So life is for living, my life especially. I have focused so hard in Germany, I have life, I have health and my God I appreciate it! I do keep on mentioning it. The intensity of the treatments is even reflected in the intensity of love and activity in the family, so here is the day.
werise around 9 and I say mass ? thesnores are unaminous. theni say tradies for a family buffet breaky ? they rise slowly, i clean kitchen from last nights dinner, do smoothies digusting healthy green. the family chickens out i have the big one and the others during the day. i boil the coffee for enema.
we get to the tradies club who was the major sponsor of the recent relay for life. at that event a few weeks ago i gave up on walking for the 24 hours as some hero thing, and listened to my son, who just wanted me to paint plaster with him. soi did that and it was wonderful, a few hours each of us side by side painting on a freezing cold day as 1000s walked past. But i clearly saw that its time together, doing things we love. i listened to requests, often my answer is yes. i can walk for 24 hours and do 100s of laps next year. I have the clear expectation i have a next year.
at the breakfast i have the healthiest choices, very very low carb. i tried the yogurt, it was toxically sweet, wife finished it. everyonei saw was obese. i mentioned it later to the kids and they noticed that as well.
the wife went off to her cleaning job, kids and i went to the shops. i needed another jersey milk for the maf 314 yogurt i looked over at csn today to see the post about leena, i noticed this, my cea is 42, and its true that good ketosis has not stopped my marker rising, alas, i have lost some muscle, but I am committed to ketosis. its just a part of the puzzle. i think its essential to beating metastatic, ultimately it depends on the extent of fermenting versus glucose. inspite of science and a few good anecdotes. and hey my cea was 9 back in germany 5 weeks ago on the ketogenic diet. so the diet on its own did not halt the tumour growth or even contain it, maybe it slowed in down, or stopped mets. who knows. i love you winter and its great to have our differing opinions.
werise around 9 and I say mass ? thesnores are unaminous. theni say tradies for a family buffet breaky ? they rise slowly, i clean kitchen from last nights dinner, do smoothies digusting healthy green. the family chickens out i have the big one and the others during the day. i boil the coffee for enema.
we get to the tradies club who was the major sponsor of the recent relay for life. at that event a few weeks ago i gave up on walking for the 24 hours as some hero thing, and listened to my son, who just wanted me to paint plaster with him. soi did that and it was wonderful, a few hours each of us side by side painting on a freezing cold day as 1000s walked past. But i clearly saw that its time together, doing things we love. i listened to requests, often my answer is yes. i can walk for 24 hours and do 100s of laps next year. I have the clear expectation i have a next year.
at the breakfast i have the healthiest choices, very very low carb. i tried the yogurt, it was toxically sweet, wife finished it. everyonei saw was obese. i mentioned it later to the kids and they noticed that as well.
the wife went off to her cleaning job, kids and i went to the shops. i needed another jersey milk for the maf 314 yogurt
MAF 314 and cancer and the search Reverse engineering and improving the formulas is my dream, why stop at understanding bravo, lets learn and improve it, and offer an improved version for free. Its always been survival of the fitest, not the most greedy, but the most compassionate. I will find scientists focused on love not money. Just wait and see, until then buy the bravo alas. my dearest friend is a web genius and so good at making important information available, i however have other strengths, desperate focus comes to mind, among others. we dont have enough ink for my failings, thats why this blog is one sided. godbless mercola, so the raw jersey A2 is the way to go, the yogurt saga. i have a healthy git, but for my chemo friends the stop bcm7 pastuerised milk seems wise. so again the advise of petria king and ian gawler on the cancer retreats is wise in general. but after detailed digging maf 314 made with raw a2 jersey seems the way to go.
A little warning, a mum had negative experiences with bravo, i said just see a naturopath and let bravo know, i wonder if she did and the response. lots of problems deetoxing autistic kids, but also benefits. the road to health is full of potholes. bradstreet is impressive and kind, he does a few cancer patients who beg, but his expertese is autism. why mothers who proclaim love ignore his wisdom i cannot understand, its not that i dont care, its that its not my business. just like saving the cancer world is not my business.
My business is saving my own ass from this prick of an illness. I will show you one way to survive, that focusing on your own ass to the exclusion of all other asses. you get my point, this blog is it as regard ideas to help.
I am just a simple example of the truth that these combo alt, breakthrough therapies can work very very very well. Another dear old friend on CSN is in palliative care. Godbless you leena and thankyou for the love and care and concern and joining me on the walking post all those years ago.
I noticed one amazing thing when buying my organic jersey milk, all the cafes around the organic shop were bursting and buslting. the churchs are empty, the organic shop was empty except for yours truly. It dawned on me that the wider community sips cappucinos and enjoys carbs in blissful ignorance of the peril of there lifestyles, of the reality of cancer ( 1 one in 2 now )
I am going into my shell, I am going into ultra survival mode and saving all my focus and energy for the remission campaign thats coming. I am confident and I know exactly what i have to loose, my wonderful life.
After getting home with the milk, we walked along the beach with the dogs, the sun, the breeze, the birds, i walked out on the 100 meter narrow jetty on our little beach. yes the beach the kids and i love, that we will leave. at the boat ramp are lots of oysters, crabs and mud. my son said lets find crabs.
i said fantastic, but i wnated my enema. butt first things first, i am leaving soon, every moment with my kids is precious. for an hour we made a crab motel in a rockpool with empty shelss and mud in the sun. i breathed and thought back to our plaster painting at relay mentioned about. this is love, this is life.
we observed the crabs taking shelter from the bright sun, under shells, or mud, of floating sticks. the big, medium and small crabs. you learn alot from nature, they are like our cells, ideed like humans.
let me explain, the crabs seek shelter, safety. my son said why ? i said see the seagull swooping past us. so us humans seek safety in this very uncertain world.
i have a life that is centered on love, of our lord. having a deep sense of gods presence in my heart gives me the ultimate safety. do you get the message here, its this safety that helps me pursue these crazy therapies, to leave the family my source of love, to wander germany, the world indeed in peace and love. some how the crab hotel showed me this, i think its integral to my healing.
before all the therapies, or in tandem, seek love and peace. now the only way to seek is to give. thats what this blog gives me, a platform to love others by sharing my story, my journey. we will all die, thats for sure, but how intensley we can love, how much healing we can achieve for ourselves thats whats so exciting. think about the power we have.
my dearest friend is going to be a teacher, just helping one kids to live well, to love well and think clearly. then your life has been worth it. the billionaires will go to hell, they are living in hell. i love the teachings of saint francis and i long for the ashram and my new yoga friends.
My daughter is 12 going on 18, she is beautiful. I am not worried about her being distracted by lots of boys, as we discussed her having a shot of dmso in the cereal or smoothies each day. the smell will keep all the boys away as if she has a protective shield around her. Who needs a shot gun when you got dmso? only a cancer surviving dad could have these tricks. she laughed so hard and smiled, she was the one who complained how bad i smelt, it took a week to find the cause.
even the other night when going to the movies my friend so quickly opened the car window, i apologised and explained dmso effects and benefits, he smiled and so did I, i knew my cancer cells were dieing and that i indeed had active dmso, who needs expensive blood tests when a friends nose knows.
re dmso my compassionate alt doctor is lending me his books, signed by the authors he meets at alt conferences, yes he is passionate and smart and kind! thats why he is my doctor and i am alive!
I purchased the kindles of these, the key point, my daughter is reading the ALPHA LIPOIC I am so proud, at 12 she knows the dirty dozen, my grand kids a safe, my lessons learned have been passed on, i also am teaching tax effective investment strategies and she completed our last rental property application. at 12 she knows financial literacy and how to see other peoples motivations.
last night my son had a some minor asthma issues, she heard this woke him at midnight and we treated him together. he needed some magnesium and a hug and slept between wife and i. again emotional stress induced, likely when i disciplined him. We are such fragile and strong creatures. today in the sand he wrote "i love mel" my daughter was touched and so was i. to see real love and appreciation between them, thats why i can leave the family and go fight for my life.
The Alpha Lipoic Acid Breakthrough: The Superb Antioxidant That May Slow Aging, Repair Liver Damage, and Reduce the Risk of Cancer, Heart Disease, and Diabetes is waiting for you in your Kindle library. Start reading by clicking 'Go to Kindle for PC' below. |
Alternative Cancer Treatments: Living Without Cancer (Treatment for Cancer) is waiting for you in your Kindle library. Start reading by clicking 'Go to Kindle for PC' below. |
You see so many cancer fools, are fooled, they are ned, they do nothing, the conventional lie. I will go harder into lifestyle and dc vaccines and oncothermia.
my son and i laid down on the jetty in the son, we hanged our heads don so the world turned upside down. for many minutes we talked about boats appearing to drive across the sky, of a girl on the beach who did a head stand who appeared normal, of the houses along the beach appearing to come down from the clouds and of a flog a birds flying upside down. it was surreal, we laughed again and did crazy things with our shadows on the sand.
Tonight we all headed to the heathcote pub to see the old famous band "Mental as anything", it was a great night anbd the first heavy metal/rock band we have seen as a family.
It was a great family day, i slept for 3 hours in the middle and did my enema late tonight, the point i made to my wife is the wonderful energy i have and direct to the family and my healing. they enjoy the soup i made also, i also made my maf 314.
in germany i direct all my energy to my healing, maybe thats why i am alive and well. I have shared this day for a purpose, I hope the love and enjoyment in my family life comes through, its so palpable and clear, that i hope you can see how easy it is for me to leave and seek my life, my remission. I could die from the operation on wednesday, its still a lung and liver procedure and nothing ever goes wrong.
I never let a moment go past without teaching my kids the most essential aspects of life, and thats thinking, thats seeing clearly and looking at this life with eyes wide open, of seeing peoples motivations , by seeing peoples behaviours. This awareness I enjoy, well it stems from meditation I am sure, I have a sense of bliss, of love. I hope you do too! Its all awareness! Life is to be lived and cheerised.
My friend Grace said "Follow your bliss ?" I always follow wise advice.
Doing offlabels and key supplements and yogurt, smoothies and living with lots of love with sheeps brains and raw liver. Yes ramping up the holistic life. What choice do i have.
goggle thomas tallberg and cancer and learn if you want to live? do you see how important some aminos are to immune function and in direct conflict with seyfrieds ketogenic advice about glutamine. i focus sugar not glutamine. immune function is key!
goggle thomas tallberg and cancer and learn if you want to live? do you see how important some aminos are to immune function and in direct conflict with seyfrieds ketogenic advice about glutamine. i focus sugar not glutamine. immune function is key! i looked over at csn today to see the post about leena, i noticed this, my cea is 42, and its true that good ketosis has not stopped my marker rising, alas, i have lost some muscle, but I am committed to ketosis. its just a part of the puzzle. i think its essential to beating metastatic, ultimately it depends on the extent of fermenting versus glucose. inspite of science and a few good anecdotes. and hey my cea was 9 back in germany 5 weeks ago on the ketogenic diet. so the diet on its own did not halt the tumour growth or even contain it, maybe it slowed in down, or stopped mets. who knows. i love you winter and its great to have our differing opinions.
Not doing much for Pete
All the glucose and ketogenic diets is stuff Pete is doing or has done and didn't seem to make any difference. His CEA is way way higher then mine(his is 44 mine is 8.1) and he is having side effects from the ketogenic diet.
A lot of hassle for little if any benefits.
All though a little sugar cut back never hurt anyone, it isn't something I'm going to go crazy over.