Channel: Peter Trayhurn Blog
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My Xmass present and the wife and life!

What do I want for Xmass ?

My big loan application approved! YES

A kiss from the wife! YES

A gift from God! YES

A smile, a hug, to be alive and breathing joyful breathes. With luck and Gods blessings I may be back in Sydney cancer free and looking at christmass lights, going to midnight mass, enjoying xmass carols and time with my friends, my wife and my kids.

Maybe my medical treatment overseas application will be approved as I have asked for super fast processing. I commit to use every cent I get refunded from my mto application to bring the dc vaccine technology that has saved my life back to this backward arrogant country. Someone needs to drag the government and the doctors out of the cancer dark ages and into the future.


Effectively I fly into the medical future, where personalised medicine is king, where drug based therapies are not the main stay, where clinical excellence is endorsed, where simply doctors can practice medicine, not the crap they practice here in Australia. I am a bit emotional because tonight my mum dies, I have let her go to her rest as she wanted, drinking her apple juice, enjoying her chocolate, without a ketogenic frown. But I know, I could have easily saved her, in different circumstances.

The day I met mums oncologist says it all. about 8 months ago. He said you are too sick for chemo, go home and die, we will make you comfortable. I told him my story, my therapies, my success, he googled me i think, but treated mum according to the standards, new information is meaningless, my success is meaningless.

In the future the oncologists will say ok, do the ketogenic diet, do the super probiotic yogurt, do this simple goleic gcmaf inhaler and lets see the quality of your immune response. In fact lets measure your immune status now. Our backward, corrupt health system, with its head up its ass, does not even offer a decent, comprehensive immune profiles. I have begged my doctors for these tests, i have asked all and sundry and its no use. If we cannot profile our immune response, we are treating cancer patients in the dark. its worse than neglect, its simple murder. Next time you visit your oncologist ask them for some leech therapy, they have the leeches in the jars, in the draw, just like in the dark ages where they learnt what little medicine they know.

If I die from cancer well, I was wrong, sorry and the government and doctors was right. But I feel great, I aint going no where. Can you see the irony, my government may support my medical treatment overseas application, if they do they effectively fund the best hope for cancer medicine in this country, my set of specific therapies. Then I can devote my full focus to improving goverment, just like Mandela and the disgraceful Apartheid. He is my role model.

So my business plan is to bring lots of Australian patients to germany, asap, not like any other meditours, where the patient is held hostage to the capability of the clinic or the doctors. I will fight for your life, with the same intensity that has saved me, I will offer a no success guarantee. Again my own survival will be directly related to my customers survival, oh is this practicing medicine, I CERTAINLY HOPE NOT!

My strategy is to provide the most intensive education about every aspect of your immune system, from your mouth to your bottom and every cell in between. None of my friends have devouted the required effort to attend and complete the immunotherapy university. With every visit to my oncologist, I should invoice them 100 times their bill, I provide free education, but our doctors know the nature of our health system.

When I find a few patients, who are smart enough to trust me, to model my specific success, well Iwant need to many other late stage metastatic successes. I have sent some friends into my german doctors care, and they get screwed. theydont have the knowledge to navigate the cancer maze. I do, this is not ego, this is the simple truth.

my candor and honesty on this blog, will be the ultimate truth, that in the end will give me the funds to save so many more lives than my own. I love my country, I love my wife and my kids. I just dont give up, I keep on trying no matter what massive challenges life brings, if you knew the real challenges, well you would be more amazed. I do keep lots of secrets off the blog, mainly personal stuff, but the medical stuff like good, bad and all results in between i share.

this story is like a magnificent concert, its building to a cresendo, if I live, if I get cancer free, than it will be a loud triumphant sound. I had my quiet time in the ashram, in the forest while the healing magic of nature and the immune system cures, while a simple dc vaccine works its own magic.

Every ounce of my being is focused on success, dr siebenhuenr has 20 vials of goleic gcmaf, I will destroy this met, in 12 days, with every on and off label, therapy available. I will put my doctors under immense pressure to deliver results and to document everything for my wonderfully curious government. I will educate my government, but it will cost them alot, they have alot of blood on there hands, all the Australian and most conventionally minded oncologists do. They are still like the gas chamber guards, protesting the innocence while we die. They point the finger at each other, and fail to lend a hand to the most needy and vulnerable.

Its almost now 2 years since I came home NED for being loaded with tumours, the first german miracle. Not one patient has had removab in australia to my knowledge, not one australian doctor or scientist has really given a shit about why I did not die, or ask why are you alive. This lack, this lack curiousity is damming. Noone looks at my medical records, and in the delay, we we effectively evicted and most of my medical records and expensive tests were lost.

I have pushed myself beyond the limits these last few weeks, since my wife took the money given specifically to me for my treatments, by our bank without consent. At least she has given me the minimum I need for this trip. thats all I need, and I am grateful, i hold no ill will, but  will take steps to protect my financial capacity to fund my medical needs, and that means financial separation and possible divorce. But I still have a dream of a happy family and being completely in remission and running the most amazing immunotherapy business in Germany and Australia.

I must sleep, soon the plane and freezing cold germany. Did you here that oncothermia was tested here and deemed a failure, someone better tell 4000 machines in europe that they are being conned, we pride ourselves on being the lucky country, well not if your are a terminal cancer patient, maybe if you are a well paid oncologist without a heart or a soul. Lets see if the oncologists professional body supports or rejects my medical treatment overseas application.

I repeatedly requested my first very conventional oncologist to support my mto request, she would not see me, she heads a powerful group of sydney elite private oncologists. the fact I left her and have survived shows the difference between brave and poineering oncologists and those interested in large scale clinical trials and evidence based medicine. We are  simply fodder for the cannons, and the bloody blood stained waiting rooms of these sancatmonios oncologists, would not know if there ass was on fire! and they kill with a smile and bill the commonwealth for the privilege. Maybe this is an angle I can explore in terms of wasting tax payer funds on outdated technologies, stifling competition of rival, cheaper technologies, this next phase of my life will be a blissful as this moment. they can do this by claiming my treatments are not accepted standard.

What a great gift my god has given me, like so many needless deaths, my mums passing will not be in vain. Then again I may die and this is just a pleasant delusion, of a metastatic patient with dreams of granduer. Whatever I achieve I will always give credit to God and my beautiful dead friends, who have taught me so much from there courage. You see, thats the clinical difference I learn from my friends deaths, where the oncologist celebrate them and learn nothing. In fact they take delight in repeating there treatments so they have standardised death down pat, and the gullible stupid, scared masses walk into the bloody waiting rooms like lambs to the slaughter.

Is this blog an example of how to win friends and influence people, sometimes you have to call it the way you see it, tonight is one of those nights. If your an oncologist call me and I will teach you how to save cancer patients. I make no apologies for ruffling the status quo, oncologists like the gas chamber guards will be held accountable!

And finally ask yourself one question ? whydid I have to become a doctor to save myself! , its always about the money!

didmy wonderful brave oncologist have the medical freedom to inform the next peritoneal colorectal patient of my success ? 

when he read the clear pet/ct report and all the tumours disappeared! Our oncologists are prisoners of the health system here as well, I do have compassion for them and as points for improvement.

I have a dreamed of a deregulated health system, like the banking system, like the exchange rate! One day german style clinics will be all through this country TOMORROW! Maybe we can start in Tasmania!

thats what I want for Christmas! And the doctors in these clinics have the freedom to practice medicine real aggressive personalised medicine exactly like they do in Germany. Especially for the terminally ill. Thats what I want, thats my dream! Abott talks about competition, well stopping the medical monopoly is a start. Lets replace the car industry we just lost with a world class cancer industry that includes breakthrough therapies.

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