Enjoy it.
BUT every drop is killing her, I told another lung cancer lady about ketogenic diet, but to what avail. I tell and noone listens, but you.
I will allow my mother to die in peace, I do not persaude anyone against there will, not online or real life. My example must just say it all. Even my own family dont believe in these simple but effective therapies, but i do, i love them and put no pressure, i witness the decisions i make, we make and delight in free will.
It was a beautiful time with mum, she is smiling, her hand warm, she enjoyed the love and the apple juice.
In the future the hospital will serve a ketogenic diet, tempatation will be removed, then we have hope and opportunity to beat metastatic. All my medicines fail in the presence of glucose.
The hospital, the austin throughout all the bravo maf 314 probiotic yogurt i left her, what waiting in her fridge may help. A grandson who has done ketogenic diet himself stands by as nana drinks her apple juice, I explained to him, but its no use, its the health system.
Most patients follow there doctor, the health, the result for metastatic cancer patients is death.
Its a new war, the most evil, we dont even know we are being killed by the establishment. I do, I escaped, I am alive. Sorry its just clear to me, as the image of my mother drinking apple juice. Its symbolic of whats wrong with our health system, our society. In the end its greed, which is attachment.
I am off the air completely at this retreat, but with you all in spirit. The truth of my experience I share, dont waste it. My focus is saving lives and changing our health.
Time to detach from the world and attach to my God. All healing comes from God, he made all my medicines for me and helped me find them.
I love you Ren, fly high, your spirit is alive in all you loved.