if you remember the blog about being a metastatic terrorist, well i have just lit the fuse, its burning now, soon the blog explodes, soon the desperate will come, i will help those who want to listen. they will fail like so many if they dont go hardcore holistic from day 1, you cannot play nice with metastatic cancer.
My application is currently being assessed.Dont hold your breath, if you wait for there approval and you doing chemo you'll be dead! Get success and claim retrospectively, if mine is apporved , it will offer hope for 1000s of aussies and maybe then we can get some much needed medical reform as we ask ourselves the question, why are these effective medical services legally provided in germany and not in australia ? The ama has alot to answer for, the tga as well, and the g overnment.
So aftercancer which of these targets after the micromets are fixed ? I say go for the biggest, while they are considering my mt o claim. I like a challenge! You should meet my wife, but thats a whole other story.
I emailed this to the Sydney Morning Herald, as a nicefollowup to their story today, lets see, maybe i will get into print and then 60 minutes. I am so out of money.
This is another test for Australian mainstream media,will they pass or fail ?
I am the patient fisherman, casting out my line with the bait, sooner or later I will get a bite!if I dont , I starve, and as a cancer patient without money, you suck chemo and die a very difficult death, that to my experience is completely unavoidable, but only if you have money, balls and brains. And can juggle all three!
http: // ue t/main/publishing.ns f/Content/r st a t e g icpolicyMTO.htm
coming home cancer free, after 7 trips and spending 1 million interest from anyone in oz , in my result, dont read my blog unless you are thick skinned.i know my way around the immune system and think your drug based solutions have missed the point, i also need a job when i me any time, i have the latest dc vaccine being injected tomorrow, doing some antibody testing monday csiro , let me know if you want to study a successful colorectal metstatic rat!i am available to assist you however i can.
Executive summary
My application is currently being assessed.
So after
I emailed this to the Sydney Morning Herald, as a nice
This is another test for Australian mainstream media,
I am the patient fisherman, casting out my line with the bait, sooner or later I will get a bite!
Dear MTO P,
One of the criteria is benefit to the tax payer , to the public, i am available and willing to assi st our tists scieni, sp end my l ife, my t ime and energy appor ach ing them, and i have the terminal illness. please approve my claim urgently ,
Our best researchers have no clue about cure, just why it starts, and I have metastatic success. Please think about this.
I am not a scientist, I am not a doctor, I am an average Australian who just stumbled on a workable set of therapies with merit, that work for me, I would like the opportunity to see if its reproducable for other fellow colorectal metastatic patients.
Great article, great research, see my latest results after 14 dc vaccines, 14 tace procedures, in remission, drug delivery strategies for micromets my current focus, and scuba diving.
I have achieved metastatic succes using the best therapies available and have improved the regime everyday in germany .
Executive summary for medical treatment overseas program
Executive summary for medical treatment overseas program a great report even if i did write it myself.
tried calling smh maybe social media is the future,i may have to use facebooki , maybe the press is dead, maybe soon tv, tried.
the smh did a story on me 2010
so did the abc
so did the world
you can be the first to start this all again ? an even better, more miraculous tale, of hope jus t for Xmas, our world needs more hope and love, especially those afflicted with illness, with cancer in particular.
they say necessity is the mother of all invention, well I had and have a great necessity to invent and succeed, it gives me pride and joy to share it! please just read the 1000s of pages on the blog and you will see just how easy it is to beat metastatic cancer, i wish it were easy, its not, i am sorry thats the truth, its not even cheap my cure , far from it, but I have life and I share what I have learned. I seek to stay alive and help others, I am not impressed by our scientific or medical estashments or government either, but we get what we deserve and its our responsibility to improve our world, thats what I seek! not fame or fortune, I am already a hero to my kids and thats enough. If my story gives you some hope, a smile that the impossible, is possible, well good. IT IS.
All praise and glory to God, Life is bliss! maybe social media is the future,
All praise and glory to God, Life is bliss!