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Ghosts dont lie! Yoga on Cronulla beach 6am and final CSN comments

Today has been a great family day and I am starting to cleanup my business affairs.

I made it to the most amazing yoga class, 6am at the beach watching the surf and sunrise with beautiful women, I invited family but they slept peacefully. I signed up for 3 weeks, its not my style of yoga but Kim the young lady who leads the yoga gave me the warmest hug today, real love and care and it was my first time. I slept on the beach for 4 hours , did some meditation on and off and head into the city for the daily infusions, picked up the kids and took them to maths coaching after school and did homework with them.

Its been a wonderful day with the kids, I cooked a nice cauliflower soup tonight. I was vegan but had chicken for lunch. Vegan at this moment is too risky, I value my muscle, still enjoying record ketogenic rations.

The challenges of the tax office bankrupting me, the family getting evicted etcetc etc the stage 4 cancers all around me and so many other challenges well if you want to know they are all wonderful. I dont seek an ounce of sympathy, but I share the challenges for the context of the story on the blog. Its easy to stay positive and focused when you have meditation not medication and Gods love and amazing support around me.


I am sharing all of my therapies with my wonderful alt doctor, he writes everything down, itsfunny so few of my onlines friends have any real respect for my ideas. Thats cool. I just share everything I have tried but some of the worlds best doctors do say I am a patient hero. Mark my words that I pray my therapy success continues and is reproducable, I intend to get back to Germany as soon as I have helped clean up what I can at home. This is pretty difficult as there is little common ground between my wife and me.

Seeing my oncologist tomorrow after the alt doctor, following up on Thrombosis and all available cancer treatment options available locally.

The 5 weeks plan of  5 days per week b17, dmsogcmafgoleic has exciting possibilities. I have an appointment to see prof michael jackson about oncothermia on australias only oncothermia machine. theni will have a similar basic therapy mix as germany without the tace. buti have an invitation to a discussion with australias leading tace doctors to see what they can do, they acknowledged prof vogl status as the father of tace.

themarkers tomorrow could be great or terrible, i will take whatever action is needed. what will be will be.

Tonight I talked to a wonderful friend who is off to mexico and germany in a last ditch effort, i wish her well and if i was in Germany i could help her so much more than a few emails, i explained how to get the most out of the tace/vaccine/alt triangle as i call it. i wish i was there, i wish i was cancer free and really able to help my friends who follow my therapy mix. All i said was i love her and wished her well.

I explained how much therapy success has earnt me the respect and support of all my doctors, its amazing that I can return to germany and have the worlds absolute best cancer therapies largely for free. I share this not to boast, but to put praise on the compassion of my doctors. Now some false comments were made about my relationship with hallwang clinic. I dont get a cent from them, I dont get a cent from the yogurt company. I do have a job as the austalian patient support. I treasure that opportunity to assist Australian patients seeking a curative option in Germany, in duderstadt using vaccines. They have worked well for me amongst so many therapies. I have so much relevant experience to share and I beleive that experience will make the difference between success and failure, life and death. Minimum chemo is essential and so is debulking. All my ideas have been shared here before.

A CSN Thread about my expression to return to CSN I read all the comments. I wish everyone on CSN the best health, its all I seek also. I never intended any hurt, but its happened and I have apologised many times. If all my critics knew the history how many alt therapies I tried and failed with. I shared them all. Now I have found reasonable success, despite the limits of immunotherapies, I battle on. And at the same time I share what I am trying here. For example recentlyYogatherapy as the latest addition to the alt therapies I have tried. About my time on CSN, its just an observation, but I wished the discussions were less focused on me and more on my therapy choices and what worked and for how long. Its been hard to share what complex medical therapies, and I have mixed and matched them, chopped and changed them as needed. It may have appeared confusing, often it was to me, all i have been going is my gut feelings based on clinical advice and my research. So far with stellar results. I have expressed my opinions publicly, probably to bluntly and now i have my blog.

I see so much good and kindness on CSN, but I also see so much ignorance everywhere of effective alternatives and breakthroughs therapies. I tried to share my experience to give hope. I do that here now. We dont need any comments or discussions on my blog really. All I provide is food for thought, I have always said do your own homework and good luck with whatever you decide. I can live a joyful life without the criticism on CSN. I will save my energy for my healing and helping those who genuinely seek to survive a terminal metastatic prognosis via the german therapies. I do have a sense of urgency about getting back to the ashram. I also love this time with my family. At this time family first.

I am so driven to help anyone with cancer who wants to try my mix in Germany. I really believe
God has saved me for a reason and in the process shown me some wonderful therapies that really really work.

I am feeling well, doing cancer markers at oncologist tomorrow. Its time for sleep. I have so many disasters to attend to on the home front but I have absolutely no regrets about my focus on my survival here or in Germany. that focus is and continues to be whats required for my existence.

I sneaked in a wonderful hoursthai massage with hot stones, it was so good, so healing. I will write about my wonderful relay for life experience with the family tomorrow.

have a great mindful day. Om! Today I focused continually on my breath and living each moment, its a great way to live. I commend it to you. The wisdom of yoga, of 5000 years of practise is ignored by most today, but not by me. Survival says use everything, yoga is for free, practice yoga today with all your heart and soul, I think it will get me into remission and keep me there with some help from the vaccines. Its a nice dream and a pleasant delusion.

I am not crazy, having chemo without a real survival plan THATS CRAZY! Please dont destroy your precious bone marrow. Did you know big pharma financed a classy private oncology clinic to the tune of 5Million dollars, the oncologists are partners? think about that when you ask your oncologist about alt therapies! I have spent my lifes savings saving my life so far with no regrets. I have shared everything, my job, I having nothing to disclaim as its all been divulged.

Its simple, I am out of cash, unable to sell anything without divorce and have no idea about what my cancer is doing. But the hundreds of candle lit bags at last weekends relay for life reinforced my desire to not become a bag, a memory. this life is just to wonderful because of its challenges.

All we can do is our best! That simple principle has been reflected  in everything I have done and shared online. I am proud of my achievements, I intend to live very well and keep on sharing here.

My best health wish to everyone who reads my blog, especially my old CSN friends. Maybe I will have lunch with Obama,if I do, I will be alive and so will so many others.

Ghosts dont lie! I feel like a ghost sometimes, I really belive we are all amazing spirits on exciting journeys and our bodies the vehicles to experience this physical dimension. 

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