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Great News push the stroller dad and beat this cancer

I am back with my wonderful kind friends in frankfurt. I had a very good sleep. We went shopping at the local organic market, thats on today. I got eggs, avocado, tomatoe, only 5 slices of tasty german bacon. I still have my ketogenic treats. I enjoyed shopping with my friend while he is doing amazing business while caring for his family. it reminded me of my old existence, of buying food, cooking the meals for my wife and young family. and now thats just a memory, that lingers in my mind for as long as i exist. it gives me alot of comfort how much energy and effort i devoted to my family. its midly frustrating that its not valued by my wife.

i have not mentioned it here, but we are not talking despite many messages i send. So when i refer to love and support, i refer to my kids and german friends. the sense of isolation from my wife just is what it is. in some respects i see a positive in that i seek approval from noone.

I live in the dungeon, the kids, i refer to as angels call me pete dragon. they are my alarm clock, to here the rythms of a wonderful family keeps me sane, its so lonely doing the hotel thing day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year. nowi cannot afford the hotels i get thrust into another families life. at present in frankfurt, a few days ago in duderstadt. the love and kindness that surrounds me, strengthens me, gives me respite from the neverending nature of this metastatic challenge.

do you see the beauty there, although my challenge is never ending, i am not dead, i am getting stronger and wiser. though it might be hard to tell from reading my blog.

I went off to doctor siebenhueners and some kind hearted anonymous sole had sent me some maf 314. I treasure the benefits of the maf 314 yogurt, now known as bravo, of course i recommend it. Another friend made me 10 days worth, which is also so kind. I had some tonight with ahcc, whey protein aand my milk thistle seed mix ground into powder. It tasty remarkably good.

Today i had oncothermia to my liver and lungs, and hour each and b17, dmso and ozone. I will do the same tomorrow with goleic nebuliser therapy as well. I also will talk about blood markers and what tests Gerhard suggests.

I got my cea result today 115 another big fall from 156 over the last week. I did breathe a sigh of relief and thanked god and my doctors and myself and my friends. I am getting so much support. Its the combination of vogltace, nesslehut dc vaccine, freds secret infusions, siebenhuener ipt, oncothermia and infustions and schilling vital wave met therapy. I commented recently on the amazing drop in systemic inflamation due to this cutting edge alternative therapy, which I full recommend. 

Again whats working, well who cares, all that counts is its working again. I have a sense of life beyond the horizon. The rapidly rising cea stopped in its tracks at present, I hope for good with my tried and tested set of metastatic colorectal treatments. 

If you think back tofebruary i arrived again with cea 204 and the 2 week dropped to 27 was impressive, but before that I spent a week at the gcmaf clinic and I had a vial goleic injected into the liver with tace. Neither of these two were done with this cycle of therapies. I did have 1/2 a vial 1ml infusioned prior friday ( 4 days before ) to the dc vaccine and then 3 days post I did a full vial goleic via nebulizer.

So I am off the air for 6 days at a yoga retreat in the forest, this is the same swami who taught me in the victoria bush for a week in april, he is compelling, clearly I have alot more to learna and grow and heal. I will miss three days of possible therapy, but can still do thursday and friday. This is a time to recharge the spiritual batteries and gentle encourage complete healing using the power of the mind and all the therapies covered on the blog. where there is a will their is a way, they say and so do i.

Swami Govindanandadirect disciple of Swami Vishnu-devananda. He began his ashram life in 1987, after studying physics and a degree in education. For 23 years he taught yoga in the Sivananda Yoga centers around the world. His students love him as a rare gem of integrity and truth.

so despite the magnificanet challenges before me, I am still postive and optimistic, its certainly possible all the cancer will disappear after a weeks intense meditation in the forest with really like minded special souls. I am so grateful my cea was not 500, that again mygod has given or bestowed upon me illness control, not imminent death, although how certain any of us are of our existence is a shared delusion anyway. buti will let you enjoy that delusion. 

my goal is to prove these therapies work and then to save 1, then 10, then 100, then 1000, then 10000, then 1000000000. its the same old wonderful dream that gives me sustaining hope and the therapysuccess albiet incomplete I still feel is impressive. well at least to this body, trust me that unless you have uncontrolled cancer growth inside your most vital of organs ie the liver well you have no idea how sweet the joy of success is. I mean the joy and gratitude I feel is truly indescribable, but a heart felt thank you, is more than enough. who was I thanking, well I hope you know and it was not me first, but me last.

I look at the these angelic girls at dinner, they were giving me food from their plates and annoying there parents, they think I am a mystical dragon, i like the imagery. I look at the simple beauty of family life, i wonder about my kids, my wife and exhale a silent sigh. joyfully they have there path and I have mine, despite our lack of communication I am so grateful my wife loves and cares for the kids so well, they have there new clean home and the old home saga almost finished. but yes, I am fighting for my bond refund on the old rented house.

what the future brings, well for me I will share here,  day by day, I get smarter, stronger, I will outsmart this metastatic foe and I do appreciate your support and suggestions, but to be honest i am at the limit of my budget and capacity. So I will keep on doing my tried and tested therapies and life style. so I have clocked up 2 hours walking, and got 25 pushups and 3 sun salutations. its a start.

The highlight of today was to meet a young father with a challenge, we walked and talked. In the depth of his despair over his clear mortality his son smiled oblivious to his father turmoil. the son simply said push the stroller dad and beat this cancer, I need you, so does mum. To be needed, to be loved are the most powerful medicines. Of course I said go see florian schilling and consider complimentary, but first finding hope in despair. if you can do that, well cancer is easy. I am living my purpose, to help others, maybe god will indeed grant me another day. but to yogis thats living in the future, so another breathe , well thats still the future. maybe we should just cherish this breathe, I am, but you do what you heart says.

and the title, was going to be excellent cea down to 115, but the sons unspoken but powerful message to the father contains something for us all.

And the irony of the baby sons wisdom, to save his father to help his own life. its the power of love, of course. but hopefully all of us with seemingly insummountable problems, can simply witness our thougths, if we can see our despair objectively, like i see my longing for wife, my kids. i cheerish the feelings, i neither indulge them or hide them, i see them and come back to me life and the joy of the present moment. or all the days magical moments, like the fathers handshake, my pounding heart after pushups, the tasty of my gourmet dinner ketogenic of course, or indeed the satisfaction of recording anotherdays adventures in germany.

http://www.bodyworkmovementtherapies.com/article/S1360-8592(05)00008-2/abstract some of the science of microcurrent, it worked for my nerve damaged feet and reduced systemic inflamation which i think took the wind out of the tumours sails. 

http://www.colonchat.net/forum/viewtopic.php f=1&t=1204&sid=45b8cf01b30eac92712497bbbafecdfd&start=10 I will invest last cash reserves in the lung surgery by axel rolle if he accepts me. I should not have delayed, i hate this coughing.

Fantastic News tumours shrinking weekly trend falling cea 115 down from 156 down from 204 and ca199 350 down from 550 down from 640
Dear Doctors,

Thank you, we have achieved disease control and considerable reduction cea ca199 again over the last 2 weeks with combined tacedc vaccine, infusions, oncothermiavitalwave ,gcmaf GOLEIC and mild ketogenic diet with MAP (master amino pattern ).

I copy my australian doctors as my survival is a team effort and international.

I had immediate and sustained improvement over violent coughing fits straight after GOLEIC NEBULISER TREATMENT Dr Schilling ) , that I want to bring it to your attention. I my lung function is improving day by day but I suspect the 5 weeks of coughing and frequent spitting mucous is an undesirable consequence of my RFA radio frequency abalation 28th may of 2 lung and 1 liver met.

My most recent ct and mri scan showed incomplete liver rfa and new lung lesion.
Today I asked if prof axel rolle would consider lung surgery ?

I again express my sincere gratitude to all my doctors, particularly those who have treated me with such amazing compassion as my financial resources have diminished in the face of my persistent cancer challenge. 

I have the worlds best doctors caring for me, I am very confident.

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