When someone goes out of there way to save your life its good manners to say thanks.
It happens everyday to me, so a short blog and more photos of kids, music and markets and a bill and the left over dc cells 4.5 million in a few ml. We only need 1 million for clinical effect.
Up at 6, drive to duderstadt, got about 20 minutes with dr oz I call him, a very wise professor and a doctor with heart who is prepared to go that extra mile for his patient. In a world of laws, rules I respect a doctor with the highest medical ethics. All my doctors have the go the extra mile.
Tomorrow dr florian schilling is coming to watch what might be my last tace again. We said that a few months ago, so yes metatatic tricky.
Prof vogl, dr siebenhuener, dr kopic, dr nesslehut, fred, dr rolle, dr berry, dr rafter, prof morris, dr bell.
I simply have the most courageous medical team on the planet, I am so grateful and blessed and am at ease with the truth of my success.
Without there courage, innovation and passion I would be dead and the metastatic success protocol still born.
What will tomorrow tace and mri show? Oh the idea of directly injection dc cells not possible due to rules, and I would never put at risk my wonderful doctors reputation, but its a great dream and concept for an alternative universe where all laws bend and flex like our bodies, minds and cells.
The driving was hard today, and I tested positive for the first time for hepatitis b, redoing test in sydney.
Its a significant immunilogical event, could it be implicated in cea falling, a bit like coleys toxins. Time will tell.
I did a vial gcmaf goleic midnight, so my macrophages are picking up fighting instructions from the generals, the primed dc .
I might give up saving the world and go home to the family and do a dive or 2, I so long for my remote tropical islands, crystal clear blue water teeming with life, just like the music of the girls playing at the xmas market.
The reality I suspect is my success is unique, I think vogl is right, I am a freak and maybe what I represent is a cruel false hope. I met a patient with brain gbm mets, he was doing his 3rd dc, he heard of keto diet, but not interested. I told him of my brave gbm friend lorraine passed, and she never tried keto diet. Noone listens, so I will put up the xmas tree sunday and go diving.
I will ponder what to do with this experience as the metastatic world dies, soul by soul, with a never ending steeam of replacements.
I have my dc vaccine, the key parts of trip 7 complete. I see my doctors courage and there flaws, alot that without my focus and review will cost lives, which is why I won't send any more patients here to try and dye unless I am with them 100%, to put it bluntly a have seen cockups here just like Australia. All doctors are human but focused patients can catch the ball when doctors drop it.
Why do patients have to say, do you think getting hep b serious when doing immunotherapies. No one read the results but me, and I had to point it out.
So my 20‰ success fee for full medical management not negotiable.
And despite my desire to share and help, well my family needs me and I have been away.
I am going to the doctors gcmaf conference cyprus, I might take the kids if I get some money.
I am so very tired, but my wonderful german friends, with a hug, smile and kiss. Well love heals, as I said often and tonight I had my post dc vaccine massage 2 hours. My thai friend cooked an amazing thai dinner.
Then I drove back to cheap hotel klein and now I sleep. So tired, survival joyfully draining, but I am content.
I gave the little boy a gold coin to give the busker, as I gave the kebab man some Aussie coins for his kids.
Life is bliss, thankyou lord another day, bring it on!
Oh and courage is all around us, breathe it in, I do, I need it in abundance, without it metastatic success challenging, with courage all is possible. Amen
Dear god, give my friends an abundance of courage! Amen.