The short answer is i hope so, the long below.
I am sitting in prof vogl waiting room, i wokeup 4am and had a relaxing slow drive to frankfurt in the pooring rain.
Is this tace 12 or 14? These repeated liver operations are wonderfully life saving. The waiting room is filling, i am in the queue, but i am the penniless, homeless gypsie. None of these other vogl tace patients are doing my afternoon ipt oncothermia ? Why? Why not?
Why am i so blessed? Yesterday dr nesslehut reminded me that tace kills tregs. So again its the synergy.
I got lovelly hugs from the kind strangers in duderstadt who are new friends now. They also have a great wine collection and are gourmet chefs. I relaxed the ketogenic diet and enjoyed there hospitality, the glasses of red were devine. There kindness, there hugs and concern so genuine. They want me to live, indeed i do also.
What will prof vogl see today, whats the end result of b17, dmso, goliec and rfa?
I had a little sleep in the waiting room, i was called in for quick consult, i explained incomplete rfa liver, rapidly rising marker. Prof shares his experience about incomplete rfa being very dangerous and stimulating tumour growth. He says keep on looking forward, what an attitude and the battle continues.
In my earlier online life, former friends would say these germans are just interested in the money, i am seeing first hand my doctors compassion. When i think of greed and medicine i think of American medical system and how the doctors and there associations stifle competition between alternative, complimentary and conventional systems.
Last night one of the worlds leading transplant surgeons and now an immunotherapist asked me What my experiences were with gcmaf? I need to talk for 30 minutes with you? I said ok.
I got invited to dinner with a mutual friend, we ate a great asian stirfry and shared our dreams of saving the cancer world, i looked over the infusion protocols for cancer and integrated care with dc vaccines. I suspect its very similar to dr siebenhueners.
Given the liver challenge, i am resolved to treat as aggressively as possible as arresting tumour growth a life or death priority. No point saving my remaining cash for a pretty coffin.
I will move heaven and earth to prove my therapy mix, i will wisely spend every last cent in the process, i may need help from heaven.
I am asking everyone for help, might as well include god.
Yesterday in duderstadt i was allowed to use the gym and sauna of the hotel of the lion even though i cannot afford to stay there. All the staff are so caring. My favourite waiter karsten was visibly upset by lorraines passing. I knew they were close. He asked me to pass on my regards to muir lorraines wonderful husband, who has lost so much only because he had so much to loose. Some spouses will move heavan and earth to care for a loved one with cancer, i pray my wifes greed will resolve so she can see my genuine need. Alas she cares about her 2 containers of stuff more than my life. She says she loves me, made a lovelly breakfast on my last day in sydney. But the breakfast is a poisoned challis. She knows not what she does but i do love her and my sunday breakfast was wonderful.
My ipt with dmso, b17 went well. Starting glucose 104, bit low post the tace 4 hours earlier, i have a question if its efficacy. After 15 unit insulin glucose dropped to 40, i had the hyperglyciamic sweats. So after i was given apple juice and an organic chocolate bar which I savoured.
I got hugs, from all the dr, nurses and staff at dr siebenhueners. I am the hugging machine at present, even the nurse and receptionist at prof vogls.
I am focusing on exercise and deep healing meditation. The immense stress of the past weeks, the wife recriminations, the money, the loans, the tax office, the moving house recedes day by day.
I feel like a joyful healing machine, tonight i stay with the dearest, kindest family in frankfurt. I am blessed to have so many friends. If you know me, well you know you are loved. No point hoarding love, or holding back, love needs to be freely given, shared. Love is for the living. While i have breathe i will love.
Prof vogls assessment of images today also confirm previous ct and cancer markers, that liver rfa INCOMPLETE, the resulting rapid growth, clearly my greatest challenge. He mentioned low powered rfa, and a small size and rfa outdated, alas its what was offered for free in sydney.
Now more than ever, i need the my protocol to get results.
I attempted long term remission using rfa in Sydney, i have no regrets. Another test of german medicine and my will power.
Am i a miracle? Of course, and so are you, we all are.
I hope you know this fundamental truth in your heart.
Thank you prof vogl, you have done your job now its my turn, dr nesslehut, and dr siebenhuener.