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Celebrating remission my way


So I got a lastminute secret hotel for 85 euro per night in frankfurt, I needed 5stars as the cheap hotels don't have a freezer and I must keep my goleic gcmaf frozen. A big thanks to dr heinz reinwald for supplying at very short notice my needs. This is the medical focus and effort that is sadly lacking in Australia.  Here I have an idea, a suggestion with medical merit, well they jump to it, these dr are largely egoless and support medical innovation,  which is just good old fashioned effective clinical management in my books.

And my room is next to a stunning pool and sauna complex, I am relaxing and writing mto reports.

Today I left florian, he has a new ultrasound,  he confirmed cancer free, we did met sessions and then goleic gcmaf nebuliser with ultrasound guidance per prof ruggeiro training and skill. Why am I alive, many reasons,  but the science, the skill of these doctors and there focus, there individual hunger for success, we share that. I give them what they crave, not another grave!

Dear doctors,

I copied all the doctors as a big thank you.

I consider myself in remission again ie NED after clear ultrasound yesterday, thank you all again. I feel great, I will focus on paying outstanding bills and generating referals and revenue for us all. I will prove my success is reproducable, please refer any patients to myself who want too follow my intense and effective approach to your combined therapies.

My story will soon go international, and my company will handle the media and all referalls generated.

My absolute goal is too highlight your medical and scientific excellence,  I will be the best salesman for this medicine.

I did not waste a day in treatment,  I will not waste a day in remission, I will not loose a patient. By co operating together we can achieve metastatic success. I must be very selective regarding patients, they must be willing to learn, exercise and meditate.

I hope to enter into mutually rewarding contracts in the near future.

Getting tumour free in 3 days is the best Christmas present for myself, my family, friends and many cancer patients who follow our joint success. My story may go viral and I seek to use that international media attention to find the best patients to bring to you. This will provide irrefutable evidence of highly personalised and targetted therapies.

I dream of more success for us all, especially those patients without faith and knowledge of what can be achieved when combining your services aggressively.

That is my expertese and I am in your debt and rely on your continued support.

Dear Asir, Thank you for ultrasound yesterday which showed spleen, epigrastrum, liver, lungs, thyroid and abdomen to be clear.
As discussed and I will renew focus lifestyle, exercise and defer ipilumimab.

Dear prof vogl, amazing tace result, I still see you 18th. Do you want me to come tonight mri? If you want to confirm such rapid tumour clearance?

Dear gerhard,
See you on monday now, I guess we can delay catheter as no tumours left to target. Your ipt and pdt I suspect big players in this result, as well as oncothermia.

Dear Florian and Heinz,
I used gcmaf monday and tuesday and was in ketosis. Thank you for you support and guidance regarding lifestyle and the immune system.

Dear dr nesslehut,
Thank you for your amazing dc vaccines and your clinical wisdom and the advice to defer ipilumimab. I am sure the double dose of ndv, new castle virus disease yesterday helped.


I will run this new business from a tropical diving paradise, where my remission is assured and away from regulatory issues, as stress is bad for cancer and success and love are healing.


I will never forget your skill and compassion and many other patients will come to fully appreciate german medical excellence.

Hopefully so will the german and Australian governments.


Oh and an email to mto, doing this trip by the books, its my obligation to keep them informed of my blessings and stresses.

Dear mtop,
I am gathering reports, doing treatments.

Yesterday dr asip kopic, oncologist and he was my first treating dr Germany at hallwang clinic.

He did an ultrasound of stomach, spleen, kidney, liver, the entire abdomen. He only found gaulstones and no sign of any more tumours in the upper diaphram or the spleen.

This is the most dramatic result I have experienced so far, but similar responses have occured in liver and lungs.

This is real medicine,  this is working so well for me, your assistance is essential to my ongoing treatments and for other Australians seeking life when diagnosed early stage metastatic colorectal.

I ask the Australian government to fund on a case by case basis the therapy model I have used. I am available to accompany and assist all patients wanting these services.

I continue to attempt to sell my story as I urgently need funds to pay outstanding medical bills and buy medicines for treatment in sydney which are not available in Australia

I know this is just a clear ultrasound, and that next weeks tace mri will confirm and address any residual disease.

The combination of gcmaf and ultrasound photodynmanic therapy using chlorin e6 has an abundance of scientific and clinical studies and results. My success is not unique in germany.

This is simply personalised, tatgetted, effective medicine. It is not experimental, but I do accept results unpredictable.

Sometimes they exceed our dreams, as I this case. Please fully consider your duties to your fellow Australian s go beyond the scheme you administer and if the Australian medical establishment is proven negligent, and it clearly is. Then seeking to reply on organisation with commercial vested interests is directly prejudicial to the consideration of my claims.

I have my life, many friends don't, good Australian s who have died here, ie dave and ren and many others. Please help me however you.

If I don't get a cent from your mto scheme I do not care, I seek to set a clear precedent for my fellow australians without hope, without funds who have a treatable early stage metastatic cancer.

I continue to try and sell my story to get the message of hope out to the public around the world. It will be the best christmas message. And to get funds to pay medical expenses.

Merry xmas,


Are you there, I need your help, here is the best xmass cancer story, the father who used to be a fat santa, is coming home cancer free, skinny and healthy. What do my kids want? Just me, and that's what they get.

I think 60 minutes should cover this, I really do, maybe they can fly and cover the last 2 days.

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