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Joyful medical debt

*** There is no greater treasure than satisfaction. There is no greater value than love of truth. 
There is no greater happiness than that of the soul. There is no better friend than God (Atman). ***

http://www.smh.com.au/national/health/australian-researchers-make-breakthrough-in-fight-against-bowel-cancer-20141215-127get.html what a great bowel cancer contribution, a team of australian researchers work out how we get our asses on fire, and then another australian father works out how to survive, dare i say thrive. i will email them. I will email the smh, we will see. thanksrona for the link. Remember its not what but who you know. I just had the best chat with best old friend graham, its great to stay in touch with life downunder. The point these researchers have missed, while they go off on their scientific quests without a clear clinical goal in mind, well there are more ways for a tumour to escape a drug than their are stars in the sky, but not our immune system, if we use it wisely. after all its been with us since the dawn of time and the adaptive ability of antibody responses is well known, we just need the targets.

so while the scientists play in there labs, we die by the truck load in australia, but here in frankfurt germany ONE SURVIVES, I WILL SHOW THE WAY, AND GET SOME PAY, THIS MEDICINE WORKS BUT AINT FOR FREE. Tonight I found out a friend of a friend, names peter died of colorectal cancer, he was around my age. He was aware of my success, as many are, but never made contact, like the rest of the world. i must appear crazy and too extreme, alas thats what survival did to me, personally i like the new focused, driven, peaceful, yoga loving man that I am. I wish my with did. Rest in peace Peter, I am resolved to never pressure anyone, i will only help those who approach me! Its for the best i was booted from the cancer survivors network, my old friends, those that are left, can enjoy what they can without my rantings and ravings. this blog is my space, for my views, my ideas and feelings. If it causes any issues, please stop reading, oh and today a small achievement, 400,000 views, and thats with no keywords, just wonderful readers, thank you.

I hope you see that behind all I write, their is a huge energy and drive to survive and share, but often i imagine thats lost in poor, grammar, spelling and expression. one day I will have a blog assistant, as I commence full scale cancer business activities.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4000888/.  Proof of oncothermia, the aussie oncologists, looked at it, assessed it, screwed up the study and now it sits idle in sydney, when it should be used 24 hours per day.
So now I owe nesslehut, reinwald, siebenhuener, kopic. Big bills but I am NED from an imaging point of view. I have life, I can make money, I can pay my debts.
Another letter to government begging for help.
Dear mtop,
I have been supplied these drugs, they have worked as a component of my success for which I am grateful. I have no money to pay this invoice. But doing my best to borrow, beg or steal to pay my doctors.
Somehow I will pay these fine doctors who are saving my life.
Oh, and the best news, my cea is 16 base of 5, as last wednesday blood draw 10am, which is 48 hours post tace, ipt, pdt.
My cea was 42 a week before on wednesday in sydney.
Please appreciate my joyfully awkward position.
With my results so far, I cannot stop treating myself, then I die, and the hope I have for myself and others dies with me.
My clinical success gives my the confidence and courage to simply ask my government for urgent assistance.
My greatest and only skill is that I ask, politely most of the time.
Please step back, look at the miracle I am experiencing and help me.
The media is not interested, yet, maybe one day, maybe never, I may die, as no doctor is giving guarantees at this point, just invoices.
Itschristmas, an approval from mto would make a wonderful letter to put under the tree for me, and my family. I will be cancer free, likely even now, we will see together.
No pressure from me at this joyous time of year, but my doctors need to be paid, how else can they put presents under therechristmass trees.
Or give me the only present I need which is the life there care continues to deliver.
Please ask the priminister to help me.
A letter to the worlds most brilliant cancer scientist. I consider him a friend, I owe him my life, his explations have saved me years of research, centuries of study for me.
My survival is all about focus and cooperation, not the devastation and profit from chemo, not any more. Like nazigermany fell, so will the rain of cancer terror from chemo. My german doctors together will deliver the curative model for metastatic cancer. Is any one listening? Remember I am the floating apple. Or miracle, where are the Australian doctors and scientists.  I beg for help, for support. NOT ONE EMAIL IN ALL MY YEARS GERMAN SUCCESS, YES MEDICAL ARROGANCE, THEY CANNOT LEARN FROM GERMAN DOCTORS, THEY EARN FROM AUSSIE CORPSES LIKE THE VULTURES THEY ARE. THEY CERTAINLY COULD NEVER LEARN FROM A DESPERATE FATHER, I WILL TEACH THEM IN COURT. IT WILL BE A JOYFUL PLEASURE,  THEY WILL PAY A VERY HIGH PRICE FOR THEIR IGNORANCE FOR THERE NEGLIGENCE. IN THE REMNANTS WILL BE A BETTER, HEALTHIER HEALTH SYSTEM.WE WILL LIVE TO SEE IT. HELP ME.
We are humanity, we have, we will and will continue to prevail. As we view hilter as a tragic mistake, so will this era of medicine. Again we need good old fashioned courage and determination,  I have plenty, its free, take it, use it.
Our governments will listen, we elect them. If they fail, we elect a goverment with ears. Now I think abotthas got very big ears. We will see.
Todays therapies the most aggressive ever, as always if I die, its been fun. That's why I blog from the therapy table just in case. This blog is the blog that I pray helps others  then our world is a better place. Thought by thought, action by action.  The power of a single idea.
Humanity is the sum of alot of ideas and there net result on our world, so observe and discipline your thoughts. I need too, some of my blogging is from the heart, not the head. I need to get back to the ashram.
Today i have doubled b17 to 24 grams based on stompler conference presentations, he has my uptmost respect. Also 4grams xeloda, one off highest ever dose 2 hours, pre delivery insulin. Now we are delivering oncothermia to micrometadtatic sites in a highly targetted and scheduled many.
Maybe curing cancer is like the miracle of conception, they both deal with life. The former the end, the latter the start. You can have as much sex as you want, but its all in the timing. The miracle of us all, is the delivery of the sperm to the egg and we have uniqueness, still just a small single cell that grew into me, into you. And with evolution and growth of the mind and soul we merge into the wonder of humanity.
I am so aware of our suffering,  specifically cancer suffering and pain and loss, and my experience says we can greatly reduce it. Help me.
So as the sperm magically finds the egg, well the api the active pharmaceutical ingredients need to be delivered to the micrometastasis hiding in my body. Its the ongoing management of these micromets that is the hallmark of metastatic success.
So how to deliver api to target. Dimple targetted and timed oncothermia and tace and direct injection. Every patient is different and the treatment tailored. The large scale evidence based drug delivery model used to justify treatment and funding crude and outdated. Simply we know better and its incumbent on scientists and doctors and politicians, indeefon us all to demand change for those vulnerable amongst us, those without a voice.
Who will speak for them. I am the blogger in the wilderness, noone but you my readers listens, i pray that changes. That i can go diving on a tropical island and be living proof of the value of this meficine.
Oh and the truth, the real awkward painful truth? Do you want it? My costs say 1m, iam say a one in 50 successes here. No doctor here will give me a number, but i am the only success ongerhard siebenhueners wensite. So my life, this message you are reading effectively cost, 50 lives and 50 million dollars, so we cannot afford it as a community in its present configuration. Maybe the odds are 1 in 10 or 1 in 100. The latter more likely. Adjust the money and lives accordingly. Do you get the point.
This awareness is precisely why i share so vigorously, i know the value of my blessing, of my miracle to generate a million miracles, i am not wrong.
I am like edison gazing at his brillant gloriously glowing light globe. The first one, now imagine all the bulbs that have lighted human existence. But his eyes saw the first. The power of his idea, determination, lighted human history, just as the wheel eons ago, as will our childrens inventions propel humanity out of the darkness. I feel the same looking at clear ultrasound screens and the best lood results in a year. My liver is so strong.
But today i just see one extra life saved, then 2, and then 3 soon thousands, then hundreds of thousands, them yes millions.
The absolute secret of my success os my focus and my effort. The only patients i will coach by necesdity have to prove that to me. So i adopt the indian yoga guru model and continue to pray for humility while trying to sell, indeed yell my message about my story from the roof tops.
Oh the science getting maximin blood flow to the tumour sites using targettedoncothermia in the insulin sugar drop window. As my glucose fslls, my tumoursinjest b17 xeloda, curcumin at See uch massive doses, idont publish these. If you desire the most focused and aggressive treatments, contact me. How to do that you first test.

Oh and why go so hard, well its the day before dc vaccine delivery, then next dc cellular delivery by tace and gcmaf to all the lymphs nearest to sites of treated metastatic disease.
Whats the difference between german doctors and australian. The german are free to practice medicine, in australia, they are handcuffed. As a tax payer, i demand a royal commission into the medical system which has resulted in such huge costs in lives lost, dollars wasted.
The ideas in the last week of blogging are a bit more intense, a bit more focused. It happens when a get clinical success, i will shutup when i die, promise!
Until then i deal with my truth and discharge my duty to humanity, are you? Help me?

Please email the pm, start a petition, help me.

Say something coherrent about this issue. As i attacked my cancer problem as wisely and aggressively as possible, yes brute force, and scatter gun. I suggest the same approaches to goverment and the ama.

The please help us plea from the dying and the tears of berreved loved ones, well it just makes the fat and lazy and blind and deaf establishment laugh. They dance with joy on our graves. But no longer.
We have to unite,
We have to fight.

Our ancestors sat around gazing into fires, looking up to the moon, then to the stars that are calling humanity. But first lets fix cancer, then our planet, then the stars.
The nice thing, is god is everywhere guiding us, giving us the challenges we each need to grow, yes sometimes very painful lessons. Humanity has time, so do you, so do i.
That is our shared miracle, thankyou for sharing mine, this day in particular.
May your existence be blissful.
Fyi, thanks for talk, today apitargetted all sites old disease using oncothermia in lead up to dc vaccine tomorrow, interesting days.
Feel free to refer my p2x7 success to any media, as I have been ineffective,  the public interest may help mtodecision. Its a story of hope.
Like schindlers list, your antibody is the American army in ww2, the cancer patients the jews, I want as many aussies in duderstadt as humanly possible.
This is what xmas is about love.
Regardless,  my sincere thanks

Blood tests and immune profiles for your joy.
Cea 16 down from 42 in 2 days therapy gerhardvogl.
Sharing proof of your combined great skill, joint clinical wisdom and our success.
Tomorrows cea interesting as doing hardest ipt today ever 4 grams xeloda, 24 grams b17, dca, 300 grams curcumin. 3 hours targettedoncothermia which ensures maximal delivery micromets.
The result will reflect heavy ketosis, heavy gcmaf, heavy ipt oncothermia, and met therapy.
You taught me alot, allow me to show you how hard we can treat a health body with non toxic xeloda excepted treatments
I will test and try all the aggressive therapies for my customers.
Yours in complete metastatic success,
Please look at bloods, I think excellent,  let me know comments.
Keeping my government copied here, they may see the wisdom of paying medical bills to keep me alive, at least long enough to share what you have taught me here in germany about clinically managing metastatic cancer. Maybe cured, certainly managable as a chronic illness. Μy government may ignore me at there political peril, to much is at stake to delay, just too many lives.


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