Dearest god, save us all. Amen.
I am grateful for my fragile grasp on contentment. My christain mantra by your stripes and wounds i am healed, refers to spiritual healing. So my goal is joyful living with whatever time and health my god grants, his will is awesome, he is running as thunder in the clouds as the raindrops dance through the rich canopy. The folage is my immune system, when i walk the forest, cross the stream and eat all the wild herbs, i simply pray thankyou.
For what its worth i treasure your company and i do so enjoy sharing my life and this journey. I sat on the gravel in the car park and jabbed imi some thymus extract, i have taken all the pills and supplements and had my gcmaf yogurt, ahcc, milk thistle, whey protien, sulforphane, tallberg powders for dessert.
I had the deepest chakra healing with another guru named yogesh, i will stay and be voluneer for his healing workshop, i will spend one night frankfurt doing ect, and next day oncothermia..
I feel great and strong and at peace. I have friends here westerwald has healing magic, i pray how good i feel and just say thank thankyou to my god. Into my mind only exists constructive thoughts of succssful therapies.
The power of my mind to concieve healthy outcomes is truly unlimited.i try to share this healing illusion, to no avail.
All i have for my cancer friends is love and compassion and oh so much hope. Map and yoga, such a healing combo.
Sweet dreams from a joyful ashram in the forest , my yogi rubbed my 3 week old dc vacination, i told them all about my miracle, the more who rub the little spot, well i enjoy and appreciate there care, dare i say love.
Not many cancer patients doing headstands in the forest. I love this crazy wonderful existence, maybe singing my song, my surval song is my secret, come join me in the forest and find peace love and spiritual healing and maybe then your miracle will happen.
Maybe the only miracle is loving our death as much as our life, death is nolonger scary but a friend, when we meet is gods will. Then unknown nature fate makes each day, each moment percious.
Last night we celebrated unconditional love, with hours of chanting and ritual, the crowd and yogis inspirational. Tonight it rains, last night a star, and this afternoon super yoga under lord shiva, the symbol of unconditionwl love, i always add some christian prayers to my yoga.
My lungs are almost healed and i a booked for 5 august for dr axel rolle lung surgery.
My sydney surgeon said, yes to another rfa which is a great option if needed.
I am again achieving the bliss of deep meditation and i feel the full healing power of yoga and my alternatives is unbeatable, maybe i am willing my survival with such intensity, who knows, but i think my appreciation of the rich tapestry of life and the compeling human stories of love and life that criss cross at the ashram. Well the beauty of the human soul i see reflected in nature all around me.
The air is clean and rich in negative oins
Imagine if we get more of this wonderous life, what a blessing, but then loving god with every ounce of your existence maybe enough.
Reading thought power, its amazing and for free, my newest friend martin is amazing. Today christian and i sawed up fallen branches. Now i am a yoga lumberjack. Christain knows all the forest herbs, we each feast on then, he was so impressed by map and gcmaf yogurt, i will make it at the ashram.
The worlds best cancer therapies in the ashram for free. This is the perfect place to live and or die. I will do markers thursday and goleic gcmaf.
The mct oil, map and low carb vegan diet is producing exceptional results, of course diet has nothing to do with survival, nothing at all. The proof is 4 hours a day blissful yoga and impressive stools.
Alas what is right for me is unlikely not the best for you, but i commend deep meditation to help you navigate the wonderous opportunities of life otherwise known as gods gift or illness or cancer if you have it.
No point crying over spilt milk, get over the diagnosis or your problem and live with love, of course some off the radar therapies may help where conventional has tried and helped but left room for your miracle.
Oh and the photo i helped make the flower necklace, i made many bowls of rose petals. I smelt the roses, i did give some to the yoga angels on the table helping. Earlier i planted basil and tomatoes. Is heing a gardener so different to being a cancer healer, thats my intention, my dream, oh but first i need my own miracle, which is wonderously elusive.