Dear Friends,
Its been so wonderful being home with family in Australia, but as always the cancer marker increases while away from german holistic therapies, away from prof vogl tace, away from dr nesslehut dendritic cell vaccines, away from dr siebenhuener oncothermia/ipt/infusions.
Its clear to me the break away from the synergy of these gentle but effective therapies has resulted in the 31 point cea jump in the last month.
I have some funds available, but not what I would like, the tax office is bankrupting me, we have been effectively evicted, and many other challenges that I have mentioned previously, maybe I have another infected chemo port, could be the 4th, I find out today.
As I write this in my car, I am in the beautiful, waterfront Cars Park. I am listening to the birds singing, the children playing sports and I am breathing peacefully contemplating which fire to put out and how truly blessed I am.
I have great effective , hopefully curative therapies, half a world away, this gives me much hope. They saved me many times before.
I mainly came home this time to try to help mother with her stage 4 lung cancer, to organise more funds and of course see the family. Its been a wonderful 4 weeks, and the kids are sleeping and eating well and much better. I am cooking meals and we are eating meals on a table. These are achievements in a hoarders house.
I wished I were cancer free, but not for me today. I want too stay and help my family, but I want to live.
Despite heavy ketosis, and 4 days so far of b17, dmso, dca, goleic gcmaf I have cea 42 not 0. I had been focused on 0. I nor god nor anyone said 0 would be easy. And that is certainly true.
Its tempting to fly sunday arvo, do vaccine blood draw duderstadt monday Am, ipt dr siebenhuener monday arvo, and tace tuesday am with ipt in afternoon.
Why grow my tumours and stay in sydney?
As much as I want to drag this medical system out of the dark ages, my life is to precious and fragile. I THINK I WILL FLY.
Its clear that life style, my ketogenic diet, the yoga, enemas, meditations while important, are not ENOUGH to reverse or even contain metastatic colorectal. The last month has been lived at very holistic level, its been wonderful. Another experiment, with clear implications.
Its funny, all the Sydney doctors look at the pet scan and blood reports and say FANTASTIC, they see reduction on pet, 50% reduction cea based on last sydney score. But I know the truth, stop the german therapies and grow the mets.
This reality for me, has positive and negative aspects. No matter what I try in Sydney I see tumour growth, I am still on the rfa list at saint george hospital. I have been on prof morris list for so long. To give my rfa place to another who does not have access to my german resources, thats compelling. That would be one life helped without even trying. I will see what prof morris advises.
I have had so many flights with flight centre, I have asked them if they would sponsor my airfare.
I visited my father in law in hospital yesterday, he is getting excellent care and going home soon. My mother has gotten excellent care, in terms of what conventional oncology and hospitals deliver. I value and appreciate all the conventional services, its just I believe they can be improved to save lives. That proof is my story here on this blog.
Its a glorious day to be alive, I hope you enjoy it.
Om to my yoga friends.
Its as simple as Fly or Die! Do I really have any choice?