These are my wonderful friend Daves boots, he died at Hallwang clinic, he lived in my apartment a few days, he tried so hard to live and he almost made it, but the AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL SYSTEM KILLED HIM!, he never got oncothermia , he never got to duderstadt. He came home to death, with significant success and disease control, and NOTHING was done in Australia. If I was not fighting for my own life at the time I would have helped him. He was really angry about dieing needlessly, he hated his doctors, he absolutley loved life and was the bravest aussie I know. When I kick the medical establishment in the teeth, when I kick my goivernment in the ass, I will be waering your boots , my dearest friend. You can rest very peacefully that times, well they are changing and very bloody fast!
After all, time is precious, so is life, and none of us has any guarantees.
So I am dressed up in my mothers lovelly cashmere jumper, its so cold here, her love keeps me warm. She is dieing of her lung cancer in the nursing home getting love and support from all around her. she wanted me to come to germany to save my life, yet again, AND I AM! I HAVE! and I will save yours if you HAVE WHAT IT TAKES! Its a nice 5 star hotel, thats so cheap. I have used the sauna and gym and the bath and coffee machine for enemas and meditation!
Daves boots,
I believe in the afterlife, of the soul, I have the upport and love of many friends, who I wished were still alive, maybe they are pulling some strings for me upstairs! Dave lent he his courage, he endured his pain and that pain gives focus. The ideas in this blog are more than enough to change the world, the medical world especially. When you ead this blog you will know this is the truth, but now I am calling on your support and action. My absolute focus is to save the next ten early stage metastatics , to blog them here, the video them on a reality TV program, International Cancer Rescue . I will use the power of the internet revolution to fuel change in the establishment. Its simply the best story on the planet, and success by success it grows in power. Be a part of the medical revolution, of the immunotherapy revolution, of the hope revolution. All that we can achieve together is based on hope and love, not greed and power. I have tried the hope and love thing here and it does not work fast enough. So I will use my commercial success with these therapies as the ultimate proof to business and government. Then I can rely of competitive greed to fuel continued medical innovation. The blockages are government red tape in western countries all around the world, with people power we can smash that to peaces. Remember the berlin wall, apartheid.
So I am the ultimate terrorist, this blog the ultimate bomb, when the story goes OFF, when it EXPLODES, well the medical systems will crumble in parts, what will be left will be the best of the old and a free deregulated, competitive medical system. Where terminal cancer patients especially are given freedom of choice to choose therapies with a palliative or hope based bias. I want access to these German medical services in Australia NOW, and the freedom of doctors to deliver these services free from harrassment of the AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, I know many doctors scared off by these regulators in Australia. These brave doctors want to save lives, and our GOVERNMENT and REGULATORS conspire to kill us. this is generally true across the world in western countries.
I use the term terrorist metaphorically, as when this bomb explodes, when the smouldering blog ignites, when the winds of media attention fan the fire in human souls, when the walking dead have just some glimmer of hope again. Well this BOMB will save lives NOT KILL by destroying the blockages and lies in the medical system, it will highlight the GREED and VESTED INTERESTS. It will give patients and there families the power to FIGHT FOR THERE LIFE, to demand access to the best medicine, to the truth.
medical negligence,
Have you been told of my metastatic success ? Oh your oncologist did not share my story, Oh they told you to go home, get your affairs in orde r, to get ready to suck down some toxic chemo that will make whats left of your life hell.
You have to be so aggressive and cunning to survive in this screwed up world, so here is a tactic. So get your oncologists advice in writing, get there treatment plan, be open and honest and say I WANT TO LIFE, what curative options are there for me in THIS WORLD. Your medical treatment is not limit to the consulting room, the local hospital, the regional hospital, or even another state, or another country, or another continent. If the cure is on the moon, thats where YOU need to go! Its not that far, its just in Germany.
I will publish my medical reports from Prof Vogl, from Dr Nesslehut, and all the other key doctors in due course ( when I get them, they are writing them now for my medical treatment overseas claim ) use these reports as proof of one off clinical therapy success for extensive metastatic disease.
Simply say I want what Pete tried, I want it now! I am content to do toxic chemo , but only after I have tried targetted , personalised immunotherapies. This is my absolute clear medical directive. I note that you have not recommended this in your advice! I hold you liable therefore for pain, suffering and costs due to your negligent advice. WE MUST PUT ONCOLOGISTS UNDER PRESSURE NOW! you cannot waste a day when you have a metastatic illness.
I plan to use the legal system to force change on the medical system, Its a shame but that is the process of improvement our doctors, and the medical establishment need to improve! So I will start a personal action against my oncologist. She said save your money, give it to your children! she gave me no effective treatment, no support for the german therapies. Initially she gave me effective conventional treatment , that I appreciated. The legal action is not personal, its against her insurance company, he medical association and the standards they proclaim. Is it fair, is it just, that because curative options dont exist within your countries medical system that your doctor says they dont exist! that is the lie, that is what deadly. All oncologists have a duty to be aware of whats available internationally and to advise patients about all treatment options, not just the ones they prefer, refer and make money out of. At the heart of this is there vested interest, its not in your survival, its in there profit and convenience. Your oncologist is a well paid pawn in a big system, they will not rock the boat. So therefore sue them! You need the money for treatments to live !
Strategically find an aggressive negligence lawyer, as soon as you are diagnosed with cancer, tell them your intention to live, to do whatever treatments that are effective. If you oncologist delivers excellent service of course dont sue them. The odds are there hands are tired by government and insurance red tape, you will not be given access to cutting edge therapies, even if you are, well these trials are so limited. My success has been doing everything at once, thats whats worked so well for me. We are dynamic organisms, our medicine is just to slow. See the blitzkeig therapy model a few days ago that destroyed the tumours in 3 days.
If you are successful at finding a curative path through your metastatic cancer, its more than likely you will run out of cash like I have, its the privilege of being a long term survivor. even when you cut this medicine to the bare bones, and then some, its expensive, but less than most conventional offerings! Managing your financial resources is key to survival, thats why I am turning my survival into a business. Getting money anywhere you can will help you survive and prove these therapies, thats why I am suggesting planning to sue from the start.
I will be successful in COURT, I WILL SET A CLEAR PRECEDENT that its negligent not to advise patients that potentially curative options exist in other countries FOR example REMOVAB in germany . I can retrospectively prove how negligent the advice and the failure in care was. My success proves that! I will be seeking the cost of treatments as compensation, I seek not to make a profit, but to establishment a VERY VERY POWERFUL LEGAL PRECEDENT.
Oncologists must provide options to the terminally ill. They have a duty to be informed and not just what occurring in there own medical system. Do you notice, even the label terminally ill, is only valid if you accept care under your medical system. I prefer I have a chronic, yes a bit persistent illness. Maybe this remission will last a long long time.
The issue with medical negligence is that it may back oncologists further into a more conservative model, I wished it were possible to have a TERMINAL PATIENT consent form, which says, I the patient agree not to sue for MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE to allow treatment with unproven, untested but potentially beneficial therapies! These are just ideas, based on my research.
Maybe your oncologist will buy into this. Ultimately they want to help you, but there hands are tied in rules and red tape, why even my fantastic oncologist dr david bell, could not write me a prescription for metformin, i needed my daring brave dr ashley berry to write that script. What a completely bogus system. Do you see the irony AN ONCOLOGIST can write scripts for $10,000 no problems for chemo that will kill your immune system and therefore you die as the tumours primary enemies have been killed. This again is a key argument for the medical negligence class action against oncologists. But they cannot prescibe metformin or other reasonable off label cancer drugs! ie celebrex , albendazole and cimetidine !
I absolutely owe my life to my oncologist Dr David Bell for his couragous suppport of my initial treatments and now his support of my medical treatment overseas claim and his ongoing support.
When I get home, i will find the best medical negligence barristers, Lee are you there ? I need your help n ow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I drop an apple to the ground 99 times, it falls each time, its what newton observed and we have the law of gravity. on the 100th time, THE APPLE floats, I AM THE FLOATING APPLE. do you get it, the doctors dont study one off successes, they neither to the scientists. I have been begging for medical and scientific support for years. I have had NO INTEREST from the MEDICAL SYSTEM or the SCIENTIFIC ESTABLISHMENT, except for my team of specialists and scientists.
Medical treatment ove r overseas program,
I am providing my government with letters of support from the worlds leading oncologist who are friends or friends. I have been to Gallipolli, I have watched my friends die here and fight so hard, my government does not have a chance, as I did not give up on my illness when one of the most highly regarded colorectal oncologists in Australia said save your money for the kids and go home and die. By necessity I need to make this an intelligent international battle.
I have the money and the time to make this a world battle, I will succeed with the MTO, 100s of patients in Australia will get access to cellular therapies immediately, AND I MEAN yesterday! And the deliver of professional DC vaccine facilities will be privately funded and available to cancer patients. I will achieve something with the gift of my existence and this specific experience. I do need your prayers and support. At the moment I just one man, together we will change the world, of that I am sure.
life insurance payout techniques,
In august 2012 refused the second round systemic chemotherapy when diagnosed with mets lung, liver and peritoneum. This was the trigger for the less than 12 months to live, that i refused chemo . Then it reasonable that I would die in that period. This is generally the time frame life insurers will pay out on, they did for me and funded my ongoing treatments and kept my family and business running while I could focus on therapies and learning, and developing myself into the ultimate anticancer human.
In fact I will advise AMP of this fact, that I seek there support to help change medical and legal frameworks. AMP was my life insurer and they provided an excellent service and product. I highly recommend them and there consultants. The best of which is michael langtry .
Florians magic,
Dr Schilling the worlds best metabolic cancer specialist, now has an ultrasound and is trained in the injection of gcmaf to locally accessible tumours . He also looked for any mets in the spleen , epigustrum , liver, kidney. He confirmed I have good sized kidneys, using imaging to prove lack of cachexia , again based on Prof Ruggeiros expertese . we discussed many things and my remission strategy, he is coming to frankfurt to be apart of what maybe my final tace , ipt, pdt therapy session. with dr siebenheunner support goleic gcmaf will be injected into the previously identified tumour sites targetting residual disease.
Do you see the difference between conventional medicine wait and see and die slowly and painfully!
And my offering treat fast effectively , continue treating excessively while you have the doctors clinical focus, this will give you the best chance of clearance of that organ or area.
Dr Schilling lives in ketosis , he is an inspiration. All patients must see him first, so flying into Munich a wise choice! Why he has pushed me back onto high dose oral dca and then in dca monday through wednesday , to support the oxidative therapies of chemo in the tace . these therapy offerings are so dense that you need and extra brain to bounce ideas and innovations off. the dca addon therapy just the perfect example.
The Grace Gawler Institute
So I owe my life to Grace and Pip as well. They run a not for profit to help aussie patients access german curative options. She has helped me often in the last 2 12 years, I rely her her continued support. My commercial offerings are based on a clear fee for service, i have confidential ongoing referal fees for the medical providers I refer. I will be copied on every bill, and every medical report and every email between you and my medical team. This way I will deliver the essential patient corrdination and the timely deliveery of services. I know all the tests you need, I will follow up results directly, they will be stored on your GOOGLE DRIVE for access by your medical team in Germany and Australia. These are the intended differences between a not for profit service and a profit based business. I am a survivor, I am an entreprenuer and I will save many lives and paying my monthly success fees will make you smile. NO CLINICAL SUCCESS, no fee, its capped as well at a very reasonable rate. I need to be conferenced in with every medical consultation with every doctor in germany and will provide a written summary of key clinical points. All consults are to be recorded, and we will ideally have a 15 minute pre consult discussion to go over key clinical goals, opportunities and synergies. Its only this level of commitment, that I am prepared to engage in, anything else is fine, but you will not be following my PROTOCOL, my WAY.
If I am successful, I hope Grace refers patients to my team on the ground in Germany. The goal is to have a driver, initially me, taking you around these german doctors, getting you established, introduced and treated. I will show you where to stay, where to eat, where to exercise, where to sauna , where to buy the best value drugs! Now that I have Dr Asir Kopic in my team, well I can deliver the exertese of the Hallwang clinic at a fraction of the cost. Now however if you need removab or other excellent services from hallwang , they are available and can be integrated into my medical services delivery model. This way you do not need to pay the 19% vat service addon that german clinics add on. That 19% that you save when dealing with my off shore based referal agency is the only success fee you pay. So effectively you get my services for free, because of how I structure my business. Being international based, I will provide GCMAF or DC vaccines or TACE in other international centers. In the short term the German doctors are the key providers, they will always be prefered , but this does not mean other providors down the track will not be added to the team. You will always have the SUCCESS guarantee, no fees for my services unless clinical success.
There are many key differences between Grace views and mine, the foremost is I follow and will only support patients who are theraputic ketois , its not negotiable. My life style interventions are deemed excessive by almost everyone, even my closest friends, even those with cancer struggle with the obsession I demand, and this is why my fees are high, that the number of patients able to follow my regime will be very small initially. You also need to be commited to studying the immunotherapy university and attend weekends at ashrams learning yoga and meditation. I also dont agree with the timed crp model just yet, but may consider it when some more practical applications have arisen. It has not been a factor in my success, what has , has been the dense delivery of specialised , highly coordinated medical services. I push all my doctors here in germany beyond there limits, as timing is everything. On that grace and I agree, its just the details and the scheduling.
So while grace delivers outstanding results for a broader range of customers, i seek to help highly unique and focused patients, who want prompt access to the worlds best cancer medicine at the cheapest prices!
To my future first Patient
Welcome to you my brave soul, buy the cheapest return economy ticket from sydney to frankfurt for me, buy yours as well and lets get this amazing business and your survival started. Of course you will pay an agreed retainer, and cover reasonable travel, accomodation costs and meals. Buy MAP master amino pattern, get some mct oil and coconut oil and get into ketosis fast. I will measure your blood on arrival and if your keytones are not greater than 1mmol i will return back to sydney . the diet is not optional. If you eat one piece of fruit or sugar, you will fortfiet the retained and I will return to sydney .
I will be tough, but focused on your being stress free, that why I have to be in attendance. I aim to have at least 3 massages per week, so will you, these last 2 hours each generally. Lots of walking through forest trails. Dr schilling can walk 40 km in a day, maybe we can work up to that.
I offer no guarantees, but expect you to have a well defined clinical response using blood tests and imaging. I can assist you so much, but ultimately your "BELIEF, YOUR FAITH and YOUR DEDICATION will determine your FATE. Not me or the doctors, that the difference with my medical model. All the key work is done by the PATIENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it starts in your mind!
What you also get for free is my undivided time and focus on your survival, when I am with you , i am with you. I will push your therapy offerings will all the medical team. Ideally you will have metastatic colon cancer, as that is where I have direct and comparable experience!
My service offerings are unique! No other patient has access to the worlds best doctors and scientists, I will do my best for you, as I have for myself and my friends. I am committed to 100% metastatic success, an incredible DREAM, but together we can make it happen. Patient by patient. BE THE SECOND!, I am the first! I am available from mid to late January.
Continued Therapy Innovation
Pulling the biggest guns in the cancer world and therapy innovation! Have you ever driven or a racing track with your foot on the floor, or a german autobahn. Well thats exactly how I want my treatments, when I look in the slow lane, all I see are coffins, graves and tears. Now I have years!
I am well and urgently need your help with a letter from yourself and angush dalgish and my most brillant idea yet!
That says
I have reviewed the treatment report summaries of Peter Trayhurn 25/08/1966 from Dr Nesslhut and Dr Vogl.
It is my professional opinion as an oncologist certified by the QUEEN or whatever it is in the uk that his treatments with DC vaccine, targetted tace and daily oncothermia are considered the best standard of care available to metastatic colorectal cancer patients. His continued response of no less than 7 successive treatment trips, proof of the efficacy of this therapy model.
The science to explain explain Mr Trayhurn treatment success is readily available, I wish him continued success with his health and his endevours to make these medical services available to Australians via the medical treatment overseas program and subsequently to establish dc vaccine and supportive therapies locally available in Australia.
I need this yesterday if possible, i have the attention of my government, and I am going to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I attached vogl report, you have your own.
Ok and the most brillant idea yet.
I get my dc vaccine wednesday ! can you reserve 25% of the dc for direct injection lymph and old residual tumour sites. I am a healthy canditate , have no detectable tumour burden, so I have the best risk profile. The science is compelling is it not, if you want to discuss, lets, email me and I will call you any time. Prof Vogl already directly injects 2.2ml gcmaf, i propose to add the cells to this mixture, or have it separately injected.
The tace delivery is scheduled for 8am Thursday, would the cells last another 18 hours, I can take them and deliver them to prof vogl as I do my gcmaf. then my case report will have something amazing in it to consider, I will share the nobel prize with you all.
What do you think? It's so simple, getting even 25% of the dc to the tumour sites, and lymph via tace , right behind the chemo . the clinical goal is to destroy all residual disease.